Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

The fourth thousand two hundred and ninety-eight chapters explore the seabed gods again

Diyang Qingfeng was confused.

The little boy was ashamed.

"You...know that I left a mark?"

The little boy thought that he did it perfectly.

"I've done all your little tricks."

Zitang said solemnly.

"Hey, good-looking uncle, you also had a rebellious period? My father said that I am in a rebellious period now, and I don't listen to anything."

The little boy's eyes glowed, as if he had found a bosom friend.

"Don't interrupt, the word, do you recognize it?"

Zitang is not cold about being regarded as a bosom friend of a young boy.

"I don't know."

The little boy pouted.

In fact, he really knew a lot of words, but he really didn't recognize any of the words on it.

"Then ask someone you know."

After Zitang finished speaking, his spiritual thoughts moved.

Diyang Qingfeng and the little boy's legs did not obey their orders and walked straight forward.

"Zitang, do you still have humanity? You don't eat or drink, you've been walking for a day and a night. Where are you taking us?"

Diyang Qingfeng was very depressed.

It didn't take long for him to recover from his serious illness, and his body hasn't recovered yet.

"When you get there, you will naturally know."

Zitang's thought power drove the two of them to move forward.

"Hey, good-looking uncle, you can't slow down. I can't even leave a mark. She's going to get lost, so don't blame me."

The little boy knew it.

Zitang already knew,

I contacted Ye Lingyue myself.

He did it on purpose, to take Ye Lingyue somewhere.

This guy has a really weird temper.

Since he wants people to go with him, he will stop and wait for others.

The three were on their way, and it was another day and night.

From the mountains and forests to the flat land, after passing through several abandoned cities, Zitang did not intend to enter.

He went all the way to the misty sea.

"Why is it the sea...the seaside."

Tiyang Qingfeng, who was tired and weary, could not help but cramp in his calf when he saw the boundless misty sea.

"You go with me."

Zitang made Diyang Qingfeng's legs free, but he still tied it to an old tree on the shore.

"Wait, you are all down, what should I do?"

Di Yang Qingfeng was speechless.

"Wait for her."

Zitang didn't say much, took out the Shui Lingzhu, and looked at the little boy at the same time.

"Follow me."

After all, he jumped into the misty sea.

The little boy thought for a while, but his curiosity still prevailed. He turned around and jumped into the water.

The moment he entered the water, the little boy turned into a koi the size of a palm.

"Hey, boy, you're both gone! Come back."

Diyang Qingfeng wanted to cry without tears.

In the misty sea, the waves were rolling, and there were still traces of Zitang and the little boy.

When Ye Lingyue arrived near Misty Sea, it was already the second morning.

When he found Diyang Qingfeng, he was almost collapsed.

"I swear that if I ever meet that Zitang again, I will cramp and peel him off."

Diyang Qingfeng had already fainted from the sun several times.

Until Ye Lingyue appeared in front of him, he almost burst into tears.

"What about people?"

Ye Lingyue looked around.

The mark of the little boy disappeared in this area.

"It's been down for a long time. Aunt, next time you meet that Zitang, please stay away. Secretary Kunlun is in his hands. This guy, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, fooled us all."

Diyang Qingfeng wailed again and again.

"The secretary is actually in his hands?"

Ye Lingyue tried to untie Diyang Qingfeng, but found that there was no way to untie Diyang Qingfeng's psychic bondage.

"You boil it again, there is some water here, I'll go down and check it out."

Ye Lingyue looked at the boundless Misty Sea and was a little confused about Zitang's behavior.

Zitang came to Misty Sea, what was he going to do?

Did he bring the little boy here because he also discovered that the little boy has the ability to break the barrier?

"not good."

Ye Lingyue snapped back to her senses.

I'm afraid it's true.

Zitang must have also discovered the special ability of the little boy.

The ruins of a mysterious temple at the bottom of the sea.

Ye Lingyue immediately took out Yin Kun's scales.

After half an hour, Yin Kun did not appear.

"What's the matter? That guy Yin Kun."

Ye Lingyue frowned.

She doesn't have a water spirit bead to protect her body, and even if she enters the misty sea, she won't be able to last long.

Another half an hour, Yin Kuncai appeared again.

"How did you become like this?"

Ye Lingyue first saw Yin Kun's appearance, the fins were broken in several places, and there were few intact scales on her body, so she couldn't help frowning.

"It's a long story. I'm so unlucky."

Yin Kun choked up.

"That group of pirates were too deceiving. They almost discovered the Undersea God Territory and tried to break through several times. I took my shrimp soldiers and crab generals and managed to resist it. But at that time, suddenly came a sea of ​​scorching seabeds. Yaoyang, I fought with the opponent for a few rounds, and it became like this. After I was repelled, Yaoyang wanted to enter the Undersea God Realm, but fortunately, it was blocked by the enchantment."

When Yin Kun saw Ye Lingyue, he couldn't help pouring out his bitterness.

Pirates again?

Doomsday Yaoyang also shot.

Ye Lingyue was shocked.

It must have been the pirates who discovered the existence of the Underwater God Domain when they searched nearby.

In other words, Liu Qibian knew the existence of the Undersea God Domain.

"I can stop it this time, not next time."

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals under Yin Kun's command lost nearly half this time.

Last time, the fluffy little boys lost a lot of their troops.

"Apart from them, has anyone entered the Undersea God Realm before?"

Ye Lingyue asked.

Counting the time, Zitang should only be half a day later than the pirates.

"It shouldn't, the enchantment didn't respond."

Yin Kun wondered.

"It's too late, it looks like Zitang has already entered. Let's go down."

Ye Lingyue smiled bitterly.

It seemed that she and the pirates had finally lost half a step to Zitang.

Yin Kun was also very surprised when he heard that someone had broken into the Undersea God Realm.

After negotiating with it, Yin Kun agreed and gave Ye Lingyue a touch of divine imprint with her little ancient immortal power.

"This divine seal can keep you breathing freely at the bottom of the sea for two hours. But whether or not it can allow you to enter that undersea divine realm, and how much you can enter, depends on your fortune."

Yin Kun could only watch Ye Lingyue enter the depths of the Misty Sea.

In the depths of the Misty Sea, the further down you go, the deeper the water is, and it is difficult for the light to enter the bottom of the sea.

Ye Lingyue arrived at the edge of the former Undersea God Realm, and still did not see the little boy and Zitang.

Like last time, she went near the barrier and tried several times, but the barrier didn't reject her.

After successfully entering the barrier, in front, the temples appeared in front of her again.

What complements those temples are the statues of gods inside and outside the temple.

"There are so many temples, I don't know which one Zitang and the little boy went to?"

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