So many people with flying runes appeared all at once, which meant that the competition for the Queen's Tomb became fierce.

"Loose people, what should I do?"

The blood princess looked bad.

These people all have flying runes, which means they must have something to do with Daomen.

That eldest grandson, Xueying, is really too annoying. He made so many flying rune bones. Isn't this looking for trouble.

The blood princess cursed in her heart.

The floating ice scattered person looked at the black spots in the sky that were getting closer, but his face slowly returned to normal.

"Don't worry, it's useless for these people to have flying runes, and they may not be able to enter the Queen's Valley. Don't forget the rules of the Queen's Valley. It is naive to think that if you have flying runes, you can enter."

The goatee of the floating ice loose person trembled, and his tone was full of schadenfreude.

That eldest grandson Xueying, he also dealt with.

A person has two inheritances of destiny, and I have to say that the eldest grandson Xueying has some ability.

However, she thought that she would be able to make a fortune in the old Kunlun site, then she was very wrong.

"That's right. Only the top 30 people can enter the Queen's Valley. These people have no way to enter."

The blood princess suddenly realized, and immediately showed the look of watching a good show.

Among the black spots, the eldest grandson Xueying was also among them.

Not to mention the blood princess and the floating ice loose person, it is herself, and her face is inexplicable at this time.

"Why so many people?"

The eldest grandson Xueying's pretty face was not full of blood.

There is also an obvious crack on the flying rune behind her.

That was the trace left by the Heavenly Dao punishment when she forced her way into the eighth floor.

Although it is not like a calf, it is directly fatal, but this trace cannot be repaired with thought power.

At the thought of losing a mount like a calf, Changsun Xueying gritted his teeth.

That goddamn heaven, really thought that he could do whatever he wanted in the old Kunlun site.

Don't even look at who she is.

She is the eldest grandson Xueying, the little princess of the Tianming family and the only inheritor of the queen.

When she enters the Queen's Valley, enters the Queen's Tomb, and finds the Queen's Supreme Immortal Body, she can truly gain the Queen's power.

At that time, she must let the so-called Heavenly Dao know how powerful she is.

"I also find it strange that those people don't seem to be ordinary teachers."

"Yes! It's a pirate!"

There were four or five people from Daomen who accompanied the eldest Sun Xueying this time.

These people are all in the top 30 of the Jade List and are qualified to enter the Queen's Valley.   Counting it up,

Daomen is also the power that has entered the Queen's Valley and has the most flying rune bones. Originally, Changsun Xueying thought that with a group of five, his clothes were enough to crush other powers.

"Where do pirates come from so many people? At most two or three of them are qualified."

The eldest grandson Xueying frowned.

Pirates are also a thorn in her side.

Saintess of Taiyin and that Qiu Yu, those two women, have some knowledge of their past, which is a lot of trouble.

Moreover, these days, the pirates took advantage of her injury and seized several abandoned cities of Taoism.

The eldest Sun Xueying remembered these accounts clearly.

"It's a man wearing a hat!"

As the black spot approached, the Taoist teacher could see it more clearly.

The person who stole Kunlun's secretary!

Changsun Xueying's thought power instantly reached its peak.

"No, many people wearing hats are the people in Cangshan City. Why did they all come? They also brought their subordinates."

The Taoist teachers were stunned.

"And Lord Zangshan."

Seeing that Lord Cangshan and Director Ji also appeared, the eldest grandson Xueying suddenly understood something.

The flying rune bones of these people did not come from themselves at all.

But from the wind and rain.

There are so many people!

"Beisan people, those people are not teachers at all, they are the city lords of the major mountain cities and their subordinates, even the Tibetan Mountain Lord."

On the ground, the ice floes and the blood princess also discovered this fact.

Both the ice floes and the blood princess were dumbfounded.

"Didn't you say the top 30 on the Jade List?"

Qianlan Buddha was also a little helpless.

Are these the city lords of the mountain city?

Why are they here?

Could it be that they also came for the Queen's Tomb?

For a while, whether it was in the sky or underground...or in the Queen's Valley...all stunned.

There are a lot of people who come.

"The top 30 on the Jade List is just a general concept, which means that as long as you have the same strength as the top 30 on the Jade List, you can enter the Queen's Valley."

The fat cat Yun Ling yawned and was embraced by Ye Lingyue.

In the darkness of the night, there were two more figures in the sky, it was Ye Lingyue and Cui Hong who were on their way all night.

"Yun Ling knows a lot."

Cui Hong, who had just merged a pair of flying rune bones, was full of surprise, Yun Ling obviously looked so weak.

Cui Hong had obviously forgotten that a certain "weak" had been brutal and slaughtered the murder cane just now.

"So, it's actually more than expected to enter the Queen's Valley this time?"

Ye Lingyue understood what Yun Ling meant as soon as she heard it.

Although I don't know how the Heavenly Dao in the old Kunlun site calculated strength.

But since the first 30 names are boundaries, it means that, in addition to the teachers on the jade list, including some indigenous people, patron saints, and tomb guards can enter the Queen's Valley.

In addition, those corpses hidden underground... Ye Lingyue thought it was very lively.

"It's fun to have a lot of people."

Yun Ling was a little lethargic and yawned.

"You look like this, aren't you full?"

Ye Lingyue looked at Yun Ling.

"Cat slave, don't be you all the time, you call this deity. No big or small! This deity is old, it's an old cat, and it's strange that it will be sleepy at night."

Yun Ling's blue eyes glared at Ye Lingyue.

"You look a bit like a friend of mine."

Ye Lingyue smiled, only taking Yun Ling as a joke.

Even the old cat, jumping higher than her with flying rune bones.

The same blue eyes, the same moody, and the witch god is really similar.

Ye Lingyue thought to herself, if Xin Lin met Yun Ling, I was afraid that Yun Ling would be bullied.

"Across this mountain is the Queen's Valley."

Cui Hong reminded.

Ye Lingyue stopped joking when she heard it.

Her black eyes flashed, staring in that direction.

The Valley of the Queen is located at the end of the ruins of the hundred cities. The ruins of the hundred cities, the Valley of the Queen and even the Palace of the Queen are in the shape of an hourglass from the power map.

The terrain in this area has changed from wide to narrow. The Queen's Valley is the narrow section. In addition, because of the collapse, the difficulty of entering the valley can be imagined.

The Queen's Valley, the location of the Queen's Tomb, is now home to the strongest fighting forces in almost the entire Kunlun site.

~Elder Fu asks for all kinds of tickets in everyone's hands~

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