Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand three hundred and forty-three chapters take what they need

The bonfire kept beating.

The face of the eldest grandson Xueying also changed constantly.

"Why do you think that I will agree to cooperate with you. The current situation is not the same as before."

In about a dozen breaths, Changsun Xueying seemed to have regained her senses.

she said coldly.

Kunlun is gone.

The Red Moon Queen has also fallen.

Even the Destiny Clan and the abominable wolf girl, Ayue, have already turned into the dust of history.

Only she, the eldest grandson Xueying, is still alive.

"I am the acting headmaster of Taoism, and I am the first in the jade ranking. And you, you are just a ghost without a physical body. What qualifications do you have, talk to me about cooperation."

The eldest grandson Xueying laughed.

That entrenched black snake was just a shadow.

It is illusory, and if you guess correctly, it is very difficult to launch an attack.

Such Liu Qibian is no longer the one-handed Liu Qibian, the second most powerful figure under the Empress of the Red Moon.

The eldest grandson Xueying laughed secretly.

He was also in a daze and was threatened twice.

There are only three things, this time, I will never be fooled again.

She also affirmed that the earlier Qiu Yu and the Holy Maiden of Taiyin were instructed by Liu Qibian to take care of her.

"The eldest princess is really transparent, and the analysis of the current situation is clear at a glance."

Liu Qi changed his icy body.

It is indeed inconvenient to not have one's own body.

However, it was also because of his current state that he could easily dormant and watch the enemy's every move.

In contrast, the headmaster of the eldest Sun Xueying was different.

"Since you know, then you don't hurry up. I won't be fooled by you again. If it wasn't for you, my Destiny Clan would not have been named betrayal."

The eldest grandson Xueying remembered the tragic death of the clan, and the fall of her father, and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Little princess, you betrayed the queen, and it was you, not me, who had implicated the Destiny Clan."

Liu Qi changed his tongue.

Women are indeed ruthless creatures.

The ruthlessness of the eldest grandson Xueying is beyond its imagination.

"Shut up, you are slandering. What evidence do you have?"

Changsun Xueying's pretty face flushed with excitement because of excitement.   She glared angrily at that poisonous snake, that demagogic, extremely evil guy.   "Indeed, I have no evidence, and no one will believe me, the priest of the red moon. But if the little princess thinks,

In this way, you will be able to cleanse yourself and be your acting head teacher. In the future, you will climb to the top of the old Kunlun site and obtain the Queen's Immortal Physique and the supreme inheritance. Then your wishful thinking will be wrong. "

Liu Qi changed his entrenched body and stretched out.

It raised its head, and in the dark night, its red eyes glowed eerily.

At the same time, it spit out a black letter, and the neighing sound made the scalp numb.

"You don't want to confuse me again."

Changsun Xueying quickly closed her hearing, she knew that every move of Liu Qibian had a demagogic effect.

"Little princess has misunderstood Liu, we have always been friends, not enemies. Our enemies are Ye Lingyue, wolf girl Ayue. Your lifelong enemy."

Liu Qibian paid attention to the change in Changsun Xueying's expression. When he mentioned Ayue and Ye Lingyue, Changsun Xueying's cheeks moved slightly.

She seemed to be trying to suppress something.

"Ye Lingyue is Ye Lingyue, Ayue is Ayue, they are not alone at all. Ye Lingyue does not have the talent of Ayue at all."

She was not without doubts.

But Ye Lingyue was too weak.

So far he is a senior teacher.

With that kind of cultivation, even if he entered the eighth floor of Jiudangling Jue Cliff, he would not be able to obtain a powerful inheritance.

"She just doesn't recover as fast as you. You have obtained far more memory fragments than she does. But she is also slowly waking up, and you think she is not as powerful as you. Then you know that she has united those tomb keepers."

Liu Qi changed Jie Jie with a sneer, mocking the ignorance of the eldest grandson Xueying.

"What did you say?"

Changsun Xueying's eyes changed suddenly.

"The tomb-keepers at the old Kunlun site, the so-called Queen's guards, they have joined forces with Ye Lingyue. I recognize Ye Lingyue's breath. She also came to the Queen's Valley, just as we were fighting each other, She mixed in with the group of tomb guards. I don't know how she did it, but she did stay in the tomb guard's quarters. Among them, you always wanted to unite with Lord Cangshan."

The fat cat Yunling monitored every move around him.

Liu Qibian was also under the cover of the night, spying on everything around him.

"Impossible, how could she do it. I have contacted those tomb guards several times. They all...why, they would accept Ye Lingyue. Obviously, I am the queen's heir."

The eldest grandson Xueying babbled.

"When you enter the valley tomorrow, you will know that my words are true. Only in this way, our mutual strength becomes insignificant, and we must unite together to grab the Queen's Tomb in the hands of the powerful tomb keeper. ."

Liu Qi Bian followed suit.

It also came to find the eldest grandson Xueying after it discovered this.

It is true that it doesn't like the woman Changsun Xueying either.

Just a vicious, unscrupulous woman.

For thousands of years, because of her double-sidedness, the Red Moon believers suffered heavy losses.   But experience tells Liu Qibian that it is the kind of person who is swaying, who is the best to control.  The night fosters certain things, such as loneliness, such as resentment, and such as panic.   Reason tells the eldest grandson Xueying that he can no longer join forces with pirates.   "Why do you want to enter the Queen's Tomb? Could it be that you also want to obtain the Queen's Immortal Body?"    eldest Sun Xueying wondered.  The Queen's Immortal Body is not available to everyone, it is the Queen of Kunlun, the most powerful person thousands of years ago.  Even though she was already in a state of disintegration, her celestial body was still a supreme treasure.   "I originally wanted to destroy the Queen's Immortal Body, I don't need to hide this."    Liu Qibian said frankly.  "In the beginning?"   The eldest Sun Xueying is very keen. "Destroyed her body and took revenge for Her Royal Highness the Queen of the Red Moon. But I changed my mind after that. Maybe I can use another method, which is to occupy the body of the Queen. When everyone admired the Queen of Kunlun, she became the Red Moon. Believers, that must be a very interesting scene."    The red light in Liu Qichang's eyes became more intense.   "Mad, I won't give the Queen's Immortal Body to someone like you."    Changsun Xueying bit her lip.   But she couldn't take the queen's fairy body.   Besides, she didn't want to become an old woman.   All she wants is the inheritance of the queen.   "There is another way, little princess, the eldest grandson. I want the queen's fairy body, but I can give you the queen's inheritance. The two are not contradictory."

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