Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand three hundred and forty-seven chapters owed favors

Zitang looked down from a height.

With just one glance, his eyes met the Nine Lives Buddha in the crowd.

Without waiting for Jiu Ming Buddha to speak, Zi Tang's eyes floated over, with no intention of coming down.

Jiu Ming Buddha scolded his mother in his heart.

"This bastard, what the hell, we agreed to act together!"

The Qianlan Buddha was also in the crowd, eagerly looking towards the purple hall.

But Zitang didn't even give her the corner of her eye.

There was a thud in the bottom of Buddha's heart, and his heart kept sinking.

The blood princess on the side sneered.

"Is he the Zitang?"

Qianlan Buddha's breath was in a mess, and he said in a hurry.

"Princess, don't get me wrong. He... me and him..."

"What relationship you had with him in the past, I don't know, but in the future, you must have nothing to do with it. Because a dead person will not have anything to do with you."

In the voice of the blood princess, there is a chilling meaning.

This Zitang can be said to be the most recent guy on the jade list.

The look in the eyes of the Qianlan Buddha had already explained everything.

The Blood Princess naturally wouldn't let someone like him live.

It has only been three months since he entered the old Kunlun site, and this kid has entered the top 30 on the Jade List by himself. Not only that, but his upward momentum continues.

Such talents, let alone in the old Kunlun site, would be a disaster if they left the old Kunlun site in the future.

Qianlan Buddha opened his mouth, but did not dare to say anything more.

In the Queen's Valley, her life and death must depend on the Blood Princess.

At this time, she absolutely did not dare to offend the Blood Princess.

As for Zitang, his indifference also discouraged Qianlan Buddha time and time again.

The Nine Lives Buddha is a master who is unwilling to be ignored.

Seeing that the kid in Zitang had no intention of coming down, she simply fluttered her wings and rose into the sky.

Soon, she arrived at Zitang's side.

"What about her?"

When Zitang saw Jiu Ming Buddha, there was no strange color on his face.

His handsome yet icy face, with an expressionless face, was almost no different from those Buddha statues in the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas in the eyes of Jiu Ming Buddha.

"Heh~ she's also someone you can miss?"

The Nine-Life Buddha looked at Zitang from the foot to the head.   That look, it seems that even Zitang's hair needs to be weighed. After measuring it, Jiu Ming Buddha secretly said.   "However, my son is better."    "She has what I want on her body."    Zitang did not expect that

The careful thoughts of the Nine Lives Buddha.

"Don't worry about her. Whether she is a person or her things, it has nothing to do with you."

Jiu Ming Buddha is not willing to admit that Ye Lingyue is his daughter-in-law, but the other party is someone who Di Xin once took a fancy to. Based on the principle that no one can interfere with his son's things, Jiu Ming Buddha still decides that in the future In the old Kunlun site, no one can bully Ye Lingyue except herself.

Seeing that Jiu Ming Buddha's every word was yin and yang, Zi Tang was too lazy to say more, and simply shut up.

He turned his eyes and looked into the distance.

Jiu Ming Buddha also took advantage of the situation and looked at the Queen's Valley under the night.

"This is?"

Nine Lives Buddha was shocked.

"Out of control."

Zitang also saw several figures under the eyelids.

Those figures are several teachers.

Most of them belong to different forces, and they are not big forces, and their rankings range from a dozen to twenty.

Because the strength is weak, these four or five teachers are united together.

They didn't have flying runes, so they climbed directly over the slopes of landslides.

Under the shroud of night, they were like ants, slowly crawling over the slopes of the valley.

They seem to want to find the whereabouts of the Queen's Tomb.

But several of them, before taking a few steps, suddenly let out a miserable cry.

Seeing that under his feet, the seemingly solid soil slope suddenly appeared a hole.

The man fell into the hole, and before his companions could take action, the man was drowned by the rolling earth and rocks.

One after another, several people accidentally fell into the holes that appeared from time to time.

They soon disappeared.

"In the valley, there are still aftershocks."

Jiu Ming Buddha frowned.

At this time, if people want to excavate, it is undoubtedly very dangerous.

Once a new round of landslides is triggered, even if you have a flying rune bone, you will not be able to compete.

Jiu Ming Buddha frowned, as if he had remembered something.

A few months ago, in a similar situation, she, Yun Sheng and Ji Rumo entered the Valley of the Queen.

Without warning, the mountain shook suddenly.

Yun Sheng reminded her in time...

Jiu Ming Buddha's mood suddenly became worse.

Inexplicably, she felt that she owed Ye Lingyue a huge favor.

"No, no matter what, we have to find people back."

Nine Lives Buddha muttered.

"It has already begun."

However, Zitang ignored Jiu Mingfo's inexplicably depressed mood.

The fall of those few teachers had no effect on him at all.

There was a flash of purple light in his black eyes.

"Someone is digging."

Nine Life Buddha found that there were other people in the valley.

After the collapse, in the Queen's Valley, which was almost a ruin, several areas have been moved.

Pieces of soil disappeared, and mountains and rocks disappeared, replaced by pieces of flat land.

"Jun Zangshan still has such ability?"

Throughout the afternoon, only Zangshan Jun took action.

Therefore, the changes in the valley, needless to say, must be caused by Lord Zangshan.

"Moving mountains and seas is a kind of ancient inheritance. Lord Zangshan has the ability to see mountains."

Fat Miao nestled in Ye Lingyue's arms, grabbed a rune bone with its claws, and threw it into its mouth. Nothing else seems to be done.

This made Ye Lingyue very satisfied. Others thought that she, the "City Lord of Stormy City", was a plaything and lost her mind. At this time, she also brought her pets for recreation.

"You mean that Lord Cangshan can stabilize the situation in the valley and secretly clean up the soil and boulders in the valley?"

Ye Lingyue was a little surprised. I didn't expect Fat Cat to know what was going on inside, obviously this guy didn't do anything.

Ye Lingyue, who possesses the power of the earth, seems to have done nothing after entering the valley.

But in fact, she has quietly used the power of the earth to investigate the situation in the valley.

Her power of the earth is now half the level of Ye Su's peak, so she can probably check the situation in half of the valley.

The situation in the valley was much worse than she imagined.

The landslide triggered a flood of dirt and boulders that buried the entire valley, burying trees and wetlands in the soil.

Because the area is too wide, and even in the past few months, there are still small-scale landslides in the valley.

Humans simply can't clean it up.

More importantly, when the tremor similar to an earthquake passed, Ye Lingyue found that the situation in the valley was changing.

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