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When the mind power poured into the clairvoyant rune bones, Ye Lingyue recalled the secret of integrating the clairvoyance rune bones that Liu Yun had told earlier.

"The rune of the clairvoyant rune bone is hidden in the rune bone, and it must have enough power of thought. Once the power of thought is not enough, the ancient runes on it will not appear."

Liu Yun's words seemed to be in his ears.

According to what Liu Yun said, Ye Lingyue continuously integrated the mind power into the rune bones.

But it was such a small longan-sized rune bone. After Ye Lingyue injected all of her thoughts into it, she found that the rune bone still did not respond at all.

On the dark bones, not a single ancient rune appeared.

"How is this going?"

Ye Lingyue was very surprised.

Did Liu Yun lie to her?

Ye Lingyue pondered, Liu Yun had no reason to deceive herself, her mind power cultivation base was similar to Ye Lingyue's.

Although she is a Tian Nian Shi and Ye Lingyue is a high-level Nian Shi, Ye Lingyue is much stronger than Liu Yun in terms of power control.

Unless... Ye Lingyue looked at the still dark rune bones, and suddenly thought of something.

This rune bone is the second fusion rune bone.

When I first merged, I wanted so much psychic power.

The second fusion may require more mind power.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingyue no longer hesitated, and also injected the much stronger power of the ancient destiny in her body into the rune bone.

At this moment, on the black rune bone, a ray of light like a meteor flashed.

On the rune bones, spots of light finally appeared.

It finally appeared.

Ye Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, Ye Lingyue realized that she was having a good time.

The light spots became brighter and brighter, and they drilled out black runes, but they were not the ancient runes that Ye Lingyue was familiar with, but a pair of eyes.

Countless light spots turned into countless eyes.

These eyes are all around Ye Lingyue's side.

"these are?"

Ye Lingyue's expression became serious.

Those eyes, big and small.

They stared at Ye Lingyue in unison.

Ye Lingyue felt dizzy in front of her eyes.

She felt a sharp pain in her brain, and the scene in front of her suddenly became blurred.

Those eyes... the eyes of a teacher.

In those eyes, there is thought power.

They are constantly attacking Ye Lingyue.


Ye Lingyue felt that her breathing became cramped and her heartbeat quickened a lot.

A lot of thought power attacked her from all directions.

This kind of mind power attack is even more terrifying than a direct attack on the flesh.

Ye Lingyue had no way of condensing her thoughts, and her mind was full of mud.

She closed her eyes, forcing herself not to look at those odd eyes.

But even if she closed her eyes, in her mind, those eyes still appeared one by one.

They lingered and got into her mind.

Brain, as if about to explode.

Too much thought power poured into her mind.

Ye Lingyue had to hug her head, she gasped for breath.

At this time, she touched the Shunfeng ear rune on her ear.

"We are Destiny Mindfulness Masters, we are born for mind power, as long as our mind is firm, no one's mind power can interfere with us. As long as our mind is firm, we can even interfere with the mind power of others in the opposite direction. You need to learn the principles when you are in a relationship. Give yourself to others. If others interfere with you, you must interfere with others."

A voice, gentle and kind, fell into Ye Lingyue's ears.

That voice made Ye Lingyue's body, which was already on the verge of collapse, relax all of a sudden.

She remembered the voice.

That voice lingered in her ears desperately.

It was the old Nian Shi, the old man who escaped from the Kunlun Tianmai with the Destiny Nian Shi family.

Ye Lingyue's heart moved.

She suddenly thought of the relief on Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff.

Getting started with the Master of Destiny.

Give him back to him.

A true Destiny Mind Master can use her own mind power for her own use.

Mind power backlash.

This is what you must learn after reading the master.

Ye Lingyue's heart moved, and at this moment, she only felt that her mind was clear.

Those psychic attacks that made her feel unbearable had also become less terrifying.

Ye Lingyue opened her eyes.

Those terrifying eyes still surround him.

But this time, she didn't dodge anymore.

The thought power in her body was like ripples in the water, spreading little by little.

scoff- scoff-

At the same time as the thought power spread, those eyes shattered like a mirror.

There was only clarity around.

On that cat-eye-like black rune bone, a sudden light flickered.

All over it, ancient runes appeared one after another.

Under the action of the ancient rune, the rune bone was suspended in mid-air.

Ye Lingyue's thought power entered the rune bone again.

The rune bone slowly fell, like a drop of water, on Ye Lingyue's right eye.

Ye Lingyue only felt a ticklish feeling in her eyes, as if something was digging into it.

Around, those thoughts all disappeared.

Rune bones?


Ye Lingyue was a little surprised, she walked to the mirror and took a look.

There was nothing unusual about her right eye.

But if you look closely, there seems to be an extra pupil on her right eye.

"Heavy pupils?"

Ye Lingyue was a little surprised.

She looked around again.

Strangely, Ye Lingyue did not see the strange shadow that appeared after the fusion of the rune bones that Liu Yun mentioned earlier.

She went out again.

The sky was getting brighter outside, and it was almost dawn.

Ye Lingyue looked far into the distance, the vision was still the same, and it was not much clear.

"There doesn't seem to be any change."

Ye Lingyue was a little confused.

She rubbed her eyes, except for the heavy pupils, there was indeed no change.

Ye Lingyue thought for a while and walked towards the city gate.

Everything is ready, she has to go to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas at dawn.

The Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas is a long way from the Abandoned City of Beiyi, and Jiu Ming Buddha requested to arrive within three days.

It took Ye Lingyue a day to return from Jiudangling Jueya.

She worried that if she delayed any longer, Shui Feng would die.

Fortunately, Pang Gu had already agreed to help repair the tires of the moon-shooting vehicle. In this way, Ye Lingyue could drive to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, which would save a lot of time.

Along the way, the scenery is still the same, and the benefits of clairvoyance are not seen.

"Could it be that the fusion failed?"

Ye Lingyue thought to herself.

Even if the fusion fails, she has to go to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, which is a waste of a special rune bone, Ye Lingyue said regretfully.

It is not so easy to find another clairvoyant rune bone.

Ye Lingyue thought to herself that she had already arrived in the city.

It was still early in the morning, but Ye Lingyue felt a wave of thought power fluctuations.

This is?

Ye Lingyue's heart moved, and she looked at the open space in front of her.

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