"Hey, don't ask so much, let's go through this area quickly and talk about it. And those rune bones, don't keep them, throw them all away, so as not to cause big trouble."

Cui Hong had a headache, she looked at the rune bone that Ye Lingyue picked up, and shook her head.

"Why, is the other party's eldest grandson Xueying unable to make you so taboo?"

Ye Lingyue is not afraid of the other party's great background.

Anyway, she has already forged a big beam with the eldest grandson Xueying, and she is not afraid of another beam, and it doesn't itch if there are too many horizontal and vertical lice.

"It's not the eldest grandson Xueying, a Taoist person, who doesn't set up a checkpoint so blatantly. To tell you the truth, the person who set up the checkpoint this time is a loose ice person. You should know about him as the top three in the Jade List. He is more difficult to deal with than the blood princess."

Cui Hong thought about it, but told Ye Lingyue the truth.

Ye Lingyue had heard of this floating ice loose person.

When she first came to the old Kunlun site, she had heard the names of the Blood Princess and the Frozen Bingren. They were all as famous as Mother and Uncle Mirror.

"Is there no objection to this floating ice loose man openly setting up cards in this area? As far as I know, there are not many people who have flying rune bones."

Ye Lingyue pondered.

The flying rune bones sold by Changsun Xueying were mainly given to Pirates, Lord Zangshan, and people from Buddhism.

As for the flying rune bones shot by Ye Lingyue, they were given to a few people, including the tomb guards and Chen Xiangzi, which meant that there were only dozens of people who could pass through the area smoothly.

The remaining top 30 on the jade list are eligible to go.

"The other party is a floating ice loose person. Even if he has an opinion, what can he do? Could it be that he can't fight with him? His ice and snow supreme bone is a very powerful top-level rune bone, and it can even freeze thought power attacks."

Cui Hong smiled bitterly.

Except for a very small number of devotees with amazing speed, the floating ice loose person only needs a "freeze technique" to block all attacks.

The same is true of most ancient beast attacks, and his subordinates have almost no defeats at all.

"Glacier Supreme Bone appeared?"

The fat cat Yun Ling, who had been using her butt to face Ye Lingyue, was still sulking when she heard it, moved her fat buttocks, turned her head, and her whiskers were shaking, obviously very surprised.

"That rune bone is amazing?"

Ye Lingyue had never heard of this special rune bone.

"The skull of the Blizzard Throne, you said, is it powerful? It's a little more powerful than all the rune bones of cats and dogs on your body. Of course, compared with the deity, it's not worth mentioning."

Yun Ling continued to be arrogant.

"it is?"

Only then did Cui Hong notice the fat cat Yunling.

This cat, covered in snow, looked white and fluffy, like a cloud, and people couldn't help but want to take it into their arms.

But its eyes are very sharp.

Cui Hong's eyes were only on it, and after a while, it narrowed its eyes.

A warning expression of "close to the deity, the deity will scratch your face".

"In Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff, I picked up a wild cat."

Ye Lingyue pouted.

"Shut up, bold cat slave!"

Yun Ling waved the cat's claws angrily, but when it didn't have sharp claws, the cat's claws were powdery and didn't seem to have the slightest attack power.

"It really looks like a lucky cat liked by the people of the Thirty-Three Days."

Cui Hong couldn't help but praise.

"Ha~ Lucky? Please call it a four-legged gold-swallowing beast."

Ye Lingyue threw the bag of rune bones to Yun Ling.

"Cat slave, you want to use this inferior rune bone to send this deity!"

Yun Ling was angry again.

This kind of rune bone, which is considered to have modified the rune, is inferior in its eyes.

"It's okay if it's not inferior. I'll discuss it with you. Let's join forces to clear all the roadblocks in this area. I can provide you with some unmodified rune bones in exchange."

Ye Lingyue had a negotiable tone.

Yun Ling's blue eyes were twitching, as if he was considering whether the deal was worth it or not.

Of course it's worth it, just for Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue did not intend to discard these rune bones.

She is currently carrying this "four-legged gold-swallowing beast", and every rune bone is very important.

She pondered that the "barricades" in this area could produce a lot of rune bones.

Even if it is tampered with, the rune bone is the rune bone, Yun Ling does not eat it, but it is still her rune bone, and it can still be listed on the jade list.

It will probably take her to pass through this area in less than a day. With Yun Ling's combat power, she can definitely clean up the nearby rattan, and remove its rations. There are sixty rune bones a day. Ye Lingyue still has it. Make money.

Yun Ling did the math and reluctantly agreed.

Seeing that Ye Lingyue had no intention of discarding these rune bones and clearing the "roadblocks", Cui Hong couldn't help but look worried.

"These runes can't be kept, otherwise, if they go to the Queen's Valley, the floating ice loose people will definitely be angry."

Cui Hong didn't know what inheritance Ye Lingyue got from Jiudang Ling Jueya.

However, the floating ice loose person is a veteran Tiannian teacher, and his cultivation is very strong.

Moreover, he has a good friendship with the Blood Princess. Cui Hong had received reliable information before leaving, and learned that the Blood Princess should join forces with the Frozen Ice Loose People this time to fight against other major forces.

Ye Lingyue had sinned against the Qianlan Buddha and the Blood Princess earlier, which made Cui Hong very worried.

"If you believe me, you can go to the Queen's Valley with me. It doesn't matter if the floating ice loose and the blood princess are united. I also have many friends in that area."

Ye Lingyue smiled.

When Cui Hong heard this, she felt refreshed.

In her mind, although Yang Fei'er was only in the top 30 on the jade list, and her ranking was not as good as hers, she was a very thoughtful person.

If you go to the Queen's Valley by yourself, you will undoubtedly die, but with one more Concubine Yang, it will be different.

Ye Lingyue let Cui Hong recuperate on the spot, so she walked around the area with the fat cat.

Inspired by the rune bone ration, Yun Ling cleaned up the rattan in this area.

In the dark, several teachers were shocked to see the cat beheading the murdering rattan without anyone else.

They looked at each other's appearance and clothing, but couldn't see why.

These reading masters are the reading masters sent by the floating ice loose people to monitor the situation in this area.

"Go and tell the people that there is a woman and a cat who destroyed our level."

Several teachers didn't know Ye Lingyue's details, so they didn't dare to take action rashly, and immediately sent someone to report to Fubing that the scattered people had gone.

At this time, at the entrance to the Valley of the Queens.

A middle-aged Taoist with a goatee, dressed in a robe, his complexion was haggard, his figure was very thin, and his forehead was wider than ordinary people.

Beside him, the Blood Princess and the Qianlan Buddha also stood.

"Flying Ice Loose People, the Queen's Valley is in front. On this trip, we must cooperate well and capture the Queen's Tomb."

The blood princess laughed.

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