Looking at the narrow entrance of the mountain road in front, it may be covered by the night, and the Queen's Valley does not seem to have anything special.

"It doesn't seem that many people have arrived yet, your friends, any news?"

Cui Hong secretly swallowed and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know either. They're all dragons that don't see the end."

Ye Lingyue spread her hands.

She took out two bamboo hats and handed one to Cui Hong.

"This is?"

Cui Hong looked puzzled.

"The logo of my own people is used to save my life. I forgot to mention that I am in the valley, and my enemies have a lot of money."

Ye Lingyue said in a relaxed tone.

Earlier, she and the city lords had already greeted each other with a hat as a password.

Those guys, who got her flying rune bones, always wanted to give her some face.

"Who else is your enemy besides the blood princess?"

Cui Hong wondered.

She remembered that when Ye Lingyue was in Jiudang Ling Jueya, the blood princess was quite critical of her.

"Sun Xueying, the head of the Taoist Sect? There is also a pirate head."

Ye Lingyue shrugged.

Without saying a word, Cui Hong put on a hat.

The two have already landed.

Here, there is also a short distance from the Queen's Valley.

For the sake of safety, Ye Lingyue did not "cat slave, put the deity down."

The fat cat meowed and ordered.

"You are willing to come down and walk."

Ye Lingyue was relieved.

Holding a cat is really eye-catching.

"I don't know what's the matter, how many ancient beasts want to be the mount of the deity, but the deity still doesn't like it."

The fat cat raised his round head high.

"Yes, dare I am your mount."

Ye Lingyue rolled her eyes.

There are many doubts in Yun Ling, but for a while, there is no way to start.

Fortunately, this guy has some strength, except for his temper and fondness for rune bones, there is nothing wrong with him.   Ye Lingyue intends to test it out after entering the Queen's Valley.  "There is a fire in front."   Cui Hong lowered the brim of the hat and pointed to the front.   "Yunling, you go up and explore."   Ye Lingyue said.   "You dare to send the deity!"    Yunling said angrily. "I mean,

Go and see, is there anyone in front of you who is qualified to be your cat slave? "

Ye Lingyue immediately changed her speech.

After Yun Ling heard it, she walked arrogantly and silently, approaching the front.

Yun Ling is definitely fat in the hair.

The whole meatball, not to mention, its movement is very light, and with a force under its feet, it jumps to the tree next to it like lightning.

It went up and down several times, jumped from a tall tree, and landed in a cluster of bushes.

In front, I saw six or seven people.

There are two or three of them, it has also seen.

The floating ice loose person, the blue Buddha and the blood princess all have a dignified expression.

They had some minor injuries on their bodies, and their breath had not yet recovered. The situation of several of their masters was even worse. Many of them were short of arms and legs and suffered serious injuries.

"What the hell are those people?"

The ice floes lost their arrogant appearance earlier, and there was still a bit of shock in their eyes.

"We don't know either. People from Taoism and Buddhism have avoided it, and the pirates have not confronted each other head-on. The other party must have a great background. I told you a long time ago that there is no need to confront them head-on, but you don't believe it. There are more people on the other side than us."

The blood princess was displeased.

"I don't think those people are in the same group, and they don't want to reveal their identities, so they started. Who knows, they will shoot together."

The ice floes have set up two levels in the valley, and those with flying runes must break through.

Of course, the floating ice loose people refused. Those people were all wearing bamboo hats, and they were unwilling to say whether they were in the top 30 on the jade list.

Several of them spoke inappropriately, and he shot out in a fit of anger.

Who knows, the other party is not using mind power.

The result can be imagined, his first hurdle was broken.

As for his second hurdle, after Daomen, Buddhism and pirates arrive one after another, they will not be attacked.

This time, the level of the Queen's Valley was completely leveled.

The reading masters under the floating ice loose people have also lost a few people, and there are undoubtedly fewer people who can bring them into the Queen's Valley.

"The valley hasn't opened yet. We can't make trouble for the next day or two."

The blood princess gritted her teeth.

The Qianlan Buddha on the side remained silent.

"Qianlan, why are you silent?"

The Blood Princess noticed the strangeness of the Kianlan Buddha.

"Those people with hats may be in the same category as Lord Cangshan."

Qianlan Buddha said suddenly.

During the melee before, she was on the sidelines and never made a direct shot.

Because she found out, Jiu Ming Buddha also brought people.

Jiu Ming Buddha did not move, but instead avoided this group of people.

This reminded Kianlan Buddha of one thing.

She was also present at the Cangshan Moon Festival. She learned at the time that Changsun Xueying was looking for a person wearing a hat. Later, Changsun Xueying invited many people with a hat to go.

At the time, it was a sensation in the city.

Halfway through the journey, these people with hats were invited away by Lord Cangshan.

After that, there was no news of these people.

Who is Lord Zangshan? He almost never deals with teachers.

These people can become his guests, and their status and status are not ordinary.

She wasn't sure before, but after seeing that the floating ice loose people are not the opponents of those hat people, she is more and more sure of this.

"Could it be that those people are all the city lords of the major mountain cities?"

The blood princess understood something.

The face of the floating ice scattered person became very ugly.

"They also came to the Queen's Valley? So, what else is there for us? What else are we going to do in the valley, it's better to go home."

The strength of the city lord of the mountain city is beyond doubt.

They are truly terrifying because they have ancient powers in them.

This kind of power is not comparable to an ordinary teacher.

"Calm people, don't be impatient. It's not easy to draw a conclusion on this matter. Those people may be the major city lords, but they just didn't make a ruthless attack, otherwise, we would not be able to survive. It can be seen that they are also shy. "

The blood princess is a woman, and her mind is more delicate.

She soon discovered something was amiss.

"I think what the princess said was polite. Back in Jiudang Ling Jueya, Gu Qinglong also said that the Lord of Heaven in Jiudang Ling Jueya is the highest existence in the old Kunlun site. Look at those city lords, They hide their heads and show their tails and wear a hat. They don’t want to show their true colors, they don’t dare to reveal their identities, and they don’t dare to rashly take action. Obviously, they are afraid of something. As long as they are afraid, we have a chance.”

The blood princess said this, and the face of the floating ice scattered person immediately turned rainy.   "Who!"   Flying Ice Sanren's expression changed.   A thought force attacked the bushes not far away.  "Meow."  A fat cat with chubby flesh emerged from the bushes.

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