That eye is an eyeball, or a rune bone.

Li Fei was obviously seeing that rune bone for the first time.

He looked surprised.

"Don't be surprised, this eyeball is also a kind of special rune bone. I found it from the cliff of Jiudangling. According to historical records, it should belong to the patriarch of the Destiny Clan, Changsun Convert, and this is his left eye. ."

When the eldest grandson Xueying spoke, there was a proud expression.

Liu Qibian underestimated himself.

Not to mention Ye Lingyue.

She offered Liu Qibian to go to open the Yin Divine Seal, just to make Ye Lingyue and Liu Qibian fight each other and buy herself as much time as possible.

Liu Qibian thought that she couldn't find the Queen's tomb, but he was wrong.

The Queen's Tomb, only she can enter.

Because she is the real daughter of destiny.

She is the heir of the Destiny Clan, and the only heir chosen by the Queen.

Otherwise, how could she find Changsun Gong’s eyes.

So many people entered Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff, only her eldest grandson Xueying got this very special rune bone when she entered Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff for the first time.

It's just that earlier, she had been unable to fuse this eyeball.

Only recently has she fused it all together.

This eyeball is different from ordinary special rune bones.

It allows the eldest grandson Xueying to see things that he could not see before.

Although the surrounding area has been excavated and organized by Zangshanjun and Zangshanwei, it still looks like a ruin.

Some crushed trees, trampled lawns, some messy stones, animal carcasses and so on.

These, the scenery that can be seen clearly with the naked eye, at this time, disappeared in the eyes of the eldest grandson Xueying.

In her eyes,

These are just blindfolds.

The Queen's Tomb must be in this area.

What a sacred place is the tomb of Queen Kunlun.

Thousands of years ago, after the fall of the Empress, all the temples have declined.

But the palace people of Kunlun Women's Palace, and several elderly palace masters moved the Queen's body into the Queen's tomb.

Those people did not leave the Queen's Tomb in the end. It is said that they all killed themselves and buried themselves in the Queen's Tomb.

The whereabouts of the Queen's Palace has become an ancient mystery.

No one knows the true whereabouts of the Queen's Tomb.

These were all searched by the eldest grandson Xueying from some residual scrolls of the Destiny Clan and his own memories.

The entrance to the Queen's Tomb has undergone special treatment.

The naked eye can't see it.

She simply closed her eyes and looked at everything around her with her third eye, the one belonging to Changsun Gong.

"That is?"

Finally, after nearly half an hour of patient search, the eyeball on Changsun Xueying's forehead moved.

Is that the entrance to the Queen's Tomb?

She stepped forward and stopped in front of a large rock.

The stone was covered with dead moss.

The stone is very ordinary, but in Changsun Xueying's eyes, it is unusual.

Because inside the text, it is like flowing water, gurgling flowing.

Those that flow are all ancient Kunlun languages.

Because the eldest grandson Xueying has acquired the memories of some of the little princesses of the Tianming clan, she has grown a lot in the ancient Kunlun script.

"Kunlun... Imperial Tomb?"

The eldest grandson Xueying saw the words clearly, and his heart moved.

"found it."

The eldest grandson Xueying was overjoyed.

Who would have thought that this inconspicuous piece of rock that was thrown aside by Lord Zangshan was actually the tombstone of the Queen's Tomb.

"Is this the Queen's Tomb?"

Li Fei was stunned.

In his view, the stone was unremarkable.

He couldn't see any words, he could only step forward and try to push the stone.

The stone was nothing to Li Fei's cultivation, but the strange thing was that Li Fei couldn't push the stone.

"It's so heavy, this thing seems to be rooted."

Li Fei was speechless.

"You can't rely on brute force, you must find a mechanism."

The eldest grandson Xueying shook his head and motioned for Li Fei to move away.

She touched the stone and found that there was an area on the surface of the stone where no moss had grown.

That's a special area, right in the middle of the stone.

That area, upon closer inspection, is a groove.

The groove is circular, as if something needs to be embedded in it to complete it.

Changsun Xueying frowned.

"Tsk, you actually need a secret key."

"Secret key?"

Li Fei looked dazed.

"The Queen's Tomb is obviously set up. The missing part of this stone must be found. Otherwise, we will not be able to open the Queen's Tomb."

This is not uncommon.

After all, this is the Queen's Tomb, and it is one of the most important areas in the entire Kunlun site.

Only then did Changsun Xueying realize that entering the Kunlun Queen's Tomb was more troublesome than she thought.

Having the eyes of Changsun Gong is obviously not enough.

The Queen's Valley is so big, where can I find the secret key?

Even, the key may not be in the valley.

"Headmaster, what should we do?"

Seeing that the eldest Sun Xueying was silent, Li Fei said worriedly.

"What else can I do, look for the secret key."

The eldest grandson Xueying was a little dejected.

"But the valley is so big, where do we go to find the secret key?"

Li Fei is wrong.

Right now, there are resentful spirits nearby.

Those resentful spirits did not dare to approach because of the Queen's Tomb.

But after leaving this area, they are likely to be attacked by resentful spirits.

"What are you afraid of, you forgot, we have the pirate's token on us. In addition, I think there is a place where we may be able to find the secret key."

Changsun Xueying also rubbed her eyebrows angrily.

Originally, she didn't plan to go there.

But at this moment, it seems that there is no other choice.

Li Fei was confused.

"The Queen's Palace."

The eldest grandson Xueying moved her red lips and spit out three words.

Everyone who entered the Queen's Tomb has already been buried, and the secret key must still be outside.

If the secret key is still in the old Kunlun site, then the Queen's Palace is undoubtedly the most likely place.

"But the Queen's Palace is unfathomable. So far, no one has successfully broken into it. It is said that the collapse of this place is also because... Yun Sheng and others tried to enter the Queen's Palace. Moreover, the border between the Queen's Palace and the valley is , there are strange enchantments guarding, there is no way to break through."

Li Fei had a look of horror on his face.

The outside world only knew that Yun Sheng and others were buried in the Queen's Valley, but they didn't know the truth of the collapse.

There are many eyes and ears of Daomen, only to know one or two.

At that time, Yun Sheng and the others were already about to enter the female palace. They encountered the barrier and forced their way through, which resulted in a collapse, and they died without a place to be buried.

"That's them, not us. I inherited the eyes of the eldest grandson, and I also got some information. I know a secret way to enter the Queen's Palace. The secret way is in the inner courtyard of the Queen's Palace, under a purple-leaf Bodhi tree."

The eldest grandson Xueying pondered for a moment and said.

After all, her wings fluttered, and she flew into the air, and Li Fei did not dare to neglect, and followed closely behind.

He followed in the footsteps of the eldest grandson Xueying and walked in the direction of the Queen's Palace.

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