"Tsk, there are a few more who broke in without knowing how to live or die."

At this time, Jiu Ming Buddha and Zi Tang landed at the same time.

Zitang glanced at Ye Lingyue, but ignored the Qianlan Buddha and others who were also not far away.

"What about people?"

Ye Lingyue asked with a cold face.

Zitang looked calm.

"Stop pretending, I know they were taken away by you."

Ye Lingyue looked at Zitang, this guy, obviously looks exactly the same as Master Zi, and has a cold temper, how can he look so much less flat than Master Zi.

The little boy and Diyang Qingfeng disappeared.

This is to see people in life, but to see corpses in death.

Although she also knew that it was impossible for Zitang to really do anything to them.


Seeing that on Zitang's shoulder, there was a little flower bird with gray and white feathers calling at Ye Lingyue twice.

It has small black bean-like eyes and a golden beak, which is very cute.

The little guy tweeted at Ye Lingyue twice, the fat cat Yun Ling in Ye Lingyue's arms has always been lazy.

But just after hearing the sparrow's movement, the lazy Yun Lingteng raised his head.


Yun Ling's claw wind grabbed towards the little flower sparrow.

Yun Ling's shot was extremely fast.

The people next to him, even the Nine Lives Buddha, felt a flower in front of him.

That's not a mind power attack, but a real physical speed.

The little flower sparrow was also shocked. It had never seen a cat that responded so quickly.

"Yunling, stop."

With a low voice, Ye Lingyue frowned, she stepped quickly, trying to stop Yun Ling's claw wind.


There was a sound of cloth shattering.

"Purple Hall."

The panicked voice of the Lord Buddha came.

The surrounding teachers all looked over with a squeak of eyes.

"You cat, not bad."

There are three more claws on Zitang's chest. The   claw wind was deep, and the broken strips of cloth fell to the ground, and there were bloodstains on them.   Zitang seemed to be nothing, he grabbed the frightened little flower sparrow, stuffed it in his sleeve, and continued to be expressionless. After    Yun Ling shot with one claw, he was a little surprised that he didn't succeed.   It didn't make another move, it continued to lower its head and squatted into Ye Lingyue's arms.   "Sorry, sorry, my cat is probably a little hungry." The    bucket hat covered Ye Lingyue's surprised expression.

That little flower sparrow, the more she thought about it, the more familiar it became.

She said, it is not good to force Zitang to ask the fat cat aside.

"Tsk tsk, I can't see, you are quite protective."

Jiu Ming Buddha looked at Zi Tang with admiring eyes.

Judging from the physical reaction of her Nine Life Emperor Demon, Zitang's reaction power is first-class.

If it wasn't for Zitang, that little flower bird would have died on the spot.

Zitang didn't say a word, just stared at the Queen's Valley, which had been completely shrouded in darkness.

It will be dawn soon.

On the eve of dawn, it is also the time when ghosts and monsters are haunted...

He did not squint, but out of the corner of his eyes, he accurately swept the pirates aside.

"Tsk, failed again."

Seeing the pirates, the Taiyin Saint came back in a huff with a pirate teacher.

She was disheartened, as if she had just climbed out of the soil.

It was Qiu Yu, who had been meditating quietly by the side.

She neither entered the valley nor used the flying rune bones to rise into the air.

She didn't even pay attention to Zitang's appearance and Fat Cat's move.

"Qiu Yu, you have to say something. Don't forget, the purpose of our entry into the valley, you are here like a wooden pestle, which is too outrageous."

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin was very angry when she saw that Qiu Yu was motionless.

I don't know what the woman Qiu Yu said to Priest Liu, Priest Liu did not choose to lean over her again this time.

Without Liu Qibian's protection, the Holy Maiden of Taiyin always felt a little flustered and short of breath.

"It's almost dawn."

Who knows, Qiu Yu just said something coldly.

"Nonsense, who doesn't know it's almost dawn. I can tell you that the Tibetan Lord has already started to act inside. If he seizes the opportunity, you and I will have no chance."

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin was angry.

Qiu Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

Those eyes were cold and emotionless.

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin suddenly lost her voice.

"Wait for dawn."

After that, she said nothing and continued to close her eyes.

This time, the Holy Maiden of Taiyin did not say any more.

She saw those eyes clearly, which were clearly those of Priest Liu.

That little bitch, Qiu Yu, must be rhetoric, and Priest Liu will possess her.

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin was indignant.

Priest Liu is powerful, and with his possession, he is equivalent to having shelter.

But she didn't dare to attack, so she could only step aside.

On the other side, Ye Lingyue grabbed the fat cat Yun Ling and carried it aside.

"What's the matter with you? All right, after entering the valley, just do as I say."

Ye Lingyue and Yun Ling communicated with spiritual sense.

It was already dead of night, and after the busy day, the teachers all temporarily meditated and meditated, waiting for another round of running after dawn.

"That's not a good bird."

Yun Ling saw through the true body of the little sparrow at a glance.

How dare you swear in front of it.

If you don't slap it with internal bleeding and remove Half-Life, it will not be Yun Ling.

"But that boy, it's very good, I like it."

Yun Ling smacked his mouth, that's not bad, obviously he was complimenting Zitang.

Ye Lingyue stared at Yun Ling with a strange look.

"You wouldn't be a cat with bad habits, would you?"

Ye Lingyue seriously suspects that Yun Ling is a Longyang cat!

"Shut up, cat slave. If you have this kung fu to insult the deity, you might as well prepare, it's almost dawn."

Yun Ling can't wait to scratch Ye Lingyue.

However, this is his own cat slave. Although he looks a little ugly, his strength is a little bit weaker.

But after all, she is her own cat slave. After so many years, her arms are reluctantly similar to that person.


Ye Lingyue looked at the sky.   There is still more than an hour before dawn.   "Cheng is Ching, don't you know that before and after dawn, it is the most evil time. The deity should close his eyes and rest, don't disturb the deity."    Yun Ling said, closed his eyes, and no longer bird leaves Lingyue.  When it was evil... Ye Lingyue looked back at the valley.   In the valley, there was still a slight trembling sound.  Zangshan-kun thinks that he has already removed a part of the soil and rocks. After dawn, he can stop you from asking for the situation in the valley.  The chanting masters all sat around, meditating to restore their mind power.   There is only one figure, standing there like a pine and cypress.   That is Zitang.   He doesn't seem to need meditation to recover, his black eyes are very energetic, staring at the valley, no one can understand what he is thinking.   Looking at his back, Ye Lingyue couldn't help thinking of Master Zi.   She remembered that the first time she saw Master Zi in Dugutian, he was like this too, standing there.   Lonely, as if between heaven and earth, there is only him.   Zitang, do you know Master Zi?

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