Zangshan-jun's face was full of worry.

Although Ye Lingyue knew all these things, she didn't know that these things were actually related to the Dao of Heaven.

"So what are the specific uses of those statues?"

Ye Lingyue probed.

"I don't know the specific purpose of the statues. But I do know that there was a reason why Lord Tiandao sealed them up. I told you so much because I wanted to say that all of this is a symbol of Lord Tiandao's weakness. . Because of its weakness, the old Kunlun site has become vulnerable. We have to think about it too."

Lord Zangshan sighed.

In Ye Lingyue's arms, the fat cat suddenly became quiet.

Ye Lingyue was puzzled and glanced at it.

It seems to be asleep.

The night is already deep.

The fat cat Yunling once said that when it is old, it is easy to get sleepy at night.

The spirits in Jiudang Ling Jueya are all like this, does that mean that the way of heaven is also...

"What should we think about?"

Ye Lingyue was puzzled.

She really didn't know what the tomb guards were thinking.

"Why don't you understand? Of course, leave here. Once Lord Tiandao disappears, the old Kunlun site will also disappear. We people can't sit still. We must think of a way to leave the old Kunlun site and move towards a new life."

Cangshan Jun said excitedly.

"Leave? You... I mean, we can still leave? I thought that the grave keeper could only stay at the old Kunlun site."

Ye Lingyue muttered.

"In general, we really can only stay here, but if we stay here, there is only a dead end. We can't leave because we are an ancient existence. If we want to live outside the old Kunlun site, we must have new ones. Flesh, otherwise our flesh, once we leave the old Kunlun site, will turn into the past, I said this, you understand?"

Zangshanjun tried to explain to Ye Lingyue.

The group of tomb guards are very cunning, and each has a ghost.

In comparison, Feng Yujun from this old mountain area is like a country bumpkin who doesn't understand anything.

This kind of person is the best to fool and control, which is why Lord Zangshan chose Ye Lingyue.

"The new body you said? Wouldn't it be?"

Ye Lingyue had a bad feeling in her heart.

"You see, that's what I meant!"

Lord Cangshan is overjoyed.

He had never spoken to anyone other than Director Ji about this matter.

But Cangshan Jun is convinced that all the tomb guards, except this rookie tomb guard who has just woken up, have this plan.

"I can guess.

The so-called new body may be the Queen's Immortal Body in the Queen's Tomb. However, there is only one body. "

Ye Lingyue said slowly.

"Yes, the Queen's Immortal Body is the only immutable existence in the entire old Kunlun site. It's a pity that there is only one dark body."

Cangshan Jun said regretfully.

"The rest of the flesh can only be..."

Ye Lingyue paused.

"Those cursed celestial bodies, although they are not queen celestial bodies, they are also much more advanced celestial bodies than us, that is, those god statues on the seabed. However, those god statues are cursed, can you? Crack is still unknown. Fortunately, we have a third option."

Cangshan Jun was very satisfied when he saw that Ye Lingyue understood what he meant.

"It's those foreign teachers."

Ye Lingyue took a deep breath and said what Lord Zangshan did not say.

"Feng Yujun is a smart person. Those people are not the people in the old Kunlun site. It is natural to take their bodies and return to their homeland. Although they are immortals, they can survive and leave here. It is the first time. A third-class option."

Zangshan Jun was satisfied and nodded.

These tomb keepers want to take the bodies of the masters.

Ye Lingyue was shocked by this amazing news.

If it weren't for this time, she had mixed into the grave guards, and this secret would only be revealed at the end.

By then, it was too late.

"You... If we do this, aren't we afraid that Lord Tiandao will find out? It has always been the maintainer of order. As far as I know, gravekeepers are not allowed to directly attack the teachers."

Ye Lingyue asked back.

"What you said, that's all in the past. The old Kunlun site has changed. You may have slept for too long and have forgotten some things in the past. When the Queen of the Red Moon invaded, the whole Kunlun was in chaos. Black and white were reversed. There is no distinction between right and wrong. How many Kunlun people really died at the hands of the Red Moon believers. We do this just to survive. We are stronger than them, so we are more qualified to live.”

Zangshan-jun's face was taken for granted.

The weak eat the strong, that is the same principle for thousands of years.

"I told you so much because I think you are my companion. Those tomb guards will snatch that Queen's Immortal Physique. If you don't help me grab the Queen's Immortal Physique, then I promise you, I will definitely take you and your indigenous city people out of the old Kunlun site."

Cangshan Jun is full of promises.

"Then I would like to thank Zangshan-Jun."

Ye Lingyue laughed dryly.

"However, Lord Cangshan is sure that we will be able to find the Queen's Tomb? I heard that the valley is now buried everywhere."

Ye Lingyue didn't know much about the situation in the Queen's Valley.

Looking at the meaning of Cangshan Jun, it seems that he is very sure of the whereabouts of the Queen's tomb.

Ye Lingyue has a map of the Queen's Tomb in her hand, but she is not sure that she can find the Queen's Tomb.

"This, I have my own way, but Feng Yujun has decided to cooperate with me?"

Cangshan Jun smiled but did not say a word, with a mysterious look on his face.   This old fox.   Ye Lingyue cursed in her heart.   "Of course, Lord Zangshan is a senior among the tomb keepers. It's my honor to be chosen by you."    Ye Lingyue agreed.   "Don't talk too much, Feng Yujun, although I think you are very sincere, but sincerity alone is obviously not enough."   Feng Yujun appeared by airborne not long ago. The identity of this person has not been investigated by Cangshan Jun.   "Then Zangshan-Jun thinks, what is sincerity?"    Ye Lingyue also knows that eating people is not easy to deal with.   "You can swear, you and I both swear, if you break the promise, you will be hit with five thunders."   "Didn't you say that Lord Tiandao himself is about to die and can't control us?"    Ye Lingyue asked rhetorically. In   's arms, a fat cat's eyelids trembled. "This oath is not sworn to Lord Tiandao, but to the Queen Kunlun. There is the Queen's Tomb in the valley. If you make this oath at this time, if you violate it, you will not die in the Queen's Tomb. This is not Just kidding."    Lord Zangshan avoided.

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