Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 836 The Tang Kingdom that Unifies the World Brings Fairness to All

At this moment, in a mainland sea bamboo city in Beihai.

A young man appeared in this Haicheng City, his name was Mengzanglong, and his master was Duanmuci. Due to the recommendation of his master Duanmuci, he was able to enter Chang'an University, the highest institution of the Tang Dynasty.

However, since he was born in a small village in Beihai, he had never been to a big city since he was a child, so he couldn't help but be surprised when he arrived in this big city now.

"Is this the big city? It's amazing."

Meng Zanglong was shocked. He looked at the high-rise buildings around him, as well as the spacious roads, as well as all kinds of magical animals.

He felt as if he had appeared in Otherworld, a scene that could never be seen in the countryside.

"Grandpa the housekeeper, didn't you say that even in a big city, there will be many beggars, and many people will starve to death? Why does it seem that everyone lives and works in peace and contentment?"

Meng Zanglong asked in confusion.

Although he has never left his village, he has heard about many things from the outside world from the old people in the village, and he can be regarded as having a preliminary impression of the outside world.

According to the old man in the village, the outside cities are very dangerous, and there is a kind of noble creature, which discriminates against them, the commoners, and can kill them at will.

So if it's not a last resort, don't leave the village and go to other cities.

"Haha, that's all about the old Huang Li."

At this time, an old man in a tuxedo appeared beside him. He was Duanmuci's housekeeper. At this moment, he was also responsible for taking care of Meng Canglong and leading him to Chang'an City.

"If it were decades ago, the nobles were rampant and domineering, and it would be a hell for ordinary people to kill and rob ordinary people, but since Beihai was ruled by the Tang Kingdom, these rules have been completely abolished, and everyone needs to follow the Tang Kingdom's laws, No one is above the law.

The old butler smiled slightly: "Of course, the appearance of the Tang Kingdom not only brought order to many continents in the North Sea, and made the entire sea area live and work in peace and contentment, but it also brought prosperity to the local people.

They brought advanced construction experience, re-planned the major cities in Beihai, and built high-rise buildings and houses with different styles, so that everyone has a house.

Various highways and railways have also been designed for the entire continent, making the transportation facilities of each continent very developed, often thousands of kilometers of road, can be traveled back and forth within a day.

More importantly, they also brought a large amount of food, so that many continents in the North Sea completely solved the problem of food shortages, and no one will starve to death since then.

He said that the appearance of the Tang Kingdom brought earth-shaking changes to the entire Beihai.

At the beginning, the locals in Beihai were relatively resistant to Tang's rule, but since seeing their life has undergone earth-shaking changes step by step, they began to love Tang's rule instead.

After all, they don't want to go back to that era of hunger and cold.

"I heard before that Tang is the only country in the whole world. I don't know if it's true?"

Meng Canglong asked curiously.

After all, he is just a country boy, he only knows the knowledge around him, he doesn't know the whole world at all, and he doesn't know what the world is.

"of course it's true."

The housekeeper laughed: "Hundreds of years ago, Tang Kingdom was just an ordinary country, and the whole world was torn apart and divided into four major sea areas. There were countless countries fighting in it, and the war had been in chaos for tens of millions of years. people.

However, the Tang Kingdom received the protection of the ancient gods and was born. In just a few hundred years, it unified the four seas and wiped out all the countries in the world. "

He was very emotional.

To be honest, he can't imagine that there is really a country in the world that unifies the whole world, even if it unifies a sea area, it is an unimaginable imperial overlord.

But the Tang state swept all the countries in the whole world, with absolutely invincible strength, overwhelmed all dissatisfaction, made countless countries collapse, and realized a unified regime.

This is a grand undertaking that even a dream can't imagine.

"That is to say, before the Tang Kingdom did not unify the world, wouldn't the world be very chaotic?"

Meng Canglong asked curiously.

"Of course it's confusing.

The old housekeeper nodded: "Don't look at us coming out of the village, it is very safe to arrive at the city of Haizhu City, but that was after the Tang Kingdom unified the world.

…for flowers

Before the Tang Kingdom did not unify the world, there were pirates everywhere on the ocean. Anyone who dared to go out to sea might be attacked by pirates and die.

Don't think that there are only pirates in the ocean, and there are bandits on the land. These bandits are all over the mountains and are composed of some extremely vicious people who rob people who pass by.

So decades ago, even if the major cities in Beihai wanted to travel, it was very difficult, and even a team of bodyguards had to be hired to dare to leave their own city and go to other cities. "

"It's so dangerous?"

Hearing these words, Meng Zanglong was taken aback immediately. Even from these words, he could clearly know how chaotic and disorganized the various continents were at that time.

This is simply the hell of ordinary people. If you don't have the strength, if you dare to appear in the wild, it will be your own death.

"And cultivation is not as simple as it is now. At that time, only nobles could cultivate. Even if ordinary people wanted to cultivate, there was no way, because it was not only cultivation resources, but even cultivation methods and monopoly were in the hands of nobles, and commoners. If you want to get ahead, you can only rely on the nobles and become the servants of the nobles, then you can get the rewards of the nobles and become a warrior.

The old butler said solemnly.


Meng Zanglong was very shocked in his heart. If it was just chaos, it would be fine. If there was still force, then they could still protect themselves and their wealth.

But if even the armed forces were monopolized by the nobles, then the commoners would simply have no future.

No wonder it was said that before the Tang Dynasty ruled Beihai, Beihai was simply a hell for the common people. Only the nobles were considered human beings, and everyone else could only be regarded as dogs.

It is because of this that the old people in the village are so afraid of the outside world. After all, they can still be people when they stay in the village. Once they leave the village, they can only be dogs.

"So you also know the greatness of Tang country, it only brings one thing to everyone, and that is fairness.

The old housekeeper's eyes showed a hint of coldness: "The fairness of learning martial arts, the fairness of education, the fairness of survival, and the fairness of wealth, so that all commoners can enjoy all the rights in this world just like the nobles." Qi,

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