Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

The fourth thousand three hundred and forty-four chapters are like tempers

No matter how long the night is, there is also the moment of dawn.

Before and after dawn, Yun Ling put a claw on Ye Lingyue's face.

Ye Lingyue was forced to wake up from the state of meditation.

She wiped the dew on her face, which was wet.

"Cat slave, the deity is hungry, where are the rune bones for today?"

Yun Ling was dissatisfied.

"I don't understand that stuff, is it so delicious?"

Ye Lingyue took out a handful of rune bones.

It's better to feed this guy as soon as possible. If the tomb guards see the fat cat chewing on the rune bone after dawn, and it's still crunchy, I'm afraid they'll be scared to death.

This seemingly incomparably hard rune bone was devoured by Yun Ling's mouth in a few seconds.

"Have you heard what Lord Zangshan said last night? Don't pretend, I know you didn't sleep at that time."

Ye Lingyue glanced at Yun Ling.

This guy didn't have a seizure last night, which was beyond her expectations.

Maybe it was because he was born in Jiudang Ling Jueya, so Yun Ling was very disdainful of those tomb keepers.

Zangshan-jun said a lot of rebellious things last night.

"God will take them."

Yun Ling looked disdainful.

Those grave guards don't need it yet.

"So, Lord Tiandao's situation is really like what Lord Cangshan said?"

Ye Lingyue probed.

"The way of heaven is immortal."

Yun Ling said proudly.

"But the old Kunlun site has indeed become unstable."

Ye Lingyue muttered.

This point, the witch god also mentioned.

The witch god also said that this old Kunlun site is just a place outside the world.

If the strength supporting this place weakens, it is likely to disappear.

"People's minds have changed, and the power of belief has disappeared. Thousands of years have passed, and the Queen's followers have also disappeared."

Yun Ling suddenly said in a sad and helpless tone.

"Yunling, are you sad?"

Ye Lingyue seemed to see some strange colors in Yun Ling's faint blue eyes.   It seemed like tears. "Shut up, cat slave, you're blind, why should this deity be sad? It's the intruders who don't know what to do. They are dying, and they don't even know it." Furious, it glared at Ye Lingyue.   "Concubine, Lord Zangshan, they let us go."    Cui Hong came over.

Cui Hong was a little surprised when he saw Yun Ling's hair frying early in the morning.

She couldn't understand Yun Ling's words, but she could probably feel that he was in a bad mood.

"It's time to set off. The other forces should also take action. I don't know if people from Buddhism are here."

Ye Lingyue did not listen to Yun Ling mentioning the people of Buddhism.

There is also Zitang, that guy has never appeared since the Misty Sea.

Even the little boy and Diyang Qingfeng disappeared.

"I smell the little master's breath."

Inside the Jiuzhou Ding, Ghost Pixiu reminded.

"It seems that Zitang and the others have also arrived."

Ye Lingyue raised her eyebrows after hearing this.

Holding the fat cat Yunling, she went to meet the tomb guards.

"Everyone, the Queen's Valley is about to open. You must know the situation in the valley. Since we agreed yesterday that we can't fight with each other, today, we should abide by the promise. After entering the valley, everyone can show their magical powers and enter with ideas. In the valley, you must not use force, otherwise, you will face the unanimous crusade of others."

In front of the crowd, Zangshan-Jun spoke with ecstasy.

The other tomb keepers did not object. They all knew in their hearts that although Lord Tiandao was weak, he was still alive.

As for the Valley of the Queens, let alone.

If there is really the Queen's Tomb inside, the Queen's Yu Wei does not know how much is left.

For the sake of safety, everyone has no intention of killing people at this time.

A group of tomb guards, all wearing bamboo hats, walked towards the Queen's Valley under the rising sun.

Although there is only one entrance, it still matters who enters first and who enters later.

Those who enter first will have a higher chance of finding the location of the Queen's Tomb.

I just didn't expect that when the tomb guards arrived, someone had already arrived first.

Ye Lingyue raised her eyebrows slightly.

She saw Jiu Ming Buddha standing at the entrance of the valley with three or four reciters.

In addition to the Buddhist sect, there were also some sporadic teachers who saw those strange hat people, all of them were surprised and stepped aside. They didn't dare to make a sound, they only dared to watch from a distance.

"People from Buddhism."

Cangshan Jun did not expect that Jiu Ming Buddha brought so many people and dared to occupy the entrance of the Queen's Valley.

This Nine Lives Buddha is really a little ignorant.

"City Lords."

Nine Lives Buddha is still his usual expression.

In the face of nearly ten times the number of people and his own tomb guard brigade, Jiu Ming Buddha just glanced at everyone.

"Nine Life Buddha, since you know our identity, you still dare to stay here, your courage is too much."

Lord Zangshan was dissatisfied.

"Master Cangshan, the Queen's Valley is not the city of Cangshan, nor is it the mountain city of any of the city masters, why can't I come?"

The Nine Lives Buddha is sparse and ordinary.

"Tsk tsk, this woman is a bit daring."

The fat cat Yun Ling glanced at Jiu Ming Buddha, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he purred, giving a rare compliment.

"It's strange, you actually have the same temper as Jiu Ming Buddha?"

Ye Lingyue was also a little puzzled.

Yun Ling lazily gave an answer that made Ye Lingyue vomit blood.

"She's good-looking and looks more pleasing to the eye than you."

This stinky cat is still a face control.

But I have to admit that Di Nishang, who can give birth to a son like Di Xin, is naturally a peerless beauty.

Even if she has a straight face all day long and is as cold as ice, it still does not damage her beauty, but instead makes her have the forbidden beauty of iceberg beauty.

Yun Ling glanced at Jiu Ming Buddha again, her blue eyes flashed, but she didn't speak again.

Lord Cangshan was choked by Jiu Ming Buddha, and he was annoyed and wanted to attack.

"Master Zangshan, it's important to enter the valley, people and things that don't matter, don't care."

Ye Lingyue stepped forward and lowered her voice to remind.

Zang Shanjun had a clear look on his face.

The other tomb guards also echoed.

At this time, there is still a period of time before the afternoon, and during the period from morning to afternoon, some more teachers from Lu have arrived.

To Ye Lingyue's surprise, Zitang never appeared.

A moment before noon, Changsun Xueying arrived with people from the Taoist sect.

Zhangsun Xueying looked at the group of people with bucket hats in front of her. She couldn't tell whether Ye Lingyue was among them.

However, Ye Lingyue, who was in the top 30 on the Jade List, did not show up.

Earlier, the teacher she sent to monitor near the Kunlun Fortress did not find Ye Lingyue's trace, nor did she know whether she was among these people.  "It's the pirates."  In the last half of the moment, the Taiyin Saint and Qiu Yu finally appeared with a few pirates, and the entrance to the Queen's Valley suddenly became lively.

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