The eldest grandson Xueying wanted to fight Ye Lingyue to the death, but Ye Lingyue obviously didn't want to.

What a joke, only a fool would be tough.

The other party knows several inheritances, but Ye Lingyue is just a fledgling.

Ye Lingyue just weighed it a little and knew that if she could avoid it, she would avoid it.

Mao Du and Gu Qinglong were inextricably fighting, and several Daoist disciples held their way back.

As for the Blood Princess, Qianlan Buddha, Liu Qibian, the Holy Maiden of Taiyin, and others, they just wait and see what happens.

This battle, for them, is purely to watch the fun.

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin wished her eldest grandson Xueying would kill Ye Lingyue.

The Buddha also thought so.

As for the blood princess and Liu Qibian, they have their own concerns.

The eldest Sun Xueying moved, and in a flash, she was at Ye Lingyue's side.

Several thought powers attacked Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue's stature was also a move, and she was actually ahead of the eldest grandson Xueying, and she was able to avoid multiple psychic attacks.


Changsun Xueying's eyes moved slightly.

She is now No. 1 on the Jade List. Needless to say, her own mind power cultivation base is already at its peak. ,

In addition to not being a Master of Destiny, she is also a Master of Heaven.

Her mind power can be transformed at will, be it a blade or a needle, and it is almost pervasive in all directions.

The eldest grandson Xueying had already investigated Ye Lingyue's cultivation.

I don't know what method Ye Lingyue used.

The reason why she didn't find out when she entered the old Kunlun site earlier was because Ye Lingyue didn't enter the old Kunlun site with her real name at all.

She used the name of a female teacher named "Yang Fei'er".

Yang Fei'er's name is unknown,

So Zhangsun Xueying didn't notice her at all earlier.

It wasn't until Ye Lingyue's sudden rise of the army, killing the jade list, and breaking Changsun Xueying's plan to deal with Buddhism, that Zhangsun Xueying discovered the other's whereabouts.

Ye Lingyue's current cultivation base is said to be only a senior reading teacher.

This means that Ye Lingyue does not even have a real inheritance.

This kind of Ye Lingyue, the eldest grandson Xueying still has to deal with it in person, which can be said to be very cautious.

"Ye Lingyue, when did you become a tortoise that only knows how to avoid it. If you have the ability, you and me will fight directly with your thoughts."

The eldest grandson Xueying chased Ye Lingyue for half an hour, but still did not take Ye Lingyue.

She fixed her figure with a proud look on her face.

"Master Changsun, you are too embarrassed to say that you want to confront me head-on, you are the number one on the Jade Ranking, and I am the one who hit the top 30 on the Jade Ranking by chance. If you really want a fair confrontation, you might as well wait another year and a half, and we'll make a good match."

Ye Lingyue's expression was calm, and she was still dodging.

Her mind power is indeed not as good as the eldest grandson Xueying.

Fortunately, she has Shunfeng Ear Rune Bone and Clairvoyance Rune Bone.

The two complement each other. As long as the other side flutters its wings, she can feel it first.

The same is true for the psychic attack. Although it is invisible and invisible, Ye Lingyue can keenly capture the changes in the eldest grandson Xueying's breath, so as to judge whether she has launched a psychic attack.

But this is not a long-term solution.

Out of the corner of Ye Lingyue's eyes, she quickly swept back and forth between those clouds.

"A year and a half? I underestimated the enemy at the beginning. Today, I must kill you!"

Changsun Xueying's eyes kept changing.

She sneered.

Around Ye Lingyue, those clouds changed rapidly.

On the seventh floor of Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff, these clouds were originally erratic.

But at this time, they seemed to be being manipulated and quickly moved towards Ye Lingyue cage.

not good.

Ye Lingyue found some clues.

Wouldn't the eldest grandson Xueying even control these clouds?

To be precise, it is those Kuangyun.

"You know, the gap between you and me is not just the gap between the Destiny Master and the senior reading master. Not to mention these Kuangyun, even some people, I can control it. I want to kill you, easy."

The eldest grandson Xueying sneered.

Gu Qinglong looked up and saw several clouds colliding together.

This eldest grandson Xueying, even the Destiny Clan's object control technique has been comprehended at the intermediate level or above?

Gu Qinglong was secretly surprised.

"Qinglong, you should surrender. She is the daughter of destiny."

But in front of him, Mao Du communicated with Gu Qinglong with his divine sense.

"Mao Du, you didn't lose consciousness? Then do you know that Changsun Xueying's actions are against the way of heaven? You are also against the way of heaven?"

Gu Qinglong was shocked.

It originally thought that Mao Du had lost his mind, so he would obey the eldest grandson Xueying.

Now it seems that is not the case.

"The way of heaven? What is the way of heaven, Kunlun has already fallen, why are you still obsessed with it. We have all been deceived, the queen has long since died, and the Destiny Clan has long been betrayed. We guardian beasts are just imprisoned here. The so-called way of heaven here, It’s all pseudo-heavenly ways. As long as these heavenly ways are broken, we will be free.”

Mao Du shook his head that looked like a dragon's head.

His eyes were full of disdain.

For thousands of years, it has been trapped in this so-called Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff.

It wasn't until the appearance of the eldest grandson Xueying that it opened up.

"Foolishness, you are too foolish. The queen will not fall, she will definitely wake up. The Destiny Clan will not betray the queen."

Gu Qinglong scolded angrily.

"Then you stay here and wait for the queen to come again. I want to support the new queen and be reborn. I want to inform the other guardian beasts to let them leave with me and support the new queen."

Mao Du jumped up, his sharp claws held down Gu Qinglong and slammed it down.

Gu Qinglong's tail swung and smashed into Mao Du's wings.

The two ancient guardian beasts suddenly burst into flesh.

The sky and the clouds collided together.

There were flashes of lightning.

That thunder flash, as if with long eyes, moved towards Ye Lingyue.

The speed of the lightning flash was much faster than the psychic attack of the eldest grandson Xueying. It was dense and urgent, attacking from all directions, weaving a huge net.

Ye Lingyue avoided dodging, and the lightning flash followed Ye Lingyue with Kuang Yun.

Looking at the eldest grandson Xueying, she looked proud. She looked down at Ye Lingyue like a mouse tired of escaping, hiding in Tibet.

"This eldest grandson, Xueying, is really terrifying."

The eyes of Qianlan Buddha were full of fear.

Earlier, she thought that the strength of Jiu Ming Buddha and Changsun Xueying should be almost the same, but now it seems that Changsun Xueying's strength is obviously much stronger than Jiu Ming Buddha.

Such a Buddhist sect can really compete with Taoism?

"What a powerful inheritance of destiny."

The blood princess is also complicated.

I am afraid that compared with the eldest grandson Xueying, my own destiny is slightly inferior.

With a flash of thunder, a figure fell from the sky.

The eldest grandson Xueying was overjoyed and looked intently. Who knew, she saw a Daoist disciple who turned into a fireball and fell down.

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