"The temple, the temple is gone! How did you do it?"

The ninth prince watched Ye Lingyue enter the Yangquan Temple, but when Ye Lingyue appeared in front of him again, the two dragons outside the Yangquan Temple were gone.

The ninth prince pinched his face fiercely and felt a sharp pain. He was sure that he was not dreaming.

Ye Lingyue shrugged, she couldn't, the temple was always there, but it was blocked by the fat cat Yunling.

How Yun Ling did it, Ye Lingyue was not sure.

Generally speaking, he used an existence similar to Hongmengtian to force the Yangquan Temple as his own palace.

However, in this way, Ye Lingyue was saved a lot.

Those Buddha statues, she must bring them.

She couldn't get rid of that fat cat Yunling, and she had to worship it every day.

But bringing it and Yangquan Temple into the Queen's Valley, it is also worry-free, and you don't have to worry about the people of the Taoist sect doing things in secret.

"Although the temple is yours, you can take it anywhere, but the Buddha statue inside is not yours. If my aunt finds out, and you also destroy the Buddha statue, she will kill me."

The ninth prince grimaced.

"Don't worry, I will rush to the Queen's Valley. If I meet her, I will explain it to her clearly."

Ye Lingyue waved her hand to appease the poor ninth prince.

The ninth prince wiped away the tears that did not exist from the corner of his eyes.

"I really envy those of you who can go to the Queen's Valley. The top 30 on the jade list, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach it in my life. Get up, Qianlan also went, she and that blood princess..."

The ninth prince hesitated.

"I can tell you responsibly that she has something to do with the blood princess. You, there's no drama, you can't even compete with a woman, so just give up."

Ye Lingyue patted the little brother on the shoulder.

The ninth prince was frustrated.

"Maybe it's a good thing that you don't go to the Queen's Valley."

If Yun Ling's story is true, what awaits everyone in the Queen's Valley is not just the Queen's Tomb.

Ye Lingyue looked at the sky, she must leave as soon as possible.

After saying goodbye to the Ninth Prince and parting ways with the Lady of Baihua City, Ye Lingyue set off for the Queen's Valley.

After the Lady of Hundred Flowers City and Ye Lingyue separated, they were ready to turn back to the Abandoned City of Hundred Flowers.

After walking a few steps, the Lady of Baihua City suddenly thought of something.

"Why is the fat cat in Ye Nianshi's arms gone?"

Madam Baihua was very curious about Yun Ling.

She always felt that she had seen it somewhere.

But after thinking about it, among the ancient beasts in the old Kunlun site, cats are really rare.

She was thinking hard all the way, and just now, she suddenly remembered that she had seen the cat somewhere.

"Why do I look so familiar, that painting was hung in the City Lord's Mansion."

Madam Baihua remembered.

That painting is a painting that the city lord cherishes very much. It has always been hung in the city lord's study. When the Baihua City lord is alive, he will worship it every day.

On the portrait is the Queen of Kunlun.

As for Yun Ling, it was held in the arms of the Queen.

Listen to the city lord, what is the name of a pet that the queen raised on time...

"Forget it, I'll go back to Hundred Flowers Abandoned City to see, maybe the painting can still be found under the ruins."

It's too old, and Madam Baihua can't remember it too clearly.

She decided to go back to the Abandoned City of Hundred Flowers to look for it. If she really found the portrait, it would not be too late to mention it to Ye Lingyue. Counting the time, Ye Lingyue should have returned from the Queen's Valley at that time.

The journey to the Queen's Valley is relatively long, and you must pass through many abandoned cities.

The abandoned city of Hundred Flowers or the abandoned city in the north is the abandoned city of Thousand Buddhas and the abandoned city of Bhikkhus. The farthest Bhikshu abandoned city is only located in the middle of the ruins of the Hundred Cities.

There are still the last two and a half days left when the Queen's Valley is open.

This meant that Ye Lingyue had to pass through more than fifty ruins in two and a half days.

Ye Lingyue has never set foot in that area.

On the road, there were some official roads at first, and the road was fairly smooth.

But the further back, Ye Lingyue found that some roads were directly damaged.

"Tsk, this place really looks like the original Kunlun."

Xu Shi had enough sleep, and the fat cat Yun Ling seemed to have jumped out of the "Xinggong".

It did not lean into Ye Lingyue's arms, but looked around curiously.

Although it is the Dao of Heaven, the entire old Kunlun site is almost under its control, but in fact, its core area is still Jiudangling Jueya.

The situation outside was basically reported by the tombkeepers and patron saints.

Yun Ling has not seen the real Kunlun site for a long time.

It does not want to see, on the one hand, it does not want to recall.

On the other hand, Kunlun without her is no longer interesting to it.

The vegetation here is lush, the trees can't block the undulating mountains, and the chirping of insects and birds can't block the rushing streams.

Everything in front of him looked very quiet and beautiful, and there was no trace of the ravages of the Crimson Moon believers.

This reminded Yun Ling of the former Kunlun, the harmonious and peaceful Kunlun.

In its dark blue eyes, there is a little bit of memory, and it is impossible to tell whether it is sadness or just anger.

"Kunlun in the past, this also happened?

Ye Lingyue was already standing.

In front of her, the good official road has been considered blocked.

The originally good road was blocked by a lot of rocks and vines.

Looking at the traces, the rocks were collected from the nearby mountains, and the vines seemed to be alive.

They are like wriggling worms, each with the thickness of a child's small arm. The green vines are covered with armor like fish scales. They are constantly climbing on the ground. Once someone or a beast passes by, they will Crowd and attack.

"Then you have to ask you foreign teachers. Since you came, the order of Kunlun has been broken."

Yun Ling's beard trembled, with a hint of anger.

It doesn't like these outsiders including Ye Lingyue.

In its view, these people, like the original Red Moon believers, are all foreign invaders.

However, it was powerless to stop them from appearing.

No one knows better than it that the old Kunlun site will not always exist.

If this place disappears completely, then everything in the past will disappear completely.

The Queen's faith must be passed on.

"These vines can also be controlled by a teacher?"

Ye Lingyue pointed at the vines.

The role of those vines is obviously greater than that of rocks.

There are also traces of fighting nearby, as well as some animal skin and meat scraps. It can be seen that these are left after the fight.

"Some inheritances can do it, or some special rune bones can also make people have that ability. You don't have a special rune bone on you."

Yun Ling glanced at Ye Lingyue.

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