Liu Yun's words reminded Ye Lingyue.

Since the opening of the old Kunlun site, more and more special rune bones and some rune bones have appeared.

Most of these rune bones come from hunting Kunlun ancient beasts.

Others, like the lunar rover, were dug up from ruins in various places.

They fell into the hands of different forces respectively.

Among them, there are many artisan dwarf tribes, or patron saints like Lei Yiming, and some are in the hands of major forces.

If you want to get it, in addition to plundering, you can only trade it through a legitimate monthly set.

It's a pity that the monthly episode only has a few days a month.

Even if Ye Lingyue wanted to trade, she would have to wait for a while.

"Miss Yang, is the Shunfeng ear rune on your ear?"

Liu Tang is much more introverted than Liu Yun, but he is not as unfamiliar with Ye Lingyue as other people. This may be because Ye Lingyue took him to Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff, and Ye Lingyue took care of him there. There are still some impressions.

He also knew that the Shunfeng Ear Rune Bone, which once made him extremely painful, is now on Ye Lingyue's body.

Ye Lingyue nodded.

"It seems that it is more suitable for you than for me."

Liu Tang said with some envy.

Although he fused the Shunfeng ear rune bone at that time, it was only a very abrupt piece. The position behind the ear was much different from that of Ye Lingyue.

Now that he thinks about it, it is because he is overly capable and forcibly integrates it.

"Speaking of fusion, I have something I want to ask you, what did you hear after you fused the Shunfeng ear rune bone?"

Ye Lingyue wanted to find out whether what she and Liu Tang heard were the same.

"It's just some wailing, screaming injustice, there are men and women. After I hear it once, I will forget it. All I know is that they are crying day and night, my head is about to explode, and my will is confused. , have you ever encountered such a scene?"

Liu Tang asked curiously.

"I also heard some strange noises, but they have all disappeared."

Ye Lingyue said with a smile.

Judging from Liu Tang's appearance, he should not be lying.

It seems that he did not hear the voice of the Destiny Nian Shi family.

Ye Lingyue touched the rune bone on the earlobe.

This rune bone should be related to the bloodline of the Master of Destiny.

Although the other teachers reluctantly integrated, they still could not fully comprehend the various mysteries. Only the descendants of the true Destiny Teacher family could integrate.

Ye Lingyue was able to blend perfectly because of the ancient thought power on her body.

Ye Lingyue plans to fuse another clairvoyant rune bone tonight to see what changes it can bring to him.

The siblings have since settled down in Beiyi Abandoned City, and Ye Lingyue went to find Kunlun Mosun, and heard from Diyang Qingfeng and others that Kunlun Mosun was injured when fighting against Jiu Ming Buddha.

Ye Lingyue found the Kunlun Demon Bamboo Shoot in the Temple of the Mother Earth.

At Ye Lingyue's insistence, Su Yu and Chen Ri rebuilt the Temple of the Mother Earth together.

It's a pity that the temple is just an appearance, and it does not enshrine the temple of the mother of the earth.

Although the power of the Mother Earth has basically been absorbed by Ye Lingyue and others, the Kunlun Demon Bamboo's favorite place to stay is still here.

After smelling Ye Lingyue's breath, Kunlun Demon Bamboo Shoots emerged from the ground.

"How did you become like this?"

Ye Lingyue saw the ashen-faced magic bamboo shoots.

Its bamboo shoots are all tattered, and the bamboo shoots that were originally green have now turned sickly yellow.

Not only that, but the magic bamboo shoot, which had already jumped to half a person's height, shrunk a lot after being injured by the Nine Life Buddha. Now it is only the size of Ye Lingyue's palm.

Seeing its pitiful appearance, Ye Lingyue couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"It's not that woman called Nine Lives Buddha. Her mind power is too strong, and it directly dissipates my source power. I have to hibernate in the ground and re-condense the power of the earth."

Kunlun Demon Bamboo said in frustration.

For the Kunlun magic bamboo shoots, the power of origin is the source of power for its survival and growth.

The scary thing about the Nine Lives Buddha is that her mind power can find the source power of the Kunlun Demon Bamboo Shoot and defeat it.

The Kunlun Demon Bamboo has no way to condense the power of the source, so naturally it cannot counterattack, nor can it control the Kunlun Demon Bamboo.

The Kunlun Demon Bamboo has to lie dormant in the ground for at least a month before it can recover its original power.

"Then do you want revenge?"

Ye Lingyue smiled and patted Xiao Mosun's head.

"Vengeance? Of course I want to, I dream of it!"

When Kunlun Demon Bamboo heard that it could take revenge, it lifted its head all of a sudden, but soon, it drooped its head again.

"But how could I take revenge, that woman is amazing, she is a pervert!"

The tone of Kunlun Demon Bamboo is exactly the same as that of Emperor Yang Qingfeng.

Ye Lingyue seriously suspected that the guy from Diyang Qingfeng had damaged the Kunlun Demon Bamboo Shoot.

"It's a matter of human beings, if you go with me to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, we will find an opportunity for revenge. To tell you the truth, I plan to drive the Moon Shot Car to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, and also see if there are any nearby abandoned cities. Opportunity to find the power of the earth."

Ye Lingyue came this time, and wanted to collect some of the power of the earth.

But seeing the little devil shoots like this, she couldn't bear it anymore.

She specifically went to ask Chen Ri, where is it possible to find more power of the earth.

Chen Ri proposed two methods.

"The first way is to clean up that kid Lei Yiming."

Lei Yiming still has a part of the power of the earth.

Of course, that is only a small part of the power of the earth, but it is better than nothing.

Another way is to find other powers of the earth in the ruins of the hundred cities.

At the beginning, the mother of the earth was the only shrine on the Kunlun Tianmai, second only to the Kunlun Queen and the Destiny Nian Shi family.

The number of her temples is even more numerous, not even less than nine god kings.

Where there is a temple, there may be the power of the earth.

Ye Lingyue brought the Kunlun magic bamboo shoots, intending to find the power of the earth all the way.

Because in terms of sensing the power of the earth, Kunlun Demon Bamboo is obviously much stronger than Ye Lingyue.

"That seems to be a good idea."

When Xiao Mosun heard that he could take revenge, he was intrigued and decided to leave Beiyi Abandoned City with Ye Lingyue.

Everything is ready and only owed to Dongfeng. After Ye Lingyue interrupted and fused the clairvoyant rune bone, she set off to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas.

When we arrived at the residence, it was already around dawn.

Ye Lingyue took out the clairvoyant rune bone.

It was a rune bone in the shape of a cat's eye, but the size of a dragon's eye. It was pitch black, like a night sky without the moon and stars. Ye Lingyue glanced at it, but did not see the ancient rune on it.

With the last fusion experience and a trip to Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff, Ye Lingyue's attainments in ancient runes have improved a lot.

She sat cross-legged and began to crack the clairvoyant rune bone.

When Ye Lingyue's thought power continued to pour into the clairvoyant rune bones.

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