Ye Lingyue moved slightly and wanted to ask Zitang.

Although he had already asked Zitang once, he just denied it.

But Ye Lingyue was not entirely convinced.

This person, Zitang, is really too mysterious.

Except for their eyes, Zitang and Master Zi are almost identical.

Are there really two people who are so similar in this world?

"I warn you, don't do anything that's sorry for Xin'er."

Ye Lingyue just stepped forward, and the warning tone of Jiu Ming Buddha pierced into her ears.

Ye Lingyue's footsteps paused, thinking that she had heard it wrong.

"Senior Emperor?"

Isn't this woman an attitude of not wanting to interfere with my son, why did she change sex today?

"Although I don't admit that you are my daughter-in-law, but you are nominally Xin'er's fiancée. Xin'er is not here. Of course, my mother-in-law should take good care of you, lest you do something that will embarrass Xin'er."

Jiu Ming Buddha righteously said.

"But Di Xin is no longer Di Xin. He doesn't recognize me anymore. Today's Di Xin is Daomen Bing Xin. Senior, don't you know?"

Ye Lingyue had a headache when she thought of Bing Xin's hard and cold face.

Strictly speaking, Bing Xin is more like the seed of the Nine Lives Buddha than Di Xin.

The same taciturn, the same ruthless.

Ye Lingyue recalled that since she met Jiu Ming Buddha, Jiu Ming Buddha had not said so much to herself at one time.

"Whether Bing Xin or Di Xin, the fact that he is my son will not change. My son can have many daughters-in-law. As an alternate daughter-in-law, you must abide by the law of women."

Nine Lives Buddha said coldly.

Ye Lingyue could not laugh or cry.

The steps that were originally intended to be taken, had to be taken back.

There is also a choice for a daughter-in-law. If it was before, who would dare to say that she was a choice, and she punched the other party's head.

But today's Di Xin... Ye Lingyue felt bitter in her heart.

Seeing that Ye Lingyue suddenly became depressed, Jiu Ming Buddha frowned.

"What are you doing with a sad face, my son is not dead yet."

"Senior Emperor, I'm just worried about the situation in the valley. It's almost dawn, around dawn..."

Ye Lingyue had to change the subject.

Di Xin's topic was too heavy for her.

It was only after entering the old Kunlun site that she avoided thinking about it.

She wasn't even sure whether Di Xin would be able to come back.

In her subconscious, she always thought that Di Xin was just asleep.

But Bing Xin said that Di Xin was dead.

Right now, the life and death of her mother and Uncle Mirror makes her temporarily forget about Di Xin.

"The time of the devil."

Nine Life Buddha whispered.

"Senior, you know that too?"

Ye Lingyue was shocked.

"Tsk tsk, this woman is not simple."

The fat cat Yun Ling looked at Jiu Ming Buddha, this woman, in appearance and temperament, is more like "she" than Ye Lingyue.

"It has been so since time immemorial,

When day and night change, it is when the demons dance. That Zangshan-kun thought things were too simple. "

Nine Life Buddha snorted.

"Xin'er will be fine."

Jiu Ming Buddha looked at the other end of the valley, and the east was already faintly white.

At this time, Jiu Ming Buddha suddenly muttered, as if talking to himself, but her words happened to be heard by Ye Lingyue.


Ye Lingyue's heart moved, why did she feel that Jiu Ming Buddha's words seemed to comfort her.

How could this cold and almost inhumane woman move to comfort people?

Ye Lingyue felt a little incredible.

"My son was born to me. I know better than you. He will definitely come back."

After Jiu Ming Buddha finished speaking, he didn't say any more, his wings fluttered, and he rose into the sky again.

"The disciples of the Buddhist sect obey the orders and enter the valley after dawn."

The voice of the Nine Lives Buddha fell from the sky.

Qianlan Buddha and others also listened to her words clearly.

The Qianlan Buddha frowned and was about to say something when the Blood Princess beside her signaled her not to be impulsive.


In Zitang's sleeve, the little flower sparrow stuck out his head.

It cautiously glanced at Ye Lingyue's direction.

Ye Lingyue didn't seem to notice this.

The damn fat cat squinted and glanced at it.

It waved its chubby cat paws at itself, making a motion like you're wringing your neck.

The little flower sparrow felt a chill on his neck.

Suddenly, a ball of paper flew over.

The little flower sparrow was startled.

Seemingly motionless, Zitang raised his hand and caught the ball of paper.

He opened the crumpled paper ball and glanced at it.

"The little guy will be taken care of by you for the time being, not a single hair is allowed to fall off."

The above is some scribbled handwriting by Ye Lingyue.

Zitang raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue carried the fat cat and walked towards Cui Hong.

"She recognized you. Your illusions are terrible."

Zitang threw the ball of paper aside.

"Woo, that fat cat has a grudge against me, it wants to eat me."

Little Hua Que only had tears in her eyes.

Its ability to transform is inherited from her mother, Xiao Wuya, and she has almost never missed it.

Dad also said that when it comes to the ability to change shape, there are not many people who are stronger than him in the entire thirty-three days, and there are no other beasts (people) under the mother.

But what happened to the fat cat?

That guy actually saw through his transformation at a glance, and his speed was astonishing.

"It just looked like a cat."

Zitang took out the little flower bird.

Seeing it cry so much that its feathers are wet, and it frowns, he doesn't like things that cry.

"What do you mean? Is it also a ghost beast? Does it have a grudge against my parents, so it takes its anger on the innocent me?"

The little flower sparrow wipes the tears with its wings.

"If your strength is as good as your imagination, that's fine."

Zitang didn't want to say more, he thought about it, and threw the little flower bird into his clothes.

The little flower sparrow stuck out a head.

"I thought it was just plain hating you."

Zitang's words left Xiao Hua Que speechless.

What is pure hate!

It is clearly loved by everyone!

"I'm going to change shape, I can't be a sparrow anymore, I'm going to be a tiger, the kind that eats cats."

Xiao Hua Que looked around, wanting to fight Fat Cat to the death.

"Tigers don't eat cats."

Zitang lightly rubbed his brows.

"Besides, you can't go anywhere."

Zitang took the paper ball and took good care of the little flower bird.

Not a single hair is missing.

Xiao Hua Que just wanted to say something.

Suddenly, the ground trembled violently again.

"Earth, the ground is cracked!"

Those who were sitting and meditating suddenly woke up and jumped up from the ground.

The crack on the ground was menacing, it might have appeared early in the morning, but just now, it was rapidly expanding.

From the beginning, almost unnoticed, it suddenly expanded enough to make people fall.

Several people took precautions and fell into the cracks.

"Quick, save people."

Exclamations came and went.

But in the blinding fire, even the power of thought has become less agile.

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