Last time, when Ye Lingyue entered the Undersea God Realm, although she entered the barrier, she did not go deep.

This time, what will happen?

Ye Lingyue looked around.

The front view is obviously much wider than last time.

There are also more temple statues that can be seen.

The surface of these temples and statues seems to be plated with a layer of fireflies, glowing faintly on the bottom of the sea.

At first glance, it is still a little scary.

Yin Kun's Kundan can last for more than an hour.

"Go ahead and have a look, take one step at a time."

Ye Lingyue looked around.

It's a pity that this time, she didn't see the mark left by the little boy.

She followed the waterway and walked forward...

More than a quarter of an hour ago, Zitang and the little boy jumped into the misty sea together.

The little boy turned into a koi and caught up with Zitang.

He also wanted to run away.

But as soon as he entered the water, he was depressed.

That guy in Zitang is really smart.

Around him, wisps of thought power had been woven into a fishnet for some time, and the little koi had been caught in the net.

The little koi can only resign and follow Zitang down.

It didn't take long for one person and one fish to reach the mysterious sea that Ye Lingyue had entered earlier.

The surrounding devil algae has disappeared.

Ye Lingyue and Qiu Yu took away the few devil algae in the sea, which helped Zitang invisibly.

Zitang saw that invisible but powerful barrier again.

"You can go through it,

Is not it? "

Zitang and the little koi were communicating with each other.

"I do not understand what you say."

The little koi decided to pack garlic.

"You have a world beast rune bone on your body, you can open any kind of enchantment, don't force me to dig out that world beast rune bone."

Zitang looked expressionless.

The little koi was so frightened that the fish's tail spasmed.

Too cruel!

This Zitang, like a beast in clothes, actually wants to dig out his special rune bones!

The little koi was very annoyed, how did this guy find his special rune bone?

That thing, he obviously hid it well, even his father didn't find it.

"I'm afraid of you. Forget it, I'll take you in. But the ugly words are at the front, the place is very evil, if you are attacked, I can't save you. In addition, although I have a beast rune bone, but I The cultivation base is low, and some permissions cannot be opened, and at most, you can only enter the outer three layers or so."

The little koi said helplessly, spitting out a few bubbles.

"Looks like you've been in."

Zitang smiled.

The little koi pouted, expressing that he did not want to say more.

"I also broke in unintentionally. But I didn't find anything. There are some cold rocks inside. I don't understand, you still have pirates, breaking their heads one by one, what are you trying to do in here."

After all, it shook its tail.

However, within its body, a pale golden power covered itself and Zitang.

Zitang suddenly felt that the pressure of the surrounding sea water was much less.

He tried to take a step forward, but sure enough, he no longer felt the resistance from the bottom of the sea.

The invisible barrier seemed to disappear.

Zitang and Little Koi entered the Underwater God Realm together.

At that time, the pirates had just been repelled by Yin Kun's troops.

Yin Kun has not recovered his vitality, and because of the little boy, he did not find Zitang and others breaking in.

After Zitang entered the Underwater God Realm, he swept around.

It is very different from Ye Lingyue's first time entering the Undersea God's Domain.

Zitang saw various statues of different shapes, and there was not the slightest curiosity in his eyes.

In his eyes, these idols are just some stones.

He took the little koi and kept walking inside.

Soon, he crossed the outer first layer of the temple that the little boy said.

Next, is the second layer of the outer temple.

All the way to the third floor near the temple.

"Hey, are you still going in?"

The little koi was surprised.

Its authority, at most, can only enter this layer, and then go inside...

"Can't get in?"

Zitang raised his eyebrows, but there was no sign of a pause under his feet.

"You can get in, but..."

The little koi hadn't finished speaking, and suddenly the fish tail swept away, wanting to run away with a swish sound.

But after a few swims, I found that I couldn't move at all.

It has forgotten that it is still controlled by Zitang.

Around, several motionless statues suddenly moved.

They all attacked the purple hall.

"Move and move. You know, these guys are evil. Run away, these guys are very difficult to deal with. Psychic attacks are ineffective. To be precise, the sea water around here is very evil and will interfere with psychic power."

The little koi swayed its tail.


A god statue was directly blown up by Zitang's punch.


The little koi was almost petrified.

A few more muffled sounds.

Many statues were punched by Zitang, and they were smashed.

"Don't think hard."

Zitang continued to move forward.

"That's fine too? Is this the direct use of violence?"

The little koi suddenly realized.

"No, how can you use violence? This is the Undersea God's Domain. Do you know what the Undersea God's Domain is? All the statues here have ancient immortal power. If you break them, be careful to be cursed."


Zitang didn't even bother to answer.

He never believed this.

He went straight forward and passed the third floor of the Undersea God Domain.

"It's here."

Zitang stomped at his feet.

He went to a temple.

"Don't, you still dare to go to the temple!"

The little koi was scared to death.

Before he could finish speaking, he stopped.

Only then did I realize that Zitang had no intention of continuing to go inside.

He just stopped at the periphery of the temple.

"It should be here."

Zitang looked around, but found a blank stone tablet outside the temple.

Next, one of his actions made the little koi stunned.

He raised his hand and broke the blank stone tablet by the waist?


A terrible thunderous sound came from the depths of the sea.

"It's over, the gods must be outraged. You are a tyrannical thing, no, you are destroying public property!"

The little koi almost didn't cry.

He has always felt that he is a junior in middle school, the invincible little destroyer.

But he only learned today that a mountain is still a mountain high. Compared with Zitang, he is a good baby.

"It doesn't matter, it will take more than a quarter of an hour to go from the inside to the outside. Let's go."

Zitang had no idea how much trouble he had caused.

He carried the blank stone tablet on his body.

The stone tablet, which seemed to weigh more than a thousand kilograms, was as light as nothing on his back.

As soon as he kicked his long legs, people galloped out like arrows.

That speed is indeed much faster than the sound coming from the depths of the Undersea God Realm!

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