The Queen's Valley is now the most popular place in the entire Kunlun site.

There is no reason, it is because of the tomb of the Queen.

There are various indications that there is indeed a tomb of the Queen in the Queen's Valley.

Only the top 30 teachers on the Jade List are allowed to enter the Queen's Valley.

Before coming to the Queen's Valley, the Blood Princess and the Qianlan Buddha were not sure yet, but since the connection with the floating ice loose person, the Blood Princess suddenly gained confidence.

The eldest grandson Xueying was injured, and the reputation of Jiu Ming Buddha in the Buddhist sect plummeted. The two biggest forces in the ninja teachers are now both internal and external troubles.

On the other hand, Fu Bing Loose and Blood Princess are one of the top three on the Jade List and the other is the top five on the Jade List. Together, they can compete with Jiu Ming Buddha or Changsun Xueying.

"We are determined to win the Queen's Tomb. However, our cooperation will not be until the Queen's Tomb is discovered. Once the Queen's Tomb is opened, the treasures inside will be yours and me."

Bing Bing Sanren's face was haggard, and what he said was dry and without the slightest sense of humanity.

After listening to this, Qianlan Buddha frowned slightly, and she looked at the blood princess.

The Blood Princess was calm and gave a wink to the Qianlan Buddha.

She knows the temperament of floating ice loose people better than Qianlan Buddha.

Unlike other people, this person was a king of the world before he came to the old Kunlun site. He was arrogant by nature and the only one who truly held power.

However, this person is different from ordinary Immortal Sovereigns. His desire for power is not heavy, but he has an unprecedented pursuit of strength.

The reason why he gave up the absolute power of the original world and entered the old Kunlun site was to improve his own cultivation.

He has already reached a peak in the cultivation of Tianli.

In terms of counter-concept, he is slightly inferior to the first two on the Jade List and the former number one on the Jade List.

This also made him very dissatisfied.

He entered the Queen's Tomb in order to obtain the strongest inheritance.

Some people may ask, if you want to pursue the most powerful strength, why not go to the ninth floor of Jiudang Ling Jueya.

There is the strongest inheritance of Heavenly Thought hidden there.

Most people think so, but the floating ice loose people are different.

He thought that the inheritance of Queen Kunlun was the strongest.

Where is the inheritance of the queen, it is naturally the tomb of the queen.

His temper became even more severe after he obtained the Ice and Snow Supreme Bone.

He united with the blood princess, but he wanted to use the blood princess' hand to eradicate some innocuous opponents.

And the blood princess, working with him, is to deal with the strongest ones.

It can be said that the two of them get what they need and benefit from each other.

"It's easy to say, as long as you find the Queen's Tomb,

We do our part, and no one interferes. "

The blood princess is full of promises, unequivocal.

"Speaking of which, the people who came to the Queen's Valley this time are less than I thought."

The Qianlan Buddha looked around and talked about him.

Along the way, her mood was very complicated.

On the one hand, she knows that Zitang, who is in the top 30 of the newly promoted jade list, will definitely come to the Queen's Valley.

But on the other hand, she didn't want to break up with Zitang, even if Zitang humiliated her that time.

The Qianlan Buddha paid attention to it, and did not see any traces of people from the Buddhist sect.

Not to mention Zitang, even the Nine Lives Buddha did not appear.

At the entrance of the valley, it is empty. Looking at the footprints, there are no traces of many people passing by.

Is there really a tomb of the Queen here?

Kianlan Buddha couldn't help but doubt.

"That's natural. I set up a checkpoint on the way. I'm afraid that no one can get here alive except those who have flying runes."

Bing Bing Loose Man's face is arrogant.


Both the Qianlan Buddha and the Blood Princess were surprised.

Especially the blood princess, when she brought her men down, she did not encounter any obstacles on the way.

"The ruined city of the blood domain was naturally not encountered after the level I set. You are considered lucky, otherwise, even you will have to peel off the skin."

The floating ice loose person looked arrogant.

When the Qianlan Buddha heard this, his heart became anxious.

The blood princess was happy.

This level seems to have stumped many people.

This is also good, it means that fewer people enter the Queen's Valley.

After all, not many people get flying rune bones.

Could it be that Zitang also encountered that level?

Qianlan Buddha thought wildly.

"Reporting scattered people, there is something important to report from the rear."

A teacher of floating ice scattered people came running quickly.

The teacher whispered a few words in the ears of the floating ice loose person.


The floating ice scattered person changed his face in an instant.

"Find out, what is the origin of that person and one beast? Is it a Buddhist, a pirate, or a Taoist?"

The Blood Princess and Qianlan Buddha couldn't help but look sideways.

"I don't know, it's a woman with a flying rune bone. In addition, the cat-shaped ancient beast she carried is very ferocious. After it killed the killing rattan, it directly chewed the rune bone like a radish and chewed it into pieces. swallowed."

The teacher who complained was pale.

"Cat-shaped ancient beast? Is it a gluttonous one? Or a nine-life cat demon?"

The expression of the floating ice loose person also became dignified.

The murder vines he set up are not good.

Not to mention one person and one beast, even if it encounters a thousand troops, it is enough to resist.

But it was destroyed in less than a day.

This made the floating ice loose people very annoyed.

"What happened?"

Blood Princess hurriedly asked.

"It's just a small matter. Fortunately, I have been prepared for a long time. At the entrance of the valley, another checkpoint has been set up."

The face of the floating ice scattered person is a little ugly.

The one person and one cat, listening to the report, should have come to the Queen's Valley.

The ice floes weighed the pros and cons, and decided to wait here and wait for the other party to come to the door.

Right now, the Valley of the Queens is even more important.

The rune bones he had tampered with all had smells, and as soon as he got close to the valley, he could find them.

But as soon as the man and the beast arrive, he will cut them into eight pieces.

"It's not good to tell the people away."

Another teacher, with a pale face, walked over quickly.

"what happened again?"

The face of the floating ice loose person became more and more unpleasant.

"There are a lot of people flying towards this side, and looking at the number, there should be dozens of people."

As soon as the subordinate Nian Shi finished speaking, the floating ice loose person and the blood princess were all stunned.

Dozens of people have flying runes?

how can that be?

There are only thirty people who can enter the valley of the Queen's Yubang.

Among them, we have to remove a few teachers who were stopped by the floating ice loose people. Where did so many teachers with flying runes come from?

But before they could question them, black dots appeared one by one in the sky.

These people come from all over the world.

The origins of their identities cannot be verified for the time being, but one thing is obvious, each of them has a pair of striking wings on their backs.   That is not a flying rune, what is it?   And from the perspective of the number, there are indeed as many as forty or fifty people!

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