Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

The fourth thousand three hundred and fifty-six chapters unearthed

Qiu Yu's eyelids jumped for a while.

"Is the Queen there too?"

Qiu Yu was in control, trying to make his voice change less obvious.

But at this time, a storm was already set off in her heart.

"The queen will wake up one day. What I'm talking about is to use the power of the queen to help us break the seal. I just don't know if our luck is that good."

After Liu Qibian finished speaking, Qiu Yu felt his knees sink, unable to control himself, and knelt down.

She crawled on the ground and began to read some ancient words she had never heard of before.

Qiu Yu was surprised, but his expression remained the same.

She knew what Liu Qibian had to do.

A full quarter of an hour, when Liu Qibian finished singing.

Suddenly, a red light shot down.

That red light fell on the seal of the Taiyin God.

"The Queen has appeared."

Liu Qi became overjoyed.

Qiu Yu felt that she had regained control over her body, she hesitated, and looked at the yin god beside her.

Next to the Taiyin God Seal, there is an extra line of words.

"In the valley, there is the Sun God Race."

In a word, it is in sight.

"God bless Hongyue, there are really people from the Sun God Race in the valley. I didn't expect to meet the extinct God Race."

Liu Qi became overjoyed.

The Sun Clan and the Tai Yin Clan are mortal enemies from generation to generation.

All of this stemmed from Ye Su and the Diyang ancestor of the Sun Clan.

The Taiyin Clan once slaughtered the Sun Clan. Although the Sun Clan still has a small number of clansmen, they did not expect that there were Sun Clan people in the old Kunlun site.

"The blood of the Sun Clan can crack the Yin Divine Seal. In any case, we must find that man."

Liu Qi changed the order.

"However, the valley is so big and there are so many men, how do we know who is the descendant of the Sun Clan?"

Qiu Yu was puzzled.

"You may not be able to find it, but there is the Doomsday Demon Sun, and you will definitely be able to find it."

Liu Qi changed with a smile.

The Yaoyang is formed by the power of the origin of the Sun Clan.

As long as there are people from the Sun tribe in the valley, the Doomsday Demon Sun will definitely be able to find them.   It is also thanks to his prescient name that he cooperated with the Doomsday Demon Yang, otherwise this time the Yin Divine Seal would not be able to be cracked.   "Subordinates obey."    Qiu Yu nodded.   She quickly turned into a black shadow, attached to the mountain wall, and swam towards the ground just like when she came down before.  The cloud layer has reached the gap of the ground fissure,

Ye Lingyue and the other three landed safely.

Yun Ling turned into a fat cat again.

"Double rune bones."

Yun Ling said in a wicked voice.

This cat slave is very bad.

Relying on the fact that it has no other cat slaves, I use it again and again.

Before it was replaced, it had already scratched her face with its sharp claws.


Ye Lingyue smiled apologetically.

"Thank goodness, you really came back."

Cui Hong waited all night, and was anxious all night, thinking that Yang Fei'er was more fortunate this time.

Who knew that she not only came back, but also brought back two big living people?

Cui Hong looked at the two.

"Why are you? Mu Chen and Yufu, you are the unlucky ghosts who fell into the ground crack before?"

"It's Cui Hong from the Demonic Heaven Domain, do you know the City Lord of Wind and Rain?"

Yu Fu and Cui Hong seemed to know each other, and the two nodded as a greeting.

Ye Lingyue briefly explained what happened.

"So, you didn't find Qiu Yu?"

Cui Hong wondered.

"She's fine. The other party won't harm her, but it's over the valley, is there any news?"

Ye Lingyue looked at the sky, the sky crack was still hideous, and it was horizontal in the sky.

There was no one else around except Cui Hong.

It was already a night and half a day before Ye Lingyue went down. At this moment, if it wasn't for the light being affected by the sky crack, it should have been around noon.

This means that everyone has been in for a day and a night.

"No news. I'm afraid you won't be able to find me when you come back, so I haven't gone in."

Cui Hong sighed.

Both Mu Chen and Yu Fu were injured and had no way to enter the valley, but if they were left outside, it was very likely that they would encounter Liu Qibian, making it even more unsafe.

Ye Lingyue thought for a while and asked the two of them.

"I'll send you to a place. Don't worry about the Queen's Tomb. Before the valley reopens, you will stay there to recuperate. Do you have any opinions?"

"We also know that our strength is not good enough, and we don't want to covet the tomb of the Queen. If we can leave alive, we are very satisfied."

Yu Fu and Mu Chen have no opinion.

"Blindfold you, I'll take you in."

Ye Lingyue looked at Cui Hong again, Cui Hong's face was full of confusion, but she was also an astute person, so she hurriedly said something.

"I'll go to the front to let the wind out, you can send them away and come to me."

After all, she sacrificed the flying rune and rose into the sky.

"Nosy guy."

The fat cat Yun Ling naturally guessed Ye Lingyue's intention.

It mumbled, obviously disapproving of Ye Lingyue's actions.

However, the Yangquan Temple is her territory. She wants to send people in, and she can't really object. It reluctantly lifted the Yangquan Temple from its hidden state.

Ye Lingyue left Yufu and Muchen in the Yangquan Temple.

"Strange, nothing happened in the valley."

When Cui Hong saw Ye Lingyue coming, she shook her head at Ye Lingyue.

"Of course there is no movement. I can guarantee that over the past day and night, at least more than half of the people have lost their mobility."

Ye Lingyue smiled.

In the valley, in a special area.

This area was opened up by Cangshan Jun using his precious ancient immortal power.

Compared with other areas, the landslides in this area have been cleaned up almost.

Some hills, forests and rivers have been rebuilt.

As long as you work harder, I believe that the location of the Queen's cemetery will soon be found.

But all this was interrupted.

Zang Shanjun's face was ugly.

"What exactly is going on?"

Cangshan Jun's face was ashen.

Director Ji has a bruised nose and a swollen face, but his condition is still good.

Those Tibetan Mountain Guards, about a dozen Tibetan Mountain Guards, all lacked arms and legs, and the flying rune bones behind them were all broken.

"City Lord, everyone's flying rune bones suddenly shattered. We don't know what happened."    Director Ji said with a frown.   "Bullshit, why is my flying rune ok. But yours has an accident."    Zangshan Jun cursed.  The flying rune behind him is fine.   "It should be, there is something wrong with the flying rune that Daomen gave us."    Director Ji said carefully.   "Where is the eldest grandson Xueying, she is so courageous, she dares to deceive the city lord!"    Lord Zangshan was furious. What   Zangshan-jun didn't know was that at this moment, not only him, but also people from Buddhism and pirates were looking for the eldest grandson Xueying to settle accounts!  Because of their flying runes, they also broke in about the same time.  ~ Double the monthly pass starting today, and the little cuties who still have monthly pass votes~

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