Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand three hundred and forty-two chapters oath

"I, Feng Yujun, swear in the name of the queen that I am willing to form an alliance with Cangshan Jun. If I violate my oath, I will be struck by five thunders, and my Feng Yujun will not die."

Ye Lingyue's words were eloquent and sincere.

"I, Lord Cangshan swear in the name of the empress, to form an alliance with Lord Fengyu, and never leave or give up. If this oath is violated, the sky will be struck by five thunders, and there will be no good death."

Zangshan Jun immediately swore an oath.

The two clapped their hands and made an agreement.

Zangshan Jun formed an alliance with Ye Lingyue and was very happy.

After he left, the fat cat Yun Ling couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Such a brazen person is really rare in the life of the deity."

What Laozi swears, swearing in the name of Feng Yujun, this cat slave is very cunning.

"He asked me to post it. I'm not forced by the situation. If he refuses, he will probably draw others to deal with me together, and it is Junjie who knows the current affairs."

Ye Lingyue said with a smile.

The fat cat was too lazy to pay attention to Ye Lingyue.

"Have you figured out any other forces in the Queen's Valley?"

Ye Lingyue probed.

She knew that the fat cat had wandered around before, and she should have explored the situation in the vicinity.

"In addition to the tomb guards, there are at least four or five groups of people. They are all in different locations in the valley. Tomorrow, these people should all enter the valley."

The fat cat murmured, to the effect that there are so many flying rune bones from nowhere.

Because of the flying runes, there are multiple ways to fly into the Valley of the Queens.

The levels set by the ice floes are simply not enough to watch.

"Pirates and people from Daomen should have also arrived. It seems that there will be a good show tomorrow."

After all, Ye Lingyue took out a map.

"Yun Ling, take a look at this map. After the valley tomorrow, you will be relatively inconspicuous. When a few gangs are at a stalemate, you will go in and explore first."

"Bold cat slave, you are the deity of the messenger!"

Yun Ling was very dissatisfied.

Obviously it is its cat slave, Ye Lingyue actually let it run around, it really disrespects the old and loves the young.

But before it finished complaining, its eyes were attracted by the map in Ye Lingyue's hand.

This map is not the power distribution map of the old Kunlun site that Ye Lingyue had seen before.

"Where did you get this map from?"

Yun Ling's voice became sharp.

"You mean the map of the Queen's Tomb? I had this map when I was thirty-three. Rumor has it that it is where the Queen's tomb is located. Now it seems that it is where the Queen's Tomb is."

Ye Lingyue's map is the complete map that Xi Jiuye got.   "Spy,

There must be spies, why did the map of the Queen's Tomb leak out? "

Yun Ling's eyes glowed with murderous aura.

"But the Queen's Tomb is actually not just one. In fact, the Queen's Tomb has also appeared in the thirty-three days. There is no Queen's Immortal Body in the Queen's Tomb in the valley, which is still unknown. Affection."

Ye Lingyue shrugged.

Including Changsun Xueying and others were also kept in the dark.

Yun Ling's eyes flashed.

Its murderous aura disappeared in an instant, and it returned to its lazy appearance.

This night was especially long.

It wasn't just the defeated Frozen Frozen and the others who suffered. In other places outside the valley, there were also people anxiously waiting for the arrival of tomorrow's noon.

"Headmaster, we've counted our staff. Two of our men and horses were killed by the pirates. Three pairs of flying runes were snatched away."

Changsun Xueying originally brought ten teachers, and not all of them had to enter the Queen's Valley, and some of them were foreign aid.

But these people, after arriving in the Valley of the Queen, were killed by the pirates.

The eldest grandson Xueying had learned earlier lessons and did not conflict with those who wore hats.

When the ice floes and the tomb guards clashed, she wisely avoided it.

Unexpectedly, she was so cautious and was ambushed by the pirates.

Pirates again. Since the last time, the pirates have attacked Daomen and themselves several times.

Changsun Xueying was very angry.

"Master, do we want to fight back? These pirates are really deceiving people too much."

The Taoist teachers were also incensed.

"Now is not the time to make enemies."

Although his teeth were itching with hatred, Changsun Xueying still calmed down.

The addition of those city owners made the situation in the Queen's Valley tense.

The head teacher on behalf of the teacher has spoken, and although the other teachers have complaints, they dare not say more.

The teachers retreated.

The eldest grandson Xueying closed her eyes and meditated.

Silent night.

Her mind power penetrated little by little.

The surrounding movements all fell into the ears of the eldest grandson Xueying.

"The headmaster is getting more and more useless. The pirates are bullying us, and they are swallowing their voices. If this goes on like this, what else is there to say about the Queen's Tomb."

"That's right, since Jiudang Ling Jueya came back, the headmaster on behalf of him seems to have changed his personality, and he has been shrinking in everything he does."

"A woman is a woman, and the chain will fall at a critical moment. If it is in the thirty-three days, when Taiyi Daojun is in power, how can Daomen suffer such humiliation."

The discussions of several teachers fell into the ears of the eldest grandson Xueying.

Changsun Xueying turned pale with anger.

"I didn't expect that the eldest grandson was quite tolerant."

He heard a cold voice, like a poisonous snake on his back, causing Changsun Xueying to suddenly open his eyes.

There was no one behind him.

Changsun Xueying became alert.

Surrounded by icy air.

The bonfire is beating right in front of you.

A long shadow, dormant beside the bonfire.

It wasn't a human figure, but it looked more like the shadow of a squatting snake.

In that shadow, there is red light flickering in the eye area.


This feeling is not unfamiliar.

The body of the pirates, or the body of the Red Moon believers, has the same icy aura.

It belongs to the soul of the dead, the smell of decay.

The other party didn't answer, replaced by a chuckle.

"who are you?"

The eldest grandson Xueying gathered his thoughts.

"There's no need to be angry, little princess. You and I are friends rather than enemies. It was in the past, it is now, and it will be in the future."

Shadow moved.

"You... it's you..."

Changsun Xueying staggered under her feet, and a few sparks jumped out of the bonfire.

Zhangsun Xueying's body trembled slightly.

she murmured.

"It's you, it's really you. I should have thought of it a long time ago, Liu Qibian, you are the devil. Only you can know all this. Why are you not dead yet. Kunlun is gone, why are you not dead yet! "

"It seems that the memory of the little princess has almost recovered. Then, you should also remember what you did back then. You and I are companions. Compared with those companions who speak ill of you, my companion is comparable to They're much more reliable. You've guessed why I came to you."

The snake took it slow.

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