Last time, when he was in Cangshan City, the eldest grandson Xueying wanted to attack Ye Lingyue after knowing that Ye Lingyue was not dead.

However, there were nine life Buddhas at that time, and it was very difficult to get in the way.

The eldest grandson Xueying did not find a chance to attack Ye Lingyue.

On this trip to Jiudang Ling Jueya, she knew that Ye Lingyue would definitely come, and to put it bluntly, she came here to kill Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue did not get rid of it for a day, and the eldest grandson Xueying felt restless for a day.

"Ye Lingyue, you are very capable. You actually got a flying rune bone. Where did you get this rune bone?"

The eldest grandson Xueying asked in a deep voice.

"Headmaster Changsun, I don't seem to be obliged to answer you."

Ye Lingyue spread her hands.

"If you don't say it, I always have a way for you to say it."

Changsun Xueying's eyes sank.

"Mao Du, kill her."

The eldest grandson Xueying said solemnly.

Under her feet, the alien divine beast let out an angry cry.

Its wings, which are even bigger than the ancient Qingluan, fluttered, and two hurricanes were immediately thrown around.

Gu Qinglong saw this.

"Mao Du, what's the matter, we can't directly attack aliens."

The ancient guardian beast at the feet of Changsun Xueying is also one of the many ancient divine beasts in Jiudangling Jueya.

It is called Mao Du, half dragon and half phoenix, with very powerful strength.

Among the gods and beasts of Jiudangling Jueya, the strength is comparable to that of Gu Qinglong.

Although Gu Qinglong doesn't like Ye Lingyue, he is greedy and likes to take advantage, but he will not violate the fundamental principle of Jiudang Ling Jueya.

Only Tiandao Tianlei can deal with these foreign teachers, and the guardian beast cannot directly interfere.

But at this time,

But the furry beast ignored Gu Qinglong's words at all. It jumped up, and the hurricane caused by its wings swept toward Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue was surprised.

She immediately understood the purpose of Changsun Xueying's trip.

The latter is here to kill himself.

Not only did she bring several Taoist teachers, but she also controlled the ancient beasts of Jiudangling Jueya.

Ye Lingyue quickly glanced at the alien divine beast, the latter's eyes were calm, apparently being controlled by the eldest grandson Xueying.

"Poor ghost, don't run away."

Gu Qinglong groaned angrily, and the huge dragon body met Mao Du.

Although this poor ghost is an eyesore, he brought it by himself.

If the person he brought with him is killed by Mao Du, I am afraid that Tiandao Tianlei will be held accountable, and he will be in big trouble.

Gu Qinglong gritted his teeth and could only fly up.

"How is this going?"

Both the Qianlan Buddha and the Blood Princess were surprised.

Especially the blood princess.

She thought that Yang Fei'er was just an ordinary teacher, but she didn't expect that the other party actually attracted the eldest grandson Xueying to do it herself, and they chased and killed them all the way to Jiudang Ling Jueya.

"That Yang Fei'er, what's the background?"

The blood princess quickly glanced at the Qianlan Buddha.

"I don't know, she's not from Ling Xiaotian?"

Qianlan Buddha also looked puzzled.

At the feet of the two, the cloud kept moving.

Even the cloud where the Holy Maiden of Taiyin was located earlier was also affected.

The cloud kept shaking.

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin, whose body and mind were originally comprehending the ancient runes, was interrupted by this sudden change.

Liu Qibian's spiritual thoughts moved and found the movement outside.

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin (Liu Qibian) cursed.

Mao Du and Gu Qinglong are both the top beings in Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff, these two big guys actually moved their hands.

The hurricane caused by Mao Du and the dragon roar caused by Qinglong caused the entire seventh floor to shake.

More than a hundred clouds were also affected.

They are constantly drifting, precariously, as if they will collapse at any time because of the big fight between the two great beasts.

"Gu Qinglong, this is the grudge between me and her, please step back."

On Mao Du, the eldest grandson Xueying was very annoyed when she saw that Gu Qinglong was actually protecting Ye Lingyue.

"Zhangsun Xueying, you are also an old man, and you should know the rules. Benlong is not protecting her, but the rules of Jiudangling Jueya. You use the inheritance of destiny to control Mao Du, and you are not afraid of the heavens and thunders punishing you. ."

Gu Qinglong said angrily.

Speaking of which, it was Gu Qinglong who led Changsun Xueying to enter Jiudangling Jue Cliff for the second time.

The eldest grandson Xueying was very smart and gave it a lot of rune bones, so Gu Qinglong brought her to the seventh floor and specially chose a sky cloud for her.

It was the cloud that gave the eldest grandson Xueying an inheritance of destiny.

It is also because of the inheritance of destiny that the eldest grandson Xueying has the opportunity to enter the eighth floor and get her second inheritance of destiny.

But where did he know that after the eldest grandson Xueying got two inheritances of destiny, he would become lawless, and even ignored the rules of Jiudang Ling Jueya.

"Gu Qinglong, you seem to have forgotten, I'm not afraid of the destiny and thunder."

The eldest grandson Xueying smiled indifferently, her eyebrows were full of disdain.

Destiny Tianlei, to put it bluntly, is just the ancient thought power left by their Destiny Clan.

Among them, there is also the mind power of her father, the eldest grandson.

Right now, she just hasn't fully awakened the mind power of "Changsun Xueying". Once fully awakened, these Destiny Thunders will obey her.

Here, not to mention killing one Ye Lingyue, it is easy to kill all the other reading masters.

The eldest grandson Xueying is not even afraid of the thunder of destiny?

As soon as this statement came out, the other teachers were secretly shocked.

This eldest grandson, Xueying, is not afraid of the fate of the thunder. Could it be that she will be...

When Liu Qibian heard the words, his eyes changed slightly.

That's right, since Ye Lingyue may be the original wolf girl Ayue.

Then the eldest grandson Xueying in front of her was probably the little princess of destiny.

The little princess of destiny, that would be interesting.

Liu Qibian pondered.

"You, presumptuous."

When Gu Qinglong heard the words, he couldn't help being furious.

It and Mao Du have been entangled several times.

Mao Du's strength is not inferior to Gu Qinglong.

Gu Qinglong was also secretly shocked when he saw that Tiandao Tianlei had not moved.

"Yang Fei'er, leave quickly."

Gu Qinglong looked at Ye Lingyue again, she was better, as the source of trouble, she still didn't run away.

"Master Gu Qinglong, it's not that I don't escape, it's that they didn't plan to let me escape at all."

Ye Lingyue smiled bitterly.

This time, the eldest grandson Xueying came prepared.

Not only did she control the calf, but even the ninjas she brought... saw several nurturers on the calf, and they quickly sacrificed the flying rune bones.

They defended several directions to enter the sixth floor.

As for the location leading to the eighth floor, Zhangsun Xueying did not send anyone to guard it.

After all, in that area, as soon as others approached, they would be hit by Tiandao Tianlei. Even if Ye Lingyue had a flying rune bone, it was impossible for him to escape.

"Looks like there's only one way for me."

Ye Lingyue sighed.

"Yes, you only have one way, and that is a dead end."

Changsun Xueying sneered, but saw behind her, a pair of flying wings spread out and flew up, but they were going to confront Ye Lingyue alone. Changsun Xueying had been waiting for this battle for a hundred years.

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