Seeing that Ye Lingyue flew out.

Qiu Yu's heart tightened.

"Xiaoyu, don't worry."

A familiar voice entered her ears.

Qiu Yu's heart moved.

That was the voice of the master.

Her eyes flashed, and she looked at the abyss where the wind was howling, and she was very contradictory in her heart.

On the one hand, she was very worried about Master's situation, and on the other hand, she also knew that Master had always been very measured in his actions.

If there is no absolute certainty, Master will not anger Gu Qinglong.

Ye Lingyue's figure soon disappeared on the dragon's back.

The rest of the people looked as usual.

"Tsk, I thought how capable she was."

The Blood Princess shook her head.

This Concubine Yang is not as good as the Qianlan Buddha said.

When is it time to return the rune bones stored in other people's homes, who is Gu Qinglong? He is greedy and unreasonable.

It can be said that in the Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff, in addition to Tiandao Tianlei, it is only the largest.

Other ancient beast souls, even if they saw it, had to retreat.

"What the hell is Ye Lingyue doing?"

The Holy Lady of Taiyin was also surprised.

"I'm afraid it's another trick. But if she dies, it will be a great thing for me, Queen Crimson Moon."

Inside the Holy Maiden of Taiyin, Liu Qibian pondered.

"Liu Priest, don't even you avoid Ye Lingyue?"

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin was very surprised.

"Who is afraid of her, just a little shy,

After all, she had the same name as a character she hated back then, and she hated it just as much. Every time I see her eyes, I think of her. "

Liu Qi's tone was a little weird.

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin still wanted to ask, but Liu Qibian stopped her.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, be careful, this ancient Qinglong is very difficult to deal with."

After Liu Qibian finished speaking, there was no sound.

"What a waste of Ben Shenlong's time."

Gu Qinglong said impatiently, it gathered enough energy and rushed up.


A gust of wind whistled in his ears.

Gu Qinglong felt that there was something wrong with the wind, and when he looked back, his eyes almost didn't pop out.

"is her!"

The blood princess was taken aback.

Where is the simple wind sound, she saw a pair of flying runes behind Ye Lingyue, she flapped her wings, facing the strong cliff wind, and quickly pursued Gu Qinglong.

"Where is her flying rune bone?"

The Qianlan Buddha also had an ugly face.

She obviously didn't find that Ye Lingyue had a flying rune bone earlier.

"Could it be, she just merged?"

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin had a strange look on her face and muttered to herself.

Just merged!

How fast this is but a few breaths.

Ye Lingyue had indeed just fused a pair of flying rune bones.

With her character, it is absolutely impossible to hand over so many flying runes at once.

She had long expected the consequences of offending Gu Qinglong.

The moment she was shot down by the dragon's tail, Ye Lingyue didn't use her mind to resist, she quickly fused a pair of flying rune bones.

This has already been Ye Lingyue's fusion of flying runes several times. Compared with other reading masters, her fusion speed is much faster.

The flying rune bones were attached to her back, and a pair of archaeopteryx rune bones turned into wings.

Facing the strong cliff wind, she caught up with Gu Qinglong.

"Master Gu Qinglong, she's catching up."

The Blood Princess said loudly, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

Gu Qinglong was too lazy to look at Ye Lingyue.

It snorted lazily.

"Stupid, she is because, how long can her broken flying rune bone last."

The cliff wind of Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff is not an ordinary wind.

In addition to the ancient beasts, other ancient beasts, when they arrive here, their flesh and blood will be blown to pieces.

That poor ghost, it won't be long before he has to fall to pieces.

But not to mention, the speed of the poor ghost's fusion of rune bones is quite fast.

Gu Qinglong doesn't seem to have seen it before, there is no teacher who has such a fast fusion speed.

A small sound fell into Ye Lingyue's ear.

Ye Lingyue was slightly moved.

The wind in Jiudang Ling Jueya was very fierce, and cracks had already appeared on her pair of flying runes.

The cracks are still widening.

With a click, just before reaching the sixth floor, the right wing behind Ye Lingyue broke.

In a hurry, the left wing was also broken.

The rhythm of Ye Lingyue's flight was immediately disrupted.

It was quickly blown away by the cliff wind.

"The sixth floor."

Gu Qinglong had an unexpected look on his face.

It swept the dragon's tail, and Qiu Yu and the teacher swept it down.

The remaining saintess of Taiyin, Qianlan Buddha, and the blood princess continued to the seventh floor.

Qiu Yu landed firmly on the sixth floor, and she looked down at Jiudang Ling Jueya with some worry.

It was at this moment that her eyes lit up.

The familiar figure reappeared.

Ye Lingyue didn't stop, just nodded at Qiu Yu, and quickly went to the seventh floor.

Yin Kun said that the higher you go, the greater the chance of finding the inheritance of the Destiny Clan.

If you can find a way to break the curse of the red moon, the gods in the Temple of the Mother Earth will have a chance to be resurrected.

Qiu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, then turned and walked towards the cliff in front of him. Various ancient characters were engraved on the wall.

As for the situation above the seventh floor, it was not important to Qiu Yu.

The distance from the sixth floor to the seventh floor is much longer than that from the fifth floor to the sixth floor.

Gu Qinglong led the three of them all the way up.


The familiar wind sound came again.

Gu Qinglong's longan moved slightly, and it looked back...

"Why is it her again?"

The Blood Princess saw Ye Lingyue chasing after her with a pair of wings, and was almost out of breath.

"Is there several pairs of flying rune bones prepared?"

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin also vomited blood.

One pair is broken, she has another pair.

And it's a quick fusion.

This Ye Lingyue is simply an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

And this time, the flying rune that Ye Lingyue fused was obviously stronger than the last time. In the cliff wind, she was blown up and down, but her wings were intact.

Ye Lingyue flapped her wings and flew to Gu Qinglong's side.

"Lord Gu Qinglong, we meet again."

Ye Lingyue smiled and greeted Gu Qinglong.


Gu Qinglong was so angry that two breaths came out of his nose, and he slapped Ye Lingyue with one claw.

"Why should Master Gu Qinglong be angry?"

Ye Lingyue deftly controlled her wings to avoid Gu Qinglong's angry attack.

On the back of the dragon, Qianlan Buddha and others were unlucky.

"Your flying rune bone? This is the bird king rune bone?"

Seeing that Ye Lingyuefei was stable, Gu Qinglong finally felt that something was wrong.

With such a strong flying rune, apart from the active bird king in Laoshan District, I am afraid that there is no second pair.

Could it be that the female teacher in front of her actually killed the King of Birds?

You must know that it is impossible for the Winged Bird King to lend his flying rune bones.

Ye Lingyue smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Ahead is the seventh floor of Jiudang Ling Jueya.

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