"Why should I promise you?"

The eldest grandson Xueying frowned.

A Liu Qibian is nothing, not even the Doomsday Yaoyang, a lonely soul, dare to speak to her in such a tone?

"Headmaster is not afraid of revealing his identity."

Doomsday demon yang yin and yang strange air.

"Don't threaten me there, go back and tell Liu Qibian, don't push me too hard, or I will break up. Besides, mere pirates, how many people do you think will believe what you say."

The eldest grandson Xueying was once persuaded by Liu Qibian.

But after calming down and thinking about it, the pirates are too insidious. Once you really cooperate with them, you will be immersed in the quagmire, and there will be no day to escape.

"It seems that the headmaster is planning to go back on his word? Master Liu asked you, do you still want to restore the glory of the Destiny Clan and become the little princess of the Destiny Clan again?"

Doomsday Yaoyang secretly admires it, Liu Qibian is really scheming, and when it comes to the eldest grandson Xueying, he will change his mind.

"What do you mean by that?"

Changsun Xueying's tone changed slightly.

The little princess of the Destiny Clan?

This means that she can obtain the true inheritance of the Destiny Clan?

The true inheritance of the Destiny Clan is located on the top of Jiudangling Cliff.

That ninth floor, even she can't enter.

It is said that there is guarded by the Tao of Heaven.

If she can really get that inheritance, she can have the strength comparable to the eldest grandson.

That Ye Lingyue, whether or not she has obtained the memory of "Ayue" back then, is nothing to her.

Even, she can use the inheritance of the Destiny Clan to reverse the Destiny.

Change everything, change Di Xin... Change the fact that he lost himself in Di Yang Xin.

"It literally means. Priest Liu has the ability to help you. But the premise is that we find the person we are looking for."

Doomsday Yaoyang heard the tone of the eldest grandson Xueying, and knew that the other party had been fooled.

"Teacher on your behalf?"

Li Fei was terrified as he listened in.

Does the headmaster really want to cooperate with pirates?

This is against the purpose of Taoism.

"Who are you looking for?"

Changsun Xueying thought for a while and asked.

"A boy from the Sun Clan. Priest Liu needs the blood of that boy to break a ban. That guy is in the valley, but he is very cunning and hides most of his breath."

Doomsday Yaoyang said angrily.  Originally, Liu Qibian thought that he could find the opponent by relying on the Doomsday Yaoyang, but he did not expect that the Doomsday Yaoyang could not accurately find the opponent's location. Without any choice,

Doomsday Yaoyang can only come to find the eldest grandson Xueying.

"People from the Sun Clan? How can I help you? I don't know the appearance of that guy."

The eldest grandson Xueying is also a little weird.

The Sun Race, hasn't it been destroyed long ago?

And it was an ancient clan that had already wiped out the clan before the Destiny clan.

"Little princess eldest grandson, stop pretending. You have captured the ancient sacrificial spirit of the Sun Clan, Zhuzhao."

Doomsday Yaoyang is not in a good mood.

"You mean that old thing? That old thing is very naughty, I have been imprisoning it. It is actually an ancient sacrifice spirit?"

Only then did Changsun Xueying remember the strange ancient beast that he got from the Yangquan Temple.

"That's it. Speaking of which, it's an old acquaintance of mine."

Doomsday Yaoyang gloated.

The eldest grandson Xueying raised his hand, and there was an ancient talisman in his hand.

As soon as the talisman light flashed, Zhu Zhao was bound by Wu Hua Da and shrunk into a ball.

It does not have a specific form, it just preserves the power of the source.

The power of the source, like a candle in the wind, seems to collapse at any time.

Without the protection of the Yangquan Temple, and without Ye Lingyue's celestial talisman power, the situation of Candlelight was getting worse.

The reason why it has not completely collapsed is also due to a trace of faith.

Although the chances are very slim, Zhu Zhao believes that Ye Lingyue will definitely come to save it.

"Tsk tsk, candlelight, old thing, I didn't expect that when I saw you again, it would look like this."

Doomsday Yaoyang sighed with emotion.

"Yaoyang...you perfidious traitor."

Zhu Zhao sensed the aura of the Doomsday Demon Sun, and the originally weak source power revived again.

"Back then, the patriarch asked you to tell Ye Su, but you defected halfway, causing the Sun and Taiyin to break up."

Candlelight flickered.

Regarding the hatred between the Sun Clan and the Tai Yin Clan, Zhu Zhao never mentioned it in front of Ye Lingyue.

There are two reasons. On the one hand, it has promised the patriarch that it will not repeat the old story.

On the other hand, its source power is constantly weakening.

Its memory also declined. It only knew that Di Yang had betrayed the Sun Clan, but it did not remember what the Patriarch had told Di Yang to the Mother Earth when he was dying.

"Tsk tsk, old thing, the Sun Clan has been exterminated for many years. Our master has already fallen, why are you obsessed with it, you always bring up old things again. I came today, but I came to save you. I see your appearance, I'm afraid It won't last long."

In Doomsday Yaoyang's tone, there is no sympathy at all, on the contrary, there is a bit of schadenfreude.

"Do you have a way to save it?"

The eldest grandson Xueying was very surprised.

She also saw that the candlelight was about to disappear.

It is an ancient sacrificial spirit, which is quite useful to the eldest grandson Xueying.

Unfortunately, it is too weak.

If it can restore the ancient immortal power, it must be a great weapon for the eldest grandson Xueying.

"Then it depends on whether it is willing to cooperate. The descendant of the Sun Race we are looking for has the power of the source in his body. As long as Zhu Zhao absorbs the power of his source, he can restore more than half of his immortal power. At that time, it will It won't fall apart."

Doomsday Yaoyang and Zhuzhao joined forces to find the hidden source of the Sun Clan's power.

"Descendants of the Sun Race?"

After Zhu Zhao heard this, he was slightly startled.

It seems to think of something.

"How about it, it's time for you and me to resolve the old enemy. Find the whereabouts of that kid, I want his flesh and blood, and you can take his source power, and you can get what you need. As for the grievances between you and me for many years, so far A write-off."

The Doomsday Demon Yang follows the path of good deeds.

The eldest grandson Xueying frowned.

Liu Qibian seemed to be planning something.

She had a hunch that it wasn't a good thing.

But whether it's a good thing or not, it doesn't matter to her.

The important thing is that she can get the inheritance of destiny.

"Okay. But if you dare to snatch the source power that belongs to me, don't blame me for being rude."

Candlelight said solemnly.

"Don't worry, even if I want to snatch it, little princess eldest grandson will not agree."

Seeing Zhuzhao persuaded, Doomsday Yaoyang was overjoyed.

"In the northwest direction, there is a trace of the source power of the Sun Race, and it is still moving towards it."

After a moment of candlelight, he said slowly.


Changsun Xueying put away the candle, and before the Doomsday Yaoyang could speak, her figure flashed and she had already swept away in the northwest direction.

Li Fei and Doomsday Yaoyang were also one after the other, followed closely behind and chased after them.

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