Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

The fourth thousand two hundred and ninety-seventh chapters are unreasonable for him

"Is there something wrong with Changsun Xueying's flying rune bone?"

Nine Lives Buddha was taken aback.

That woman couldn't get the courage to eat the ambitious leopard, so she actually sold the fake flying rune bones to her?

Ye Lingyue looked back.

"It's not just you, other people are the same. There are some problems with the flying rune bones that she handled, not fake ones, but some problems. You will understand when you enter the Queen's Valley. Five pairs of flying rune bones. It's not much, but it's enough for you."

After Ye Lingyue finished speaking, she took out five pairs of flying rune bones from the box.

The box has bottomed out.

Jiu Ming Buddha kept muttering in his heart.

She knew that there must be something in there.

But what Ye Lingyue said was right, only the top 30 on the Jade List could enter the Queen's Valley, and five pairs of flying rune bones, including her and Zitang's, the remaining three pairs were enough for the Buddhist sect to use.

"It seems that the eldest grandson Xueying still underestimates you. You have gained a lot in Laoshan District for more than a month."

Jiu Ming Buddha knew it in his heart.

It must be what Ye Lingyue experienced during her time in Laoshan.

If Ye Lingyue didn't say it, she wouldn't pull herself down to ask.

"Zitang, if you encounter it, let him return to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas as soon as possible. In addition, you should have an explanation for the matter of the Yangquan Temple. What kind of temple master, I really hate it."

After Jiu Ming Buddha finished speaking, he also descended the mountain with a group of people from the Buddhist sect.

When the Nine Life Buddha was completely gone, Ye Lingyue also left the boundary of Cangshan City.

Ye Lingyue looked around and determined that there was no one, so she took out the Jiuzhou Cauldron.

"Ghost Pixiu, what's going on?"

Just now, she was walking on the mountain road.

Ghost Pixiu suddenly choked, reminding her that there were signs left by a little boy on the side of the road.

"Little master is in trouble,

We have to save him. "

Ghost Pixiu said worriedly.

"According to Nine Lives Buddha, they were taken away by Zitang. Could it be that what trouble did Zitang encounter?"

Ye Lingyue said suspiciously.

She still trusts Zitang.

Although he is not an authentic disciple of Buddhism, Zitang is not a master who kills innocent people indiscriminately.

"The little master left a mark along the way. We will follow the mark and we will find them."

After Ghost Pixiu said, Ye Lingyue could only nod.

"We followed it all the way. But if the person was taken away by Zitang, don't worry too much. Yubang has just been announced. It stands to reason that within three days, he must enter the nearby Kunlun fortress like me and go to Jiubao. When Ling Jueya."

Ye Lingyue guessed that the little boy and Diyang Qingfeng were still in Zitang's hands.

Otherwise, with the cunning skills of Xiaoxiao Hu, there is really no one who can trap him.

It's just that Ye Lingyue doesn't know why Zitang kidnapped Diyang Qingfeng and the little boy for no reason.

Naturally, Ye Lingyue couldn't guess that Zitang didn't plan to bring those two oil bottles at all.

Qianlan Buddha's half-way attack revealed that Zitang was carrying Kunlun's secretary, so Zitang had to leave with Diyang Qingfeng and the little boy.

Not long after getting rid of the Qianlan Buddha, Zitang left the city.

As for the little boy and Diyang Qingfeng...

"No reason, Zitang, you are kidnapping!"

Diyang Qingfeng was bound with his hands and feet.

The same is true for the little boy, one of them is in front and the other is behind. Except for a pair of legs, the upper body of the two is bound by the power of thought, unable to move.

When they were in Cangshan City, they were even worse, they couldn't even speak, their tongues were as stiff as stones.

Only then did Di Yang Qingfeng realize that Zitang's mind control had reached an outrageous level.

Their eyes, nose, and mouth are not theirs.

If Zitang is willing, they will not even obey their legs.

What kind of mind control power is this?

"Just save your energy, they don't care about you at all, okay?"

A little boy knows a lot.

He saw clearly, this handsome uncle is a master.

He and Diyang Qingfeng fell into his hands, so he could only let him slaughter them.

Years of surviving experience in Eudemons Heaven told the little boy that at this time, obedience is more effective than resistance.

"You know the shit, this kid doesn't know where to get us. But don't want to kill people. We don't want to know that he has Secretary Kunlun."

Di Yang Qingfeng felt a grievance in his heart.

In the past few months, he has been in a state of flux.

Good days are just a few days away.

The little boy looked at Zitang.

"Good-looking uncle, what kind of Kunlun secretary is really in your hands?"

Zitang did not answer.

"So that iron hat on the street that day was not you at all?"

The little boy persevered and continued to ask questions.

"I'm not that stupid."

Zitang finally opened his mouth.

He did get the Kunlun secretary.

The Kunlun secretary that Jiu Ming Buddha, the eldest grandson Xueying and even the pirates have tried so hard to ask for is in his hands.

As for how he got it, it is also a coincidence.

That day, the ghost river was flooded.

Although he was not from the Buddhist sect, he knew that the Thousand Buddhas ruined the city because of the Taoist sect.

Just on the way, he saw the Nine Lives Buddha out of the city.

At that time, the flood in the city was about to subside, and the White Dragon King appeared.

Zitang is hidden in the dark, knowing that the actions of the Nine Lives Buddha are somewhat suspicious.

He followed all the way.

Unexpectedly, I saw Jiu Ming Buddha and the eldest grandson Xueying fighting there.

It's different from the fairy fight in Qinglong District this time.

Zitang clearly realized that it was an excellent opportunity.

Daomen brought the main force to excavate the ruins, and there must be good things in it.

Taking advantage of the two of them unprepared, he entered the ruins.

The Kunlun secretary, he took it away.

It's just the contents of that secretary...

"That's the fact that the iron bamboo hat is really not you. But you have figured out the words on the secretary? Would you like me to check it out for you? Although I'm young, I can recognize quite a few words."

The little boy probed.

Diyang Qingfeng on the side rolled his eyes.

This kid, clever is mistaken by cleverness.

This guy, Zitang, is very shrewd, how can he be fooled.

"Oh? You still recognize a lot of words?"

Unexpectedly, after Zitang heard it, he took out a page of paper from his body.

"Then look, what are the words on it."

Di Yang Qingfeng's eyeballs almost didn't fall out.

He tried to open his eyes wide, trying to read the words clearly.

But Zitang used his body to block Diyang Qingfeng's sight.

The little boy was also stunned.

So casual, let him watch?

"This is Secretary Kunlun? Good-looking uncle, aren't you afraid that I read the whistleblower?"

The little boy hesitated.

"I'm not afraid if you tell her. It's just telling her. I'm not afraid that she will follow. No one can enter that place except me."

Zitang said indifferently.

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