Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand three hundred and fifty-four chapters strong and weak

Yun Ling fell into memory.

"I said, you know quite a bit about the Queen's Palace, you are clearly Yun Ling..."

Ye Lingyue pondered and looked at Yun Ling.

"It was Lord Tiandao who told me."

Yun Ling came back to his senses and glanced at Ye Lingyue.

"Have you seen the Tao of Heaven? Is it a human or a beast?"

Ye Lingyue asked curiously.

The Tao of Heaven is the highest existence in the old Kunlun site.

Even those tomb keepers must obey it.

It can be said that the order of the old Kunlun site was established by the Tao of Heaven. In these years, the old site of Kunlun has survived because of the Tao of Heaven.

But even those tomb guards have never seen the way of heaven.

Every time they go to Jiudang Ling Jueya to report, it is through the sound transmission of divine sense.

As for the voice of Lord Tiandao, it is also ever-changing.

It is sometimes the voice of a child, sometimes an old man, sometimes a female voice, sometimes a male voice, so no one really knows what kind of existence the heaven is.

It is also because it is constantly changing, so other people do not know the depth of the heavenly way at all.

But once Tiandao is angry, it is Tiandao and Tianlei rolling down, and it is difficult to survive.

"Haven't seen it. But it's pretty awesome."

Yun Ling said casually.

If it doesn't look in the mirror, how can it see itself.

"More powerful than Queen Kunlun?"

Ye Lingyue asked back.

"Bold, don't blaspheme the queen's divine power. The way of heaven was nurtured by the queen, how can it be compared with the queen."

Yun Ling glared at Ye Lingyue in dissatisfaction.

Ye Lingyue felt its anger.

"Then who is more powerful than Liu Qibian?"

Ye Lingyue asked again.

"Hard to say."

Ye Lingyue thought that Yun Ling would make Liu Qibian worthless, but unexpectedly, Yun Ling replied lightly.

"How do you say this, didn't you say that Liu Qibian is not that strong?"

Ye Lingyue said unexpectedly.

"Although you are stupid, and you always say some outrageous things, there is a saying, you are right. The way of heaven is not the way of heaven, and Kunlun is not the Kunlun that it used to be."  Yunling's voice was low, it seemed like a sudden The child is much older, lying in Ye Lingyue's arms, unwilling to say more.  Tian Dao is getting old and weak... It is indeed unable to maintain the old site of Kunlun.  Witch God is right. on the contrary,

Liu Qibian is in the old Kunlun site, constantly collecting the source of resentment, and also wants to use the resentment of the old clan of the Queen of the Red Moon to keep getting stronger...

One is getting weaker, the other is getting stronger.

Over time, who is stronger or weaker is still unknown.

"It's near."

Ahead, Yu Fu said softly.

They tracked Qiu Yu and Liu Qibian all the way, and the other party was obviously looking for something.

Ye Lingyue walked all the way, although this ground fissure was full of corpses, but these corpses did not have the slightest resentment.

According to what Yun Ling said, the source of resentment that Liu Qibian was looking for was underground.

Come to think of it, they are also looking for a way to release the fountain of resentment.

Ye Lingyue took a step.

"We can't go any further, otherwise the other party will find out our breath. Brother Mu is still alive. I'm afraid that if we get close a little, we will disturb the other party, and they may kill Brother Mu."

Yufu shook his head slightly.

"I'll take a look."

Ye Lingyue tried to activate the rune bones in her body.

Tsk, after a try, Ye Lingyue found that, like the flying rune bones before, her rune bones were basically useless in the ground fissure.

Whether it is a thousand-mile-long willow or a clairvoyant Shunfeng-ear rune, this is the case.

What the hell is going on here?

Could it be that the Fountain of Resentment can suppress the power of thought?

Since the rune bones can't be used, Ye Lingyue can only find another way.

Ye Lingyue pondered for a while and released the power of the earth in her body.

This piece of land is still very accepting of the power of the earth.

The power of the earth, like tentacles, is slowly released.

It follows the ground fissure, all the way forward.

About a mile away, Ye Lingyue felt the breath of two people.

One person's breath is very fast, and the other person's breath is very stable.

The advantage of the power of the earth is that it is not affected by the region. As long as there is land, you can feel the situation on this land.

Its disadvantage is that it has no way for Ye Lingyue to see and hear the situation on the other side like the Shunfeng Ear Rune Bones and Clairvoyance Rune Bones.

At this time, one of them moved.

One other person didn't move.

It was the person with a relatively steady breath who was moving, obviously the light rain.

The injured person, Brother Mu's breathing was still very messy.

"Yufu, try to get in touch with Brother Mu again. I have something to ask him, don't worry, the pirate will leave for the time being."

Ye Lingyue said.

Yu Fu was dubious, but she was worried about Brother Mu's safety, so she couldn't care so much.

She tried to contact Brother Mu.

Because of the short distance, she quickly contacted Brother Mu.

"Sister Fu! Why are you around here? I didn't tell you to leave quickly!"

When Brother Mu noticed the other party's consciousness, he was shocked.

"Brother Mu, don't worry, someone is with me, and I'm safe for the time being. How is your situation? I'm with the Lord of Storm City, and she can help us."

Yufu comforted the other party, and then asked about the situation over there.

Brother Mu was overjoyed when he heard that the city lord was there.

He told Yufu that the female pirate named Qiu Yu had brought him all the way.

Not only him, Qiu Yu is also constantly looking for the body.

She had already found several corpses, and now, she went to look for the corpses again.

After she dropped the corpses, they piled them aside.

"Looking for a corpse?"

After Ye Lingyue heard Yufu's feedback, her face was puzzled.

What's going on here?

"Ask again, what are the characteristics of those corpses, and is there anything special in the area where they are?"

Ye Lingyue took a step closer to testing.

"Those corpses are all men's corpses. Some of them are Nian Shi who just fell with us, and some should be from a few months ago. Their corpses are well preserved, as if they had just died."

Yu Fu also couldn't understand the specific intention of Qiu Yu's actions.

Because the ground fissure is buried underground most of the time, the bodies of the masters who fell three months ago are no different from the ones they just died.

Ye Lingyue's heart moved.

"Ask her, have you met men and women wearing Buddhist clothes on the road?"

Ye Lingyue was worried that Uncle Mirror and her mother were also in the ground crack.

"No."    Yufu shook his head. "Also, Brother Mu said that the area where he is in has very strange characters and graphics, which seems to be some kind of prohibition. But it should have expired, because there is no light."   Yu Fu said as he followed the instructions of Brother Mu. The description, accurately drew a figure.   Ye Lingyue's brows twitched when she saw the graphic, and her heart twitched.

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