Ye Lingyue pondered after listening to Yu Fu's words.

Yu Fu was nervous and looked at Ye Lingyue, lest Ye Lingyue would reject him.

"Mind your own business."

A meow.

Yu Fu let out a soft whistle.

But I saw a white shadow, jumping down vigorously from the stone wall.

"Cat slave, how dare you sneak away alone."

The fat cat Yun Ling shook her fluffy hair and glanced at Ye Lingyue faintly with those cat eyes.

When the ground fissure and the sky fissure appeared, Yun Ling said that he was not very comfortable.

Ye Lingyue let it enter the Yangquan Temple first, and then came out after things subsided.

Yun Ling, the old cat, is still very arrogant.

After entering the invisible Yangquan Temple, Ye Lingyue thought that Yun Ling would have to sleep for at least a day and a half.

At that time, he also found Qiu Yu and returned to the valley, so he didn't talk to Yun Lingduo.

After all, the ground fissure is unfathomable, and Ye Lingyue is a little bit struggling, not to mention the Yun Ling who refuses to move.

But then again, Yun Ling's fat body is quite durable at critical moments.

Those high-level nomads all fell to the ground, and looking at it, there was not even a cat's hair.

Ye Lingyue lost a smile.

"That said, where am I sneaking, this place is very dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Knowing the danger, still want to be taken advantage of?"

Yun Ling glared at Ye Lingyue, this woman must have a long life.

She knew how dangerous this place was.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not overflowing with sympathy. I brought this one called Yufu, and it was purely for my own sake. You think, this place is full of dangers, and it's easy to hide from hidden arrows. Keep her, but also Can be my shield."

Ye Lingyue blinked.

"It seems reasonable to say that."

Yun Ling glanced at Yu Fu, who was limping. Although this man was a bit stupid, his body was indeed very strong, and it was quite suitable to be used as a meat shield.

Thinking about it again, after entering here, Xianli will also be suppressed. With two "meat shields", the effect will undoubtedly be much better.

"What are you still doing, Meat Shield One, bring Meat Shield No. 2, and go."

Yun Ling called out briefly, a little impatiently.

Yu Fu naturally couldn't understand the conversation between Ye Lingyue and Yun Ling.

She was a little surprised when she saw Yun Ling at first glance.

Where did the cat come from in this place?

However, after seeing Ye Lingyue and the cat "frowning" for a while, Ye Lingyue picked up the fat cat.

"Can you still go? Take me to the pirates."

Ye Lingyue nodded, agreeing to Yu Fu's request.

Yu Fu let out a long sigh of relief.

"They're not far from us, maybe five or six miles to the northwest. But this area is a little weird, and my mind power can't be used. If they go further, it may affect me tracking Brother Mu."

Yu Fu was injured and strode forward with great effort. Ye Lingyue hugged Yun Ling and followed behind.

"Where are so many corpses in this place?"

Ye Lingyue looked around.

"Some of the bones are fresh, and they have been added in the past few months. Some are old, and they are old corpses. As for how they came, you can guess."

Yun Ling changed into a comfortable posture,

"Wouldn't it be left over from the Kunlun period?"

Ye Lingyue looked at the corpses.

Yun Ling was a little surprised.

This cat slave reacted much faster than he thought.

Ye Lingyue made a gesture, motioning Yufu to stop first.

She walked over to a dead body.

There is nothing special about the bones and height of the corpse, just like a normal person.

Ye Lingyue raised her hand and rubbed the corpse's forehead.

After so long, the corpse is still in good condition, which is also because of the special location of this ground fissure.

In the past, for almost 99% of the time, this ground fissure did not exist.

Ye Lingyue asked, Jiu Ming Buddha said that the collapse of the valley did not always happen.

Once every three months, it's a recent thing, and nothing like this has ever happened before.

On the smooth skull, Ye Lingyue felt something.

She fixed her eyes.

At the center of the skull, that is, at the Yintang, there is a moon-shaped sign.

The logo had long since faded, but because it was deeply branded on the skull, the skull was still a little uneven.

"It's a Red Moon believer."

Ye Lingyue frowned.

"Not just one, but everywhere."

Yun Ling said lazily.

"So, why didn't you bring the Buddha statue when you came down?"

Ye Lingyue was shocked and reacted immediately.

She suddenly understood why the light rain came down.

Liu Qibian must be on Xiaoyu, he controlled Xiaoyu into the ground crack.

Isn't this ground fissure also related to Liu Qibian?

"The source of resentment is not these corpses."

Yun Ling saw through Ye Lingyue's thoughts at a glance.

"Where is the source of resentment?"

Ye Lingyue didn't feel any resentment.

"Your feet."

The fat cat muttered.

Below this?

Ye Lingyue was startled and looked at the solid soil under her feet.

"This ground fissure does not exist naturally. In the battle between the Queen of the Red Moon and the Queen of Kunlun, the Queen was betrayed by the Destiny Clan, and the secret passage to the Queen's Palace was opened. A large number of Red Moon believers secretly entered the Queen under the leadership of the Red Moon Queen. The valley. The entire Queen's Palace was on the verge of falling. At a critical moment, the Queen used an ancient secret method to trigger a fission of the earth. Thousands of Red Moon believers fell into the fissure and were buried here. The corpses you see are produced in this way."

The fat cat Yun Ling stroked his beard with his paws and said slowly.

Ye Lingyue followed Yu Fu while listening to Yun Ling's recounting of the past.

"So, the ground fissure was caused by the Queen of the Red Moon, what about the fissure that day?"

Ye Lingyue raised her head.

Where she was, there was no way to see the sky split.

But the sky crack and the ground crack are almost exactly the same.

But if it is said that the ground split is to bury those Red Moon believers, why is the sky split?

"The crack of the sky was not caused by the queen, but the revenge of the Queen of the Red Moon."

The fat cat Yun Ling said here and paused.

The Queen of the Red Moon and the Queen of Kunlun are almost as powerful.

But her temperament is completely different from Queen Kunlun.

Queen Kunlun has the world in her heart and is selfless and magnanimous, but the Queen of Red Moon is narrow-minded and wants to destroy the entire Kunlun Heavenly Vessel and make thousands of heavenly people her servants.

She has a strong sense of revenge, and after losing thousands of Crimson Moon believers, she returned home.

But within a few months, she made a comeback again, and this time, she caused a crack in the sky.

When the sky splits, the sky above the entire Queen's Valley is like being torn apart by a knife, and the clouds and the sun and the moon are swallowed up.

Only a red moon appeared in the sky crack.

The red moon was as red as a drop of blood.

It hangs there day and night.

The moonlight of the red moon has the power to capture the soul.

At that time, in the female palace, many maids and attendants were bewitched by the red moon...

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