Even the flying rune bones of the Bird King were taken off, the Bird King now...

There was no news in Laoshan District.

It can be seen that the female teacher in front of her is quite perverted.

Gu Qinglong's eyes changed, and beside him, Ye Lingyue smiled.

"The seventh floor."

Gu Qinglong said in a rough voice.

On the seventh floor of Jiudang Ling Jueya, almost no one has been there except the blood princess.

Therefore, except for the blood princess, everyone else's eyes kept moving upwards.

Ye Lingyue controlled the flying rune bone of King Biyi Archaeopteryx, suspended in mid-air.

The wind of Jiudang Ling Jueya was still very strong.

The seventh floor in front of him is obviously different from the previous sixth floor.

Ye Lingyue looked at it at a glance, but did not see the corresponding cliff, nor the mountain wall.

All around, there are clouds flowing with the wind.

"This is the seventh floor?"

Qianlan Buddha looked astonished.

"Choose the corresponding position quickly, Benlong has no time to ink with you."

Gu Qinglong took 500 less rune bones. Seeing Ye Lingyue jumping beside him, it hurts a lot and wants to disappear in place.

The so-called locations are those clouds.

Each cloud is moving around, and each cloud can only accommodate about one person.

This is the seventh floor of Jiudang Ling Jueya.

"Princess, how should I choose? I don't even know what's in the cloud."

Qianlan Buddha was a little overwhelmed.

"It basically depends on luck. There may be some kind of inheritance hidden in the clouds, of course it is also possible,

There is nothing, and it may even fall straight down. "

The blood princess smiled bitterly.

Some clouds will disperse as soon as you step on them.

She thought about it, and then took out two bags of rune bones.

"Master Gu Qinglong, there are some special rune bones here, which are roughly equivalent to a thousand rune bones. Please help me choose two positions."

Gu Qinglong's expression improved a little.

"Can this be bought with rune bones?"

Ye Lingyue looked surprised.

"There is nothing that rune bones can't do, as long as you have enough rune bones."

The blood princess sneered.

What about the rapid fusion of rune bones, everyone has only one chance to choose the cloud layer.

If Yang Fei'er is relying on herself, more than 50% will not gain anything.

"Oops, we don't have that many rune bones anymore. This old dragon is too greedy for money."

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin was very depressed.

She didn't expect this, and when she came, she just brought a pair of ancient beast rune bones.

Now, no matter how many rune bones, she couldn't get them out.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it myself."

Liu Qibian had already made plans.

Gu Qinglong grabbed the Qianlan Buddha with one claw, the Blood Princess with one claw, and then swept the dragon's tail.

In the distance, two clouds fluttered over.

Gu Qinglong threw the two of them away.

The Blood Princess landed on a cloud.

As soon as she fell, a golden light flickered in the clouds, and some ancient runes appeared.

The blood princess was overjoyed, she knew that there was a corresponding inheritance on this cloud layer, but after seeing the ancient rune, she couldn't help but be a little disappointed, the text was not the text of the destiny talisman.

She looked again, and the Buddha of Qianlan was about to fall into the corresponding cloud.

But at this moment, on the dragon's back, the saintess of Taiyin moved.

She actually took the lead and landed on the cloud.

"It's unreasonable, you dare to grab Xiaolan's position!"

Both the Qianlan Buddha and the Blood Princess changed their faces at the same time, and even Gu Qinglong glared at the Holy Maiden of Taiyin.

However, the Holy Maiden of Taiyin or Liu Qibian had already taken the lead and landed on the clouds.

A cloud layer can only accommodate one person.

Having accommodated the saintess of Taiyin, naturally there is no way to accommodate the Qianlan Buddha.

"First come, first served, and no one has stipulated that I can't choose this cloud layer."

The Holy Maiden of the Moon said triumphantly.

She is now in the company of pirates, and the nature of pirates is not to plunder.

"I remember that you are the pirates. Just wait, when I leave Jiudang Ling Jueya, I want you to look good."

The Blood Princess was furious.

Qian Lan Buddha is also pretty face pale.

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin did not take her words to heart at all.

She now has Liu Qibian as her backing, and she doesn't care about these ordinary teachers.

Besides, if this time, she can successfully comprehend the new inheritance, unravel the curse of the Queen of the Red Moon, and obtain an ancient divine body, those so-called three-day blood emperors, and even those forces in the heavenly realm, she does not care at all.

While the Holy Maiden of Taiyin was proud, she glanced at Ye Lingyue.

Although Ye Lingyue has the help of flying runes, she obviously does not have any advantage on the clouds.

At this moment, she was still flapping her wings, her eyes swept around, as if she was choosing the clouds.

These clouds look exactly the same.

I am afraid that only Gu Qinglong can see why.

Ye Lingyue was only afraid of dazzling her eyes, and it was impossible to choose a suitable cloud layer.

Thinking of this, the saintess of Taiyin couldn't help gloating.

"Liu Priest, this time is a great opportunity to solve Ye Lingyue. We might as well leave Jiudang Ling Jueya and start. Judging from her appearance, she seems to have a lot of flying runes on her body. We are not short of some. Flying runes?"

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin urged.

"Don't stir up the flames there. When I should make a move, I will naturally make a move, and quickly understand the inheritance in the clouds."

Liu Qibian is not a person who is easy to fool.

How could he not see that little thought of the Holy Lady of Taiyin.

Ye Lingyue, he really wants to eradicate.

However... the power behind her cannot be underestimated.

The idiot of the Holy Lady of the Yin, didn't you see it.

After Ye Lingyue came out of Laoshan District, her strength changed a lot.

Not to mention her ability to quickly fuse rune bones, and her body, there is also a power that makes Liu Qibian feel familiar.

That power is very similar to Ye Su, the mother of the earth, that Liu Qibian encountered in the Kunlun period.

Between Ye Lingyue and Ye Su... Liu Qibian thought of Ye Lingyue from the Destiny Clan.

If the two are really related, then Ye Lingyue can't be easily eradicated.

Her existence played a crucial role in destroying the Queen of Kunlun and resurrecting the Queen of the Red Moon.

Saintess of Taiyin naturally did not know Liu Qibian's thoughts.

After being reprimanded by Liu Qibian, she could only withdraw her mind and implement the cloud under her feet.

These are suspended on the clouds above the seventh floor of Jiudangling Jue Cliff, and the light is shining.

There are not many ancient runes above, but each ancient rune is very complicated.

Just comprehending one will take a lot of time.

At this time, neither the Holy Maiden of Taiyin nor Liu Qibian could be sure whether this place on the cloud layer was the inheritance of the Destiny Clan.

Under the guidance of Liu Qibian, the saintess of Taiyin immediately began to comprehend.

The blood princess is worried about the Buddha of the blue sky, and has not yet begun to comprehend.

As for Ye Lingyue, she is still choosing a suitable cloud to settle in.

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