Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand three hundred and sixty first chapter sky cracked land

A small flower sparrow with a small stature flew by in the light gray sky.

"I'm a little bird, I can't fly high."

The little flower sparrow was in a good mood at this time.

"It's like getting rid of that guy."

The little flower sparrow flapped its wings and saw that the flying runes of those people were damaged in pairs, and the little flower sparrow was not too proud.

Although he doesn't hate Zitang, that guy is really domineering.

With it following me, I would not be able to stroll around in the valley.

This is the Queen's Valley, and it is rumored that the bottom of this place is the Queen's Palace.

The Kunlun Queen's Palace was the residence of the Kunlun Queen during the ancient Kunlun period.

Xiao Hua Que is also a little boy. Before it came to the old site of Kunlun, it once heard Xiao Zhi yo, that is, his father mentioned something about the Queen of Kunlun.

It is said that this one is the strongest person from ancient times to the present.

Unfortunately, she has been dead for many years.

The little boy has also heard that the cemetery of the queen is in the valley of the queen.

It wants to find the tomb before everyone else.

In this way, others will definitely look at him with admiration.

But the little boy flew round and round.

Except for a few areas that are found to be uneven, most of the areas are still a scene after a collapse.

"Strange, where is the Queen's Tomb? Cang Shanjun's gang has stopped moving. By the way, their flying rune bones will also be broken."

The little flower bird understands it.

It also saw the part of the area that Zangshanjun and others excavated.

But looking down from a height, it was just a flat bottom, and there was no trace of a cemetery.

"The front, why is it so gray?"

After flying for a while, the little flower bird found that he couldn't continue to fly forward.

Ahead, a cloud of gray seems to be blocking its way.

It tried to flap its wings, but it flew several times, only to find itself spinning in place.

"There, is it where the Queen's Palace is located?"

The little flower sparrow came back to his senses.

It has been flying for most of the night, and it stands to reason that the entire valley should have flown by.

But there was no way to go deep in front, it thought of the Queen's Palace.

That is the deepest part of the old Kunlun site.

To date, it is said that no one has ever directly entered the Palace of the Queen.   Last time, someone approached the female palace infinitely, namely Yun Sheng and Ji Rumo of the Buddhist sect, but they encountered a landslide and their whereabouts are still unknown.   After trying several times in succession,

After hitting a wall, Xiao Hua Que finally gave up.

"Forget it, go back first and find that woman. Let her come and see."

Xiao Hua Que didn't plan to go to Zitang. Anyway, that guy didn't have the flying rune now, so it would be more appropriate to go to Ye Lingyue.

Little Flower Sparrow had a hunch that the woman's flying rune bones must be fine.

He had seen Ye Lingyue's flying rune bones, it was a pair of very beautiful flying rune bones.

Just as it was about to turn around, it felt something was wrong behind it.

I saw that the gray sky suddenly became brighter.


The little flower sparrow was a little surprised.

He actually saw several figures in the air.

Those figures are rapidly approaching.

"The people of Daomen."

The little flower sparrow recognized the woman in the lead.

That woman was very beautiful, had a good temperament, and had a proud look on her face.

Seeing how he felt a little familiar, Xiao Hua Que was agitated, it was the superintendent of the Taoist sect.

He remembered that the other party was not a good person.

How did they find it?

Seeing their posture, Xiao Hua Que suddenly had a bad premonition.

It looked around, trying to run away.

But as soon as he moved, he saw Liu Fei and Changsun Xueying change in shape, blocking his front and back.

"that's it?"

Zhangsun Xueying was a little surprised. She thought Liu Qibian and Doom Yaoyang were looking for the descendant of the Sun Clan, but she didn't expect it to be a gray-faced sparrow.

"Descendants of the Sun Race, pure blood."

Doomsday Yaoyang suddenly jumped in front of Xiao Hua Que.

It emits a scorching light.

"Go away, don't get in the way of the young master."

The little flower sparrow said unhappily.

He knew that the visitor was not good.

But his father said that when he encounters an enemy, he must not lose his momentum.

"Little guy, it's bad for you to meet us. Obediently hand over the blood on your body."

Doomsday Yaoyang threatened.

"Bah, what kind of thing are you, do you recognize ghosts or not?"

The little flower bird's eyes rolled.

It looked in one direction, and rushed over in one go.

Front, back and left were blocked, only the right side had a chance.

"Wait, it's my prey."

An old voice came.

Doomsday Yaoyang, Changsun Xueying and others, who were about to start, stopped.

Changsun Xueying signaled to Li Fei not to do it either. It would be great if Zhuzhao could take this opportunity to recover.

The ancient sacrifice spirit can only be resurrected if the ancient immortal power is restored.

The little flower sparrow suddenly felt a burning sensation, blowing towards his face.

A golden light suddenly appeared in front of him. ""

"Are you a descendant of the Sun Clan?"

Candlelight's voice was extremely weak.

It was also a little surprised and saw a small flower sparrow.

This little guy has a familiar smell.

It's that kid.

Xiao Zhi yo, the descendant of Zhu Han.

Zhuzhao saw the little flower sparrow and sighed for a while.

It has been a hundred years, but I never thought that I would meet the true descendants of the Sun Clan here again.

"What are you?"

The little flower sparrow rolled her eyes.

There was a familiar aura about him.

Compared with the aggressiveness of the other people, this power without a specific form appears to be less malicious.

"I used to be one of your ancestors, it's a pity..."

Candlelight sighed.

Saying that, it suddenly shines brightly, and it flies towards the little flower bird.

"Run away."

Zhu Zhao suddenly shouted loudly.   The source power on it turned into a cloud of skyfire.  This is the little kid.   and the Phoenix child.   This child combines the power of both, and is the purest Sun Race bloodline.  This child, no matter what, has to live.  In an instant, the sky was on fire.  "Er?"   Xiao Hua Que was startled, and suddenly understood something.  It gritted its teeth, fluttered its wings, and flew towards the side of the sky.   It knows that it must not fall into the hands of these people. "Damn old thing, dare to deceive us. You think that with your current way of doing things, you can still stop me."    Doomsday Yaoyang was so angry that in almost an instant, Doomsday Yaoyang took the source of candle light. The force is absorbed cleanly.   "Take it."    The eldest Sun Xueying was also annoyed, but she also knew that she had to catch the little flower sparrow.   She and Li Fei had amazing movement skills, like two shocking giants, chasing towards the little flower sparrow.   Seeing that the two behind him were chasing more and more closely, Xiao Hua Que was also shocked and anxious.   At this time, it saw the front, but it was the crack of the sky.

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