Although winning is impossible.

But anyway, it's a draw.

Of the few games Ah Yue remembered, two games were a draw, which meant that it was not difficult to win.

"Ayue, according to those two chess games, if you choose one, you can draw."

Ye Lingyue said.


A Yue's little face was full of joy.

She walked briskly and ran to the stone table.

Ye Su holds sunspots, which means that Ah Yue holds white sons.

According to her memory, Ah Yue picked up a sunspot and landed it on the chessboard.

Ye Lingyue and Ayue's eyes fell on the chessboard, waiting for a draw on the chessboard.

But who knows, Ah Yue's white son just fell.

The white stone jumped up like a flea, first hitting Ah Yue's nose, and then falling back into the chess basket.

"It hurts."

A Yue rubbed her slightly red nose and rolled her eyes.

"What's the matter? This pawn bullies people!"

Ah Yue was full of anger, held down the white stone, and pressed it against the chessboard again.

But as soon as Bai Zi touched the chessboard, Bai Zi jumped up again.

This time, it was still accurate and hit Ah Yue's forehead.

A Yue was annoyed and threw the chess piece away.

"I don't believe it anymore. These white boys still have eyes."

Ah Yue grabbed a handful of white stones from the chess basket.

She stubbornly put those white stones on the chessboard.

But every white child,

As soon as he fell, Bai Zi jumped up again.

Every one of them is like this, slap slap, slapped A Yue in the face unceremoniously.

After a while, there were red marks of chess pieces on Ah Yue's little face.

Looking at the white stones again, they actually jumped back into the chess basket.

"This, this... these chess pieces rebelled."

A Yue rubbed her flushed face, and for a while, she was speechless in surprise.

"Ayue, it seems that this chess is not played like this. Do you remember how the two played chess at that time? Is it the same as when Aunt Ye played chess you saw before? How did you play chess?"

After all, Ye Lingyue is much older and more rational than Ah Yue.

She looked at the chess game and thought of Ye Su's test earlier.

Obviously, this chess game is not as simple as a simple test of Ah Yue's memory.

A Yue was reminded by Ye Lingyue, and she frowned as she recalled.

"I remember, that's how Aunt Ye did at the time. But Changsun Gong didn't seem to do anything."

A Yue patted the back of her head suddenly, how could she forget such an important thing.

Play chess without hands?

"You mean, Changsun Converted is playing chess with his mind?"

Ye Lingyue thought of the identity of the eldest grandson.

Changsun convert is a teacher.

Indeed, after becoming a teacher, most of the teachers have a problem.

If you can't do it, don't do it, just use the power of thought.

Although most of the masters can't control the nothingness like clouds with the eldest grandson Xueying Anyang, but ordinary items can still be controlled.

Especially above the senior reading master, most people can control some larger objects.

Changsun Converted is a teacher of destiny, and he has an old love for Ye Su, so he has to show off in front of her.

Ash nodded.

"It's easy this way, and I'll use my mind power."

Ayue both glowed and was very excited.

These chess pieces are not big, and it is not difficult to control them.

After Ayue said that, she integrated the power of thought into Baizi.

There was a bit of confidence on her face.

But along with that, she integrated her thoughts into Bai Zi, but her expression changed.

"It's so heavy."

Ayue muttered.


Ye Lingyue was slightly surprised.

Ah Yue's current strength can be regarded as an intermediate teacher.

Ye Lingyue also experienced this stage.

The mind power of an intermediate-level teacher can reach the weight of about five hundred kilograms.

How big is this chess piece?

"It's very heavy. After my mind power enters, it sinks into the sea like a rock, without a trace."

The expression on A Yue's face became extremely solemn.

She froze, looking at the small chessboard.

There are probably dozens of white stones on it, that is to say, Changsun Gong used his mind to play this game of chess.

His mind power is much stronger than his own.

Ah Yue's face turned red, she seemed to be out of breath, her small shoulders drooped down.

"No, my mind power is too far from that of the patriarch eldest grandson."

Ye Lingyue noticed that her name for Changsun Converted had changed.

Ayue is a proud girl.

Even though she is now relying on others, but in her bones, she is still as arrogant as the wolf king.

Part of the reason for her unwillingness to stay in the Tianming clan was also because she looked down on Changsun Convert.

In her opinion, Aunt Ye is much stronger than Changsun Convert.

Although he didn't express it in his words, Ye Su, who was attentive, noticed this.

Ye Su didn't say it clearly, but he used another way to make Ah Yue understand that the Destiny Clan has its strengths.

The Destiny Clan is also the most suitable place for A Yue right now.

As long as she devotes herself to study with Changsun Convert, Ah Yue's road to becoming a teacher is long, but it is also full of hope.

"I'll try it later, but Aunt Ye..."

Ah Yue looked at the chess game, but her eyes were still not reconciled.

She knew that Aunt Ye would definitely see clearly whether she could break the game.

She was afraid that Aunt Ye would be disappointed.

"Ayue, let me ask you, these few days, have you met someone from the Queen's Palace?"

Ye Lingyue asked suddenly.

"The Queen's Palace? You mean how many guests came yesterday? Indeed, there were a few guests from the Queen's Palace, and they seemed to be some female officials. Patriarch Zhangsun also said that in a few days, Zhangsun Xueying and I will be arranged to visit them."

Ash nodded.

Ye Lingyue knew it in her heart.

She had guessed right.

Counting the time, Ah Yue's age should be going to the Queen's Palace.

The Red Moon Queen and the Red Moon believers invaded massively.

The current situation of the entire Kunlun Tianmai has become more and more turbulent.

Ye Su's elusiveness, but this also has a lot to do.

The Queen's Palace should have already begun to select the Queen's successor.

The Destiny Clan, as one of the most important ancient protoss, will also elect the corresponding queen inheritor.

If Ayue doesn't break the game today, her mind power cultivation will stay at the intermediate level.

In this way, compared to the eldest grandson Xueying, who is close to the cultivation level of the Master of Destiny, it is naturally impossible for her to be selected.

"Ayue, don't be discouraged. Maybe I can help you, we can try it together."

Ye Lingyue pondered for a moment and suggested.

She thought that Ye Su was well-intentioned.

She let Ah Yue break the game this time because the game was helpful to Ah Yue.

Today, Ah Yue must break the game.


Ayue was a little surprised.

"You forgot, we have cooperated once before. Your current strength is not enough, but if you and I fuse together, maybe we can break the game."

Ye Lingyue decided to take a risk.

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