"But I still can't play chess..."

Ah Yue looked at the chessboard for a while, but it was still foggy. When she looked up, she saw that on the stone pier on the opposite side, the building was already empty, and there was still the shadow of Aunt Ye.

"Aunt Ye?"

Ayue was puzzled and looked around.

On the steps of the mountain, no one was left.

Ayue scratched her head, a look of helplessness on her face.

"How is this good? How can I remember so much."

Ayue pouted.

As for Ye Lingyue on the side, she was even more confused.

She doesn't know chess, but in her impression, it seems that her father Ye Beiming knows chess.

He also taught himself and Aguang Ari when he was young, but unfortunately, like Ayue, she has no talent for chess.

On the other hand, Aguang and Ari have some talents, and they have learned a lot from their father.

"But obviously, I can't leave without unlocking the chessboard."

Ye Lingyue was a little embarrassed and looked at the mountain steps.

This is not the first time to experience illusions, Ye Lingyue is also experienced.

She knew that if she wanted to leave the illusion, she needed some kind of opportunity.

This game of chess in front of me should be the opportunity.

Ah Yue was lying on the stone table, staring at the game of chess, puzzled.

So many black and white chess pieces, recognize her, but she does not recognize them.

A Yue's little head was still supported at first, but later, it gradually drooped down, and the little egg slammed into the chessboard from time to time like a small egg pecking at rice.

Consuming it like this is not the way to go.

Ye Lingyue thought for a while and thought of her earlier experience.

The ancient thought force in her body.

She must establish some kind of connection with Ah Yue,

Or as before, to control Ayue's will, at least he must be able to communicate with Ayue.

The ancient thought force moved.


Ye Lingyue called Ayue softly.

Ayue seemed to have not heard.


A loud bang.

Ayue jumped up.

She rubbed her forehead, but Ye Lingyue complained secretly.


A Yue ignored her swollen forehead and looked anxious. She dozed off, but she messed up the chess game.

The black and white chess pieces were scattered all over the ground, and the chessboard that Ye Su had left earlier was disrupted.

Just when Ye Lingyue complained, Ayue quickly picked up the black and white chess pieces.

She set up the chess pieces.

Ye Lingyue's heart moved.

Ayue remembered everything.

This child, although confused, is not completely confused.

In other words, she should still remember the chess game she peeked at before.


Ye Lingyue continued to try to establish communication with Ayue.

Ayue rubbed her head, her mind was still dizzy, these days, because of the bottleneck, she has been practicing her mind power repeatedly, and she can't rest well.

At this time, facing the chess game, I became more and more sleepy.

A soft, soft voice entered her ears.


Ayue became alert.

Although it is on the territory of the Destiny Clan, Changsun Chong has said that the Kunlun Tianmai is not safe at present, and the evil people who have killed the wolf king and the others are rampant.

However, the voice in his ear sounded very kind.

"Ayue, it's me."

Ye Lingyue's ancient mind power finally got in touch with Ayue's consciousness.

Ayue was startled.

"Who are you? I remember your voice, the last time I was in Destiny..."

"It's me, I'm here to help you. You still remember me, and my name is Ayue."

Ye Lingyue was very happy, and communicated with the wolf girl Ayue in this way.

Although this feeling is very subtle.

This Ayue should be her past life.

"Your name is Ayue too? What a coincidence, why didn't you show up? Aunt Ye said that you can't hide your head and show your tail as a human being."

Ah Yue looked around, not to mention people, not even a shadow.

Ye Lingyue coughed twice.

"I can't show myself. In fact, I am another Ah Yue who has lived in thousands of years. For some reason, we can only make friends. My body is still thousands of years later."

Ye Lingyue doesn't know, but Ayue understands this explanation.

Ayue was silent for a while.

"I know, it's hard to understand, but I'm here to help you. Would you like to solve the game?"

Ye Lingyue asked.

"Of course. You can play chess?"

Ayue said happily.

"No, but I can help you break the chess game. You can still remember the chess game you saw a few times before, and you write down all the chess games in your memory, and I will help you break the game together."

Although Ye Lingyue doesn't know how to play chess, she has seen her father and Ari Aguang play chess.

She at least knows the rules of winning and losing.

Ah Yue remembers the chess game, but she doesn't even know the outcome, so she is distressed.

Hearing what Ye Lingyue said, Ah Yue suddenly cheered.

She quickly took some chess pieces from the chess basket, and started to play chess games one by one according to her memory.

She played chess not very fast, but she was very careful.

It was obvious that she was thinking hard.

About two or three cups of tea, Ah Yue played four chess games.

"That's what I saw. But I accidentally forgot one. That time, I seemed to be discovered by Changsun Gui and avoided it, so I didn't remember it all."

Ayue thought about it and said.

A total of four sets were played, and she memorized three sets.

This memory is very difficult for a person who does not know chess at all.

Ye Lingyue praised Ayue for a few words, then stepped forward and looked at the chessboard carefully.

Seeing this, Ye Lingyue couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"How is it? Have you found a way to break the game?"

A Yue asked excitedly.

"The luck is not very good. You can't win this game. At most, you can only draw a draw."

Very unfortunate, Ah Yue Ji missed a game, and that game was the winning game.

According to the chess game in front of him, Ah Yue can only draw a tie no matter what.

"Auntie Ye must have done it on purpose."

Ayue roared with rage.

She clearly knew that she couldn't win.

"You can also draw if you can't win. Don't forget, your Aunt Ye also said that you can also get rewards for a draw."

Ye Lingyue smiled and comforted.

"But what I want is not a reward. I want to leave with Aunt Ye."

Ayue said in distress.

"I heard from Changsun Chong that Auntie Ye is going to take up her job and do a very dangerous thing. She looks a lot haggard."

Ayue worried.

Although, she also knew that Aunt Ye was very powerful.

Even if I follow her, I can't help.

But she just wanted to be awesome Aunt Ye.

These days, Auntie Ye is too haggard.

A Yue was even a little worried about whether she would see Aunt Ye next time.

"Your aunt Ye is a very powerful god, and she will definitely come back. However, you have to pass her test first, at least we have to level this game together."

Ye Lingyue looked at the chess game.

At least, Ye Lingyue knew that Ye Su died on the eve of the collapse of the Kunlun Heavenly Vessel.

Right now, Ye Su will be fine.

What makes Ye Lingyue curious is, what kind of reward will Ye Su give to Ah Yue after this game of chess is tied?

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