
When the Blood Princess and others heard the movement, they were shocked at first, but when they saw the white fluffy stuff, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have you ever seen such a fat leopard?"

The floating ice scattered people were speechless.

"It's a cat. In a place like this, there is still such a jerk."

Qianlan Buddha wondered.

"Maybe it was brought by the gang of city masters. Those people should have a lot of rare things in their hands. I saw that the mount of one person was still a canary."

The floating ice loose man withdrew his mind power.

The fat cat walked on the catwalk like no one else was in front of them and walked by.

This momentum really seems to be raised by those city lords.

If it is really the pet of the city lords, he is really not easy to start.

The fat cat ran out in full view.

As soon as it left the sight of several people, the cat hair on its body exploded, and its eyes became abnormally sharp.

"How dare you say that the deity is a jerk, wait for the deity to show off his skills, tremble, ignorant ants."

The fat cat had a cold face and found Ye Lingyue and Cui Hong.

Ye Lingyue and Cui Hong wandered around and found that the level of the ice floes had been removed.

"It seems that the ice floes can't fight against the army of tomb guards."

Ye Lingyue said half happy and half worried.

Fortunately, the appearance of the tomb keeper helped her a lot.

The worry is that the strength of these tomb guards is too strong, even if she discovers the Queen's tomb, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to die.


The fat cat jumped out.

"Yun Ling, it's you, scared to death."

Cui Hong spent the whole day in fear, especially after she found that Ye Lingyue had so many enemies.

These are all powerful enemies.

However, none of Ye Lingyue's friends showed up yet.

But even so, Cui Hong did not intend to abandon Ye Lingyue and leave alone. After all, Ye Lingyue saved her twice, and her fate belonged to Ye Lingyue.

"Cat slave, you dare to conceal the military situation."

The fat cat was furious and stared at Ye Lingyue.

"What am I hiding?"

Ye Lingyue blinked.   "Why are those grave guards here? They all have flying rune bones, the same as yours."    Fat Meow was very angry, her blue eyes staring at Ye Lingyue.   Those servants actually dared to disobey the Queen's will and leave their respective mountain cities in private.   "You also know the grave keeper? The flying rune was indeed provided by me,

But what are they doing here with you? "

Ye Lingyue was a little surprised and looked at the fat cat.

The fat cat was silent.

"The deity doesn't care, the deity wants to teach them a lesson, you go and catch one, the deity wants to kill the chickens and show the monkeys."

The fat cat just sneaked to the entrance of the Queen's Valley.

The tomb guards all gathered together.

It can't show up.

Once they show up, those guys will definitely flee.

It's going to catch one, teach one, and let the hapless one teach those guys.

"I can't help you with this."

Ye Lingyue spread her hands.

"You dare to disobey the meaning of this deity!"

The fat cat shook his whiskers with anger.

"This is not disobedience, but a basic desire to survive. Do you think I am the opponent of those tomb guards?"

Ye Lingyue said with a smile.

"You didn't come down from the eighth floor, why are you still so stupid?"

The fat cat squinted at Ye Lingyue.

"How long have I been practicing Spirit Control, those tomb guards, whoever pick one out, are my ancestors."

Ye Lingyue sighed.


The fat cat said contemptuously.

"That's why you asked the old man to cover us and lead us to kill the Quartet in the Queen's Valley, isn't it?"

Ye Lingyue continued to work hard on her dog-legged face.

She had figured out the temperament of this fat cat. This fellow was soft-hearted rather than hard-hearted. He had soft ears and liked to hear nice things.

The fat cat seemed to like Ye Lingyue's words very much.

"Forget it, I won't let you die. But those guys are really hateful and must be taught a lesson."

The fat cat grunted.

"The situation is not very good. I saw that several places in the Queen's Valley are occupied. It is not easy for us to sneak in."

Cui Hong said in distress.

Before, the ice floes occupied the entrance area.

But at this moment, the loose ice floes were repelled, and the doo hat people in the mouth of the fat cats occupied the area.

To enter the Valley of the Queens, that area is the only way to go.

"Who said we're going to sneak in, there's Yun Ling, we're going to swagger in."

Ye Lingyue's face was taken for granted.

Yun Ling coughed a few times beside him.

"This deity will not shoot directly, this time is an excellent opportunity for you to hone."

What a joke, as soon as it makes a move, not all the tomb guards know that it has come out in person.

Besides... the tomb keepers can't leave their respective mountain cities, and as "the way of heaven" it can't leave Jiudangling Jueya.

At the beginning, it had promised that unless the old Kunlun site faced the same danger of collapse as the Tianmai, it would have to stay at the Jiudangling Cliff.

It doesn't know why the queen would make such a request, but the queen must have her reasons.

Ye Lingyue was speechless.

This unreliable guy.

"Well, we don't have to sneak in, just go in directly."

After Ye Lingyue finished speaking, she dragged Cui Hong and walked forward.

The bonfire kept jumping.

A group of city lords headed by Lord Cangshan sat aside with their cronies.

These city lords are all people who govern themselves.

Although now because of the Queen's tomb, they are gathered together.

But they disagreed with each other.

Lord Cangshan took a lot of effort to get everyone together to discuss the opening of the Queen's Valley at noon tomorrow.

"My colleagues, you and I are both grave guards. Everyone is very clear about the purpose of gathering in the Queen's Valley today. The Queen's Valley will be open tomorrow afternoon, and we will make an appointment in advance. No matter what happens, we are not allowed to do anything. ."

Cang Shanjun looked solemn and looked around.

The matter of floating ice scattered people has already attracted some movements.

Fortunately, the tomb guards were restrained.

But once the Queen's Tomb is really discovered, I don't know whether they can be so polite to each other.

"If we don't do it, it sounds better than singing. If we don't do it, who will inherit the ancient immortal body in the Queen's tomb? Cangshan, you have an explanation."

Some tomb guards listened, and there was no sarcasm.   The outside world doesn't know what's in the Queen's tomb, but they, the tomb keepers, do.  After the Queen's fall, although her immortal power was exhausted, her physical body was immortal.   In the tomb of the Queen, the most precious thing, to put it bluntly, is the Queen's Immortal Body.   But, there is only one immortal body of the queen.   There are more than a dozen of them tomb guards. Today, when the way of heaven is gradually weakening, whoever gets the Queen's Immortal Body means that they can break the status quo of the old Kunlun site and change each other's fate.

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