Here, Zitang took the little koi to pass five levels and cut six generals, and quickly achieved his goal.

They didn't know that Ye Lingyue also entered the Undersea God Realm not long after.

"This ghost place is really big."

Ye Lingyue walked on the seabed for a while, but she did not encounter the seabed fog that blocked the road before.

In front of them, there are only one undersea temple that is very different.

The further you go inside, the better the preservation of the temple.

Their forms are also similar, except that some are larger and some are smaller. The only difference is that the name of the temple is different.

"The Yangquan Temple is placed here, and it should be of a smaller scale."

Ye Lingyue secretly said in her heart.

Unfortunately, Ye Lingyue didn't know many ancient texts, and most of the names of these temples were unknown to her.

"There's no way to go on like this, it's been half an hour."

Ye Lingyue pondered.

She also tried to use the power of mind, but she soon discovered that once the power of mind was released, it would be quickly absorbed by the surrounding sea water.

Come to think of it, this mysterious undersea god domain should have the function of absorbing mind power.

There was only a few hours left, and neither the little boy nor Zitang had any whereabouts.

"I don't know, can the power of the earth be used here?"

Just when Ye Lingyue stood in front of a temple again, a thought flashed in her mind.

Mind power can't be used, maybe the power of the earth can.

According to Yin Kun, the vast divine domain under the sea should have been part of the Kunlun Heavenly Vessel in the past.

Because of the collapse of the Kunlun Heavenly Vessel, it slipped into this sea area.

Ye Lingyue moved in her heart and released the power of the earth.

At the moment when the power of the earth was released.

Ye Lingyue suddenly heard a rumbling sound.

It seems that there is a sound that is transmitted from the depths of the Undersea God's Domain.

Ye Lingyue only felt her scalp go numb, and the sound was very similar to Tiandao Tianlei of Jiudang Ling Jueya.

Could it be that there is also a thunder in the Undersea God Domain?

The sound was still a little far away, but it was getting closer.

"Tsk, could it be that Zitang and the others broke into it?"

Ye Lingyue secretly said, according to Zitang's style, this is really possible.

Once the thunder is triggered, it is likely to bring disaster to the fish pond and be attacked indiscriminately.

Ye Lingyue cursed secretly.

She didn't dare to be careless, thinking about leaving here immediately.

But at this time, the power of the earth she released suddenly felt a sense.

From a certain direction, the power of the earth sensed something.

That power is not as domineering as Tianlei, on the contrary, it is a very familiar and gentle power.

Ye Lingyue once had this feeling in Laoshan.

Zushan of Laoshan District!

Ye Lingyue's heart moved, thinking of the ancestor mountain of the Taiyin family, which is Ye Su's hometown.

Could it be said that there is an existence similar to Zushan in the Undersea God Domain.

On one side is the approaching underwater thunder, and on the other side, is the familiar call.

Ye Lingyue weighed a little, but she still decided to go check it out.

She accelerated under her feet, chasing the power of the earth, chasing towards the familiar power fluctuations.

Behind her, the temples were left behind by her.

Ye Lingyue didn't know how far she ran away.

In front of him, a strange figure flashed by, Ye Lingyue raised her eyes, but what she saw was an underwater god.

It seems that someone is angry that someone has invaded their domain, and the surrounding idols that have been silent for many years suddenly moved.

In the hands of the statue, the sword and halberd slashed over.

Ye Lingyue slipped and avoided the attack, but more and more statues around her moved.

The idol attacked quickly and quickly, and Ye Lingyue was able to avoid it at first.

But as the number of idols increased, Ye Lingyue began to lose energy.

Fortunately, at this time, the source of the power of the earth has arrived.

Ahead, a temple appeared.

"The Temple of the Mother Earth."

When Ye Lingyue saw the temple, she felt that the temple in front of her was exactly the same as the temple of the Taiyin tribe.

Behind them, the statues quickly retreated as soon as they reached the temple of the Mother Earth.

It seems that these idols are all domain-conscious.

"Ayue, Ayue."

Ye Lingyue heard a voice.

"Ye Su?"

That voice made Ye Lingyue think of Mother Earth.

The sound attracted her, and walked forward...

A splash of water.

Diyang Qingfeng heard the sound, and when he looked again, both the little boy and Zitang came out of the water.

"You guys have come out. No, why is it just you, Ye Lingyue?"

Di Yang Qingfeng was overjoyed, and when he looked again, Ye Lingyue did not come out with him, and panicked again.

Zitang threw the stone tablet there.

"She's here too? Good-looking uncle, will something happen to her?"

When the little boy heard this, he became anxious.

"Can't die."

Zitang didn't even look back.

"Anyway, you let me go first. I'm going down to find Ye Lingyue."

Di Yang Qingfeng scolded a few words, and his body loosened, but his feet still couldn't move freely.

"Zitang, what do you mean, I want to go down."

Di Yang Qingfeng stared at the misty sea and was anxious.

"There is thunder below, we were almost killed by lightning, you will die if you go down."

The little boy was worried, grabbed Diyang Qingfeng, and told the whole story.

Di Yang Qingfeng counted the time, Ye Lingyue went down at that time.

She was only afraid that she was going to encounter Tianlei.

"It's over, Ye Lingyue must have been beaten to death."

Diyang Qingfeng wanted to cry without tears.

Zitang was beside him, fiddling with the stone tablet all the time.

"Do you have a conscience? Tianlei was caused by you, and Ye Lingyue was implicated by you. When you were trapped in the North Buddha Cave in the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, Ye Lingyue took a lot of risks to save you. And the Misty Sea, how many people from the Buddhist sect she saved."

Di Yang Qingfeng said angrily.

Zitang still didn't respond.

"What is so remarkable about this broken stone tablet, is it more important than people?"

The more Di Yang Qingfeng looked at the stele, the more annoyed he became, and bumped into the stele with one shoulder.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he touched the stone tablet, Diyang Qingfeng was suddenly knocked out.

"It's evil, what the hell is this."

Diyang Qingfeng was dragged up by the little boy.

"The stone tablet is on. Hey, why is she in it?"

The little boy exclaimed.

Only then did Di Yang Qingfeng see clearly that there was a portrait on the stele, it was Ye Lingyue.

The stele can actually reflect the situation of the seabed.

Ye Lingyue was standing in front of a temple.

She is going inside.

"How does she go inside, the temple is very dangerous."

The little boy panicked.

Ye Lingyue was alone, and she couldn't use her mind power, so it was obviously impossible to deal with so many statues.

Surprisingly, there were no idols attacking people in the temple.

Ye Lingyue had already entered the Temple of the Mother Earth, but the statues were kneeling or standing, and they didn't move.

Ye Lingyue entered the temple all the time, but the voice suddenly disappeared.

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