Yun Ling was dozing off, and suddenly felt that the hand holding him tightened all of a sudden.

"Cat slave, you are going to die, take a hair off this deity, be careful that this deity cleans up you."

Yun Ling was very dissatisfied and glanced at Ye Lingyue.

"Lord City Lord?"

After Yu Fu drew the picture, he looked at Ye Lingyue's appearance, and called out a little worriedly.

"It's really a ban."

Ye Lingyue smiled bitterly.

Really, it was a coincidence. She didn't expect that she would encounter the Taiyin Seal here again.

The restriction that Yu Fu drew, and the restriction that Brother Mu saw was the seal of the Taiyin God.

"You actually know the Taiyin Divine Seal? Yes, you know the power of the earth. It seems that you have a part of the Taiyin bloodline. If there is no accident, the female teacher should also be a member of the Taiyin family, right?"

Yun Ling was not too surprised when she saw Ye Lingyue's reaction.

Ye Lingyue nodded.

Therefore, Liu Qibian will let the light rain fall.

The Yin Divine Seal can seal the power of evil.

"So, those resentments were actually sealed underground by the Taiyin God?"

Ye Lingyue pondered.

"Yes, it has been sealed for thousands of years. This mark should have some origins with you. It is your ancestor, the mother of the earth, who used her own blood to draw the seal of the lunar yin, so it is very powerful. Woman, reluctantly still have some loyalty to the queen."

Yun Ling shook his beard, but he still couldn't hide his dislike for Ye Su in his words.

"The Mother Earth has always been very loyal to the Queen. She actually used her own blood to draw the seal of the yin god? Then she must have suffered heavy losses."

Ye Lingyue frowned.

The purer the blood of Taiyin, the stronger the divine seal drawn.

But if you draw with a person's blood, you're bound to lose too much blood.

There are so many wronged souls under the ground cracks, if you want to suppress them, you must use a powerful Taiyin seal.

It is conceivable that Ye Su must have lost a lot of blood at that time.

"Yes, not long after that, she fell, before the queen fell."

Yun Ling said in a low voice.

This time, there was no disgust in its tone.

Ye Su, no matter how deep the festival is with it, she is a respectable warrior.

She fought to the last drop of blood for Kunlun and the Queen.

Yufu looked at Ye Lingyue, Ye Lingyue kept staring at the divine seal.

"Tell me first, the birth date of your man."    Ye Lingyue said.  "Eight characters?"   Yu Fu was surprised.

She really didn't understand, why did Ye Lingyue ask this at this time?

But she still said the man's birthday.

"We're going to save him."

Ye Lingyue tried to track the breath of Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu walked five or six miles away in order to find the body.

Taking advantage of this gap, she can save people.

"Save people? You're crazy, you'll startle the snake like this. At this time, the only thing you can do is to stop Liu Qibian from unlocking the divine seal."

Yun Ling was dissatisfied.

This woman, saying one thing and doing another, agreed to prevent resentment from appearing, and now she has changed her mind temporarily.

"She can't solve it, even if she finds more male teachers."

After Ye Lingyue finished speaking, she brought her jade whisk and hurried to save people.

After a while, Ye Lingyue and Yu Fu rushed out.

There are many people on Ye Lingyue's back.

As for Yun Ling, he paced and followed with a dissatisfied face.

"Yun Ling, take us up. You see, I am carrying two wounded people, it is obviously unrealistic to climb up."

Ye Lingyue looked at Yun Ling and tried to communicate with it.

"Fart, who told you that this deity can take you up?"

Yun Ling was furious.

Who the hell is that cat slave!

"If you can come down, of course you can go up. If you don't send us up, no one will help you find the Queen's Tomb."

Ye Lingyue said with a smile.

"City Lord Fengyu, you bring the jade up and take me, it's too tiring."

Brother Mu looked at the unattainable rock wall and sighed.

He also thought that Ye Lingyue was embarrassed how to bring them up.

If he could see Sister Fu before he died, he would be able to rest his eyes.

"Don't worry, we can all go up."

Ye Lingyue signaled him not to worry too much.

Yun Ling muttered a few words, obviously cursing Ye Lingyue.

It does have a way to go up.

"You can remember clearly, you must be the first to find the Queen's tomb and defend the Queen's immortal body, otherwise, the deity will tear you to pieces."

Yun Ling threatened a pass, but saw it shaking the snow-white cat hair on his body.

Suddenly, the cat disappeared.

A cotton-white cloud appeared.

Yu Fu and Brother Mu were both stunned.

Ye Lingyue took the two and jumped onto the cloud.

That cloud is also weird, it seems ethereal, it will disperse at any time, but standing on it, it is very stable.

As soon as the three men stood firm, Yun flew up with a whistle.

Just like a speeding carriage, in just a moment, the cloud has passed a thousand feet... Yufu and Mu brother are both happy after the catastrophe.

Ye Lingyue lowered her head and stared at the crack.

The Yin Divine Seal left by Ye Su's blood... Liu Qibian will soon discover that the blood of an ordinary man can't break the seal.

But in the valley, there was one person whose blood was enough to dissolve the seal.

She had to find that person before Liu Qibian noticed it.

in the cracks.

Qiu Yu searched for a while, and finally found two more bodies.

When she came back with the body, the male nun was gone.

"Tsk, run away, you can still escape with such a serious injury."

Liu Qibian was a little dissatisfied when he saw that the person was gone.

He had reminded Qiu Yu earlier not to let anyone run away.

"My subordinate is careless. But his blood can't unlock the seal. After the subordinate unlocks the seal, he will kill him."

Qiu Yu's eyes flashed slightly, and he was very sorry.

"Forget it, just a teacher. Try the blood of these people first."

Liu Qibian also had no intention of pursuing an irrelevant teacher.

Qiu Yu opened the corpses, and blood poured into that yin seal.

Half an hour passed.

Without exception, the dozens of male corpses that Qiu Yu retrieved were useless.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work."

Liu Qibian was a little disappointed, but not too surprised.   "Looks like this seal is not an ordinary Taiyin seal."    Qiu Yu also recognized this seal.   "Naturally, this is not an ordinary seal. This is the seal of the Taiyin God, drawn by the Mother of the Earth with blood, and its power is dozens of times that of the ordinary Taiyin God's Seal."    Liu Qibian said with regret.   Ye Su's blood was much more powerful than he thought.   He originally thought that after so many years, the effect of her divine seal should have weakened.   So I found the blood of those men and wanted to use yang energy to weaken the immortal power above.  Unfortunately, it still failed.  "Then our next step?"   Qiu Yu tentatively asked.   "Those tomb keepers came out of their nests, and we together are not opponents. We must find a way to summon those resentful souls. It seems that I have to seek the help of the Queen."    Liu Qi said slowly.

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