In the stone tablet, seeing Ye Lingyue safe and sound, Diyang Qingfeng and the little boy were relieved.

In the Temple of the Mother Earth, Ye Lingyue never heard that voice again.

She was a little puzzled.

"Ye Su?"

Ye Lingyue asked softly.

"Ye Su?"

Her voice echoed in the empty temple.

But no one answered her.

The sound disappeared.

What exactly is going on?

That voice, after leading him here, disappeared.

What is it trying to tell itself?

Ye Lingyue walked around the temple, except for the statues and the reliefs on the walls of the temple, there was nothing else.

It looks like nothing will be found.

Ye Lingyue counted the time, and it was more than an hour since she entered the Undersea God Realm, and Kundan's use time was less than an hour.

She still has to find Zitang and the little boy, she can't stay here any longer.

In desperation, she could only prepare to leave.

But Ye Lingyue just walked to the entrance of the temple, she was startled.

The entrance when he came earlier has disappeared.



The voice appeared like a ghost again.

Ye Lingyue's heart palpitated.

That voice was preventing her from leaving.

it seems that,

She couldn't find the source of that voice, she couldn't get out of here.

In the temple, the statues seemed to have countless eyes staring at Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue felt a tingling in her scalp.

For some reason, she felt that these gods were alive.

Their eyes are very sad.

"Do you have anything to ask of me?"

Ye Lingyue asked.

There was no answer, and the answer to her was still the echo of what Ye Lingyue said.

"What's the matter? The entrance and exit are gone."

Diyang Qingfeng and the little boy surrounded the stone tablet, and they became nervous again.

"Someone wants her to stay."

Zitang's voice was low, staring at the stone tablet.

"Anyone in the Underwater Temple?"

The little boy was startled.

They obviously didn't meet anyone.

"Didn't we all meet?"

Zitang glanced at the little boy, then blinked suddenly.

The little boy flinched and blurted out.

"Are those gods?"

"Those idols are all alive, or in other words, they were once alive."

Zitang rubbed his brows weakly.

When he deciphered the Kunlun secretary and entered the Queen's Valley, the first thing he had to do was to kick the two large and small oil bottles away.

Therefore, Ye Lingyue should be trapped by those who were alive.

Di Yang Qingfeng was stunned.

The little boy's face was full of surprise. He opened his mouth and asked a question after a long while.

"Then how did they become idols?"

"do not know."

Zitang answered simply and neatly.

"Then how do you know that they were once alive?"

Di Yang Qingfeng said depressedly.

This guy, Zitang, just likes to play tricks.

"I saw it in Jiudang Ling Jueya."

Zitang said lightly.

After he entered Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff, in addition to the inheritance of the power of mind, he also saw some written records on Ling Jue Cliff.

Those records show that there is such a mysterious realm in the misty seabed.

The statues in this area were once the gods and their servants during the Kunlun period.

Almost every temple, at that time, represented a powerful deity.

"What is the temple that Ye Lingyue is currently in?"

Diyang Qingfeng looked at the temple with no entrance or exit.

"If you read it right, it should be the Temple of the Mother Earth. Well, during the Kunlun period, apart from the Queen of Kunlun, the most powerful goddess, known as the first goddess under the queen, was originally one of the prospective heirs of the queen."

Zitang thought about it and said.


Di Yang Qingfeng wondered.

The mother of the earth, isn't that the ancestor that the Taiyin people believe in?

"She fell. After the Red Moon Queen invaded and transferred their clansmen, she fell. It is said that she was assassinated, and it is rumored that the Red Moon believers did it, but some people say that she was killed by one of the gods. It was assassinated by a powerful god. After all, in the Kunlun period at that time, all the gods wanted to obtain the inheritance of the queen and become the new supreme Kunlun."

Zitang thought again.

"It's also because of the fall of the Mother Earth, the Queen of Kunlun was hit hard. After that, you will know that the Kunlun Heavenly Vessel collapsed, and the Queen also fell."

These were all seen by Zitang from the cliff of Jiudangling.

There are not many people who know this, but I believe those who, like Zitang, have reached the sixth floor of Jiudangling Jue Cliff, they should also know it.

On the upper floors of Jiudang Ling Jueya, some relevant historical facts will be recorded.

"Ye Lingyue is from the blood of Taiyin, so she is trapped in it, will it have something to do with this? However, she can't stay in the sea for long. The Kundan that Yin Kun gave her can only last for two hours, It's been an hour and a half."

Di Yang Qingfeng looked worried.

For half an hour, Ye Lingyue was afraid that she would not be able to find the entrance or exit.

"not necessarily."

Zitang stared at Ye Lingyue in the stone tablet.

"Are you going to save her? I knew you wouldn't be so dishonest."

Emperor Yang Qingfeng was overjoyed.

Zitang looked at him with a "you are a pig" look.

"That is the temple of the Taiyin clan. Men can't enter, and there is only one way to go."

The Taiyin clan in that period was much stricter than it is now.

The Temple of the Mother Earth is the holy place in their minds.

Dirty men are absolutely not allowed to enter.

Among the shrines at the bottom of the sea, only the shrine of the Mother Earth is the only one, and there is no place for male gods.


Di Yang Qingfeng looked depressed.

"Since she went in, she must have been brought in. In that temple, there should be something guiding her. She entered the temple by herself. Moreover, the temple should also protect her, otherwise, it is her It is impossible for a person to enter that temple."

Zitang touched his chin and said.

Just like him, he entered the Undersea God Realm because he was guided.

It's just that unlike Ye Lingyue, his guidance comes from his instinct.

And Ye Lingyue, temporarily unknown.

Come to think of it, she is the only one who can find the truth.

As Zitang was talking, the scene on the stele suddenly changed, and the stele became blank again.

The stele is as white as a mirror.


The little boy and Diyang Qingfeng were shocked.

"Why did it disappear?"

Both were shocked.

"Tsk, I was disturbed, and even here was disturbed."

Zitang frowned.

Under his feet, the ground trembled slightly.

Even if it is buried deep in the sea, the majesty of the Mother Earth is still there.

He borrowed the stone tablet to spy on the bottom of the sea, especially the interior of the temple, and committed divine power.

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