"I haven't seen a cat for many years. At first sight, it's strangely endearing."

The female tomb keeper was a little emotional.

Mostly because women are born with little immunity to such furry creatures, the female tomb keeper still wants to reach out and touch Yunling.

But he was stopped by Ye Lingyue.

It's really cute, and it's life-threatening to be cute.

Ye Lingyue thought to herself, if these tomb guards knew that Yun Ling wanted to screw off their heads and use them as balls, I don't know how they would feel.

"There used to be cats in the old Kunlun site?"

Ye Lingyue took the opportunity to ask.

"It was during the Kunlun period that there were cats, but there are no cats in the old Kunlun site. Don't you know that the Queen likes cats, and after she and the Red Moon Queen fell one after another, the minions of the Red Moon believers heard the wind from somewhere, saying yes The queen left the inheritance to her beloved cat. The Crimson Moon believers took advantage of the chaos when the Heavenly Vessel collapsed and slaughtered all the cat clan at that time."

The female tomb keeper sighed with emotion.

The other tomb guards also nodded.

For some reason, Ye Lingyue felt that Yun Ling in her hand seemed to stiffen when the female tomb keeper said so.

"The Red Moon believers are really cruel."

Ye Lingyue frowned.

Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, even the weak cat clan didn't let it go. It is conceivable how frantic the Crimson Moon believers were at that time.

"But at this moment, isn't it too playful for you to bring a cat here?"

Cangshan Jun looked at the cat in Ye Lingyue's arms, this guy is really fat.

In the Queen's Valley, most of the places have been buried by the collapsed rocks, not to mention the weak ancient beasts like cats, even the sturdy flying clan can hardly ensure that they can pass.

In this case, Feng Yujun brings another cat, which is obviously a very unwise approach.

"It sticks to me."

Ye Lingyue laughed dryly.

The fat cat glared at Ye Lingyue.

"Feng Yujun, you came just right. I was discussing with everyone about entering the Queen's Tomb. Everyone's opinions are a little different. I think that the tomb guards can't kill each other. This is also to prevent Lord Tiandao from getting angry."

Cangshan Jun explained.

"What Lord Zangshan said is very true. I also think that we should not kill each other. In comparison, dealing with those well-intentioned teachers and the Red Moon believers led by the Red Moon Priest is the top priority."

Ye Lingyue nodded.

Just now, she had heard the words of Lord Zangshan.

Ye Lingyue agrees that the tomb guards don't make hands with each other.

Not to mention other things, it is absolutely safe to be among these grave guards.

As for what happens after entering the Queen's Tomb, that's up to you.

"What Feng Yujun said is."

Zangshan-jun was very happy to see Ye Lingyue on his side.

"Feng Yujun, what do you think about the Red Moon Priest and the Red Moon Believer?"

A tomb keeper asked.

They do know that the Red Moon believers are awake.

But they had never heard of the Crimson Moon Priest.

The Red Moon Priest and the Red Moon Believer are not the same concept at all.

A Red Moon priest means countless Red Moon believers.

"To be honest with you, I met a Crimson Moon Priest before, and a few of my subordinates almost fell into his way. As far as I know, this person also mixed into the ranks of the Queen's Valley."

Ye Lingyue's voice was full of worry.

When the other tomb guards heard the words, their expressions changed drastically.

"That priest, is it also for the Queen's Immortal Body?"

"That's outrageous, that guy, who is so daring, actually wanted to hit the Queen's Immortal Body."

"We must not allow the Red Moon believers to revive."

The tomb guards were filled with righteous indignation.

"Everyone, don't be impatient, we are large enough to deal with those Red Moon believers. But in order to prevent the Red Moon believers from offending the Queen's Tomb, I think we should stop the Red Moon believers at the entrance."

Lord Zangshan said loudly.

This time, the tomb guards all nodded in agreement.

"However, the Crimson Moon Priest is very cunning. After he is seen through by me, he is likely to hide in other people, and it is difficult to find."

Ye Lingyue sighed.

"Don't worry, we will keep all the pirates out tomorrow."

Lord Zangshan disagreed.

When he was in Cangshan City, he paid attention to those pirates.

I didn't do it at that time, because it wasn't necessary.

But at this moment, those people want to enter the Queen's Valley, that's different.

It was already late at night, and the tomb guards discussed for a while, and then began to adjust their breaths and enter into meditation.

Ye Lingyue took the fat cat and the uneasy Cui Hong to the side.

"You just have to be careful, they won't embarrass you."

Ye Lingyue comforted Cui Hong a few words, and Zangshan Jun and Ji Guanshi came over.

"Master Zangshan."

Ye Lingyue bowed.

"You're welcome, Feng Yujun, for the flying rune bones, thank you very much."

Zangshan Jun smiled.

Last time, he hadn't had a chance to have a good conversation with Ye Lingyue, but this time, seeing Ye Lingyue from Laoshan District, he had the intention of making friends.

Laoshan District is a very mysterious existence even for the gravekeepers.

"Master Zangshan is very polite, but it's just a pair of rune bones, nothing to talk about. Does Lord Zangshan have something to say?"

When Ye Lingyue saw that Lord Zangshan came alone, he knew that he must have a plan.

After saying that, Zangshan-Jun showed a distressed look.

"Feng Yujun, you just woke up not long ago, there are some things, you are afraid that you are not clear. Lord Tiandao has not summoned us for a long time. In addition, the old Kunlun site has been very unstable recently. I am afraid..."

As Zangshan-jun spoke, he sighed continuously.

In Ye Lingyue's arms, the fat cat Yun Ling pricked up her ears.

It hasn't summoned them for a long time, and it's not because these guys are an eyesore.

"Are you afraid?"

Ye Lingyue was puzzled.

"I'm afraid that Lord Tiandao is about to die."

After Zangshan-jun finished speaking, he wiped the corners of his eyes.

A fat cat's eyes became darker.

"Master Tiandao can't do it?"

Ye Lingyue was surprised.

The one who slaughtered the hairy calf didn't seem to have any serious problems.

"You just woke up, so you didn't realize how unstable the old Kunlun site is now. Otherwise, the Red Moon Priest wouldn't be able to wake up. Not only the Red Moon Priest, but recently, foreign forces have also begun to invade the old Kunlun site. Go In the second Kunlun Moon Festival, I was fusing rune bones. At that time, more than 90% of the bones were fused, but there was an inexplicable force that disrupted my fusion. In my opinion, that force was definitely not the force inside the old Kunlun site. In the past, with similar powers, Lord Tiandao would definitely find and intercept them, but now..."

Zangshanjun continued to speak, and the fat cat's eyes became deeper.

"Not only that, but also the Misty Sea area. In that area, there has been a lot of wind and waves recently, and some ancient statues have been washed up on the pier and have been discovered one after another. Those statues are not ordinary statues."

Cangshan Jun whispered.

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