"You know the inheritance of Jiudang Ling Jueya going out?"

Ye Lingyue thought for a moment and asked.

"Only the inheritance above the seventh floor, I know it."

Yun Ling said lazily.

The inheritance of the cats and dogs below the seventh floor is as numerous as the hair of a cow, and it is too lazy to care.

Only the inheritance of destiny and even some of the top Kunlun inheritances are worth protecting.

However, the critical inheritance, which has been passed down, is actually very limited.

Except for Ye Lingyue, the eldest grandson Xueying, and the two or three kittens who came in earlier, they are basically well preserved in Jiudangling Jue Cliff.

Most of the masters are coveted by the inheritance of Jiudang Ling Jueya. They don't know that the inheritance of Ling Jueya, especially the top-level inheritance, actually varies from person to person.

Only the right people can get those inheritances.

This was also the last ban before the ancient gods of Kunlun fell.

And it, to put it bluntly, is nothing more than a top-level caretaker.

It's just that Yun Ling didn't know how long he had to wait to find a suitable inheritor.

In other words, before the collapse of the old Kunlun site, how many top inheritances can be passed down.

Thinking of this, Yun Ling's eyes dimmed a bit.

"It seems that this section of the road is impossible to pass properly."

Ye Lingyue grabbed Yun Ling's sensual neck.

Yun Ling was about to fry, but saw Ye Lingyue's body soaring into the air. Ye Lingyue now has a flying rune bone, and along the way, she only needs to borrow the advantage of the flying rune bone, and the journey is shortened a lot.

"If you make any more noise, I will throw you down. Your flesh should be very suitable for the appetites of those who eat cane below."

Ye Lingyue threatened.

Yun Ling rolled his eyes.

But after flying a distance, Ye Lingyue's flight speed dropped rapidly.

"Tsk, which unlucky ghost is trapped inside."

Yun Ling hung on Ye Lingyue's right hand and quickly adapted to this posture.

It narrowed its eyes and glanced at the restless rattan below.

In this area, I don't know who has set up this kind of rattan roadblock. If there is no flying rune bone, it is almost impossible for people to pass through.

But this area is the only way to the Queen's Valley.

In this way, the number of people entering the Queen's Valley has been greatly reduced.

A sharp whistling sound turned into sword shadows.

A large number of vines shattered, and among those vines, several people were fighting fiercely.

People kept falling, and soon, there was only one person left, still resisting.

Ye Lingyue was at a high place, and she quickly moved her consciousness down.

"is her."

Ye Lingyue caught the breath of the other party,

Somewhat surprised.

Her body swooped sharply, and as soon as the flying rune was retracted, she slid straight down, like a graceful bird falling from a height.

"What are you doing! This deity hates those ugly guys who look like earthworms!"

The fat cat twisted its body, expressing strong dissatisfaction.

It can make it even more depressing yet to come.

When approaching the figure, Ye Lingyue's right hand loosened.

Yun Ling's chubby body fell down suddenly.

Yun Ling instantly froze.

It seems that he smelled the fresh and delicious fat on the fat cat. Those rattans covered with scales, swish swish, like the tentacles of eight claws, quickly abandoned that person and turned to attack Yun Ling.

"Dead girl, this deity is not finished with you!"

Yun Ling was so angry.

It showed its sharp cat claws, and many flashes fell into the sky.

Those incomparably tough vines suddenly broke into dozens of pieces.

Yun Ling's body also turned into a white cloud in an instant.

Taking advantage of the time when Yun Ling was attracting the enemy, Ye Lingyue dived and pulled the exhausted man out of the rattan encirclement.

The other party was already covered in blood and sweat, and she was almost too tired to open her eyes. She thought that she was going to be trapped here today.

"Yang Fei'er?"

After the other party saw Ye Lingyue clearly, he was surprised and happy, and blurted out.

"Cui Hong, we meet again."

The person Ye Lingyue rescued was Cui Hong from the Demonic Heaven Domain who had a relationship with two faces earlier.

Cui Hong is one of the top 30 existences on the Kunlun Jade Ranking. Earlier, she left the Kunlun Fortress after she was inherited from Jiudangling Jueya.

Although the strength is not as strong as other forces, Cui Hong still chose to go to the Queen's Valley to explore.

Many other teachers with comparable strength to her also chose to enter the "tiger den" to find out.

But Cui Hong's luck was not very good. When she came to this area and was about to pass, she encountered these rattan obstacles.

She brought three or four people, all of whom were in the top sixty of the Jade List, but they were all damaged in the encirclement of these Teng Tiao.

If Ye Lingyue hadn't arrived in time, she would have been trapped here too.

"Let's go out first."

Ye Lingyue looked around, Yun Ling was really capable, maybe it was too sturdy, and a large number of those vines were beheaded.

There are scattered runes all over the place.

Ye Lingyue took Cui Hong to find an open space, and picked up hundreds of rune bones, all of which fell from the vines.

Yun Ling took the shape of a cat again, and the cat hair all over his body stood up in anger.

"Shameless, this deity has never seen such a shameless person like you. You actually threw a weak cat into the killing rattan. Putting down those rune bones is the result of this deity's labor."

"Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing, don't you? These are all yours, don't worry."

Ye Lingyue said with a smile.

Soft cat?


Ye Lingyue laughed dryly.

Yun Lingqi was bulging, and squatted aside, the meaty butt was facing Ye Lingyue, obviously trying to get angry with her.

Ye Lingyue was not annoyed either.

This fat cat is an arrogant master. If he has nothing to do with him, he has to give up his anger.

She is also used to it.

Anyway, after a night, it will run back.

"As I expected, you came out. They all said that you were trapped on the eighth floor."

Cui Hong saw Ye Lingyue and felt very cordial.

After this, the Demonic Sound Heavenly Domain lost almost all of its backbone. In addition, Situ also fell on Jiudangling Jue Cliff. Cui Hong couldn't help but feel a little sad. Seeing Ye Lingyue made her feel a little better. .

"It's just luck. It's you, why did you break into this place? And what happened to those vines?"

Ye Lingyue weighed the rune bones she picked up.

These are the rune bones that fell from the rattan. Ye Lingyue has noticed that the runes on it have been tampered with. Obviously, this is a very powerful teacher, or at least the handwriting of Tian Nian.

And it cost so many rune bones in one breath, it can be seen that the other party must also be a powerful existence with a good background.

The other party deliberately set up roadblocks here, just to kill Cui Hong and her top 30 teachers on the jade list.

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