Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand three hundred and sixty-eight chapters in the sky

Under the action of strong suction, the little flower bird was sucked into the sky crack.

With a bang, it hit something head-on, and its head fainted for a while, and then it passed out.


There was a gentle voice in his ears, like a lullaby, and the little boy felt his body being gently swayed to and fro.

That feeling is very much like a mother's feeling.

Mother... The little boy sobbed softly.

This term was too unfamiliar to him.

According to my father, his mother died when he was born.

The specific reason, my father did not specify.

He only told the little boy that his mother was of Phoenix blood and was a very beautiful woman.

Dad didn't mention his mother very often, and every time he kicked, he would be very sentimental.

When the little boy first learned to speak, he asked a few times.

Later, when he grew up, he knew that asking these questions would make his father unhappy, so he stopped asking.

But even so, in his heart, his mother has always been hidden in the deepest part.

he called softly.


He subconsciously raised his hand and grabbed the source of the sound.

"Yunsheng, be careful."

Beside him was the gentle voice of a man.

"It's okay, he's just a kid."

Touching a warm and soft hand, the little boy suddenly woke up from his sleep.

That's not mother.

He opened his eyes.

I saw a beautiful woman.

Beside her was a tall man.

These two people are like a pair of beautiful people. At this time, the woman is squatting beside him, and the man is guarding the woman.

The woman looked at him with concern and kindness in her eyes.

The man's eyes were a little cold, vigilant, and he looked at the little boy.

The little boy subconsciously looked at his body.

He regained his original appearance.

Then, he remembered something, he was chased and entered the sky crack.

Heaven cracked!

Yes, he should be in the sky right now.

The terrifying sky crack forced him in.

He thought of candlelight again.

That ancient sacrifice spirit, his ancestor.

The little boy struggled and was about to sit up.

"Child, you are injured, and you have broken bones in several places. I will help you connect them, but you can't move around."

The woman said softly.

The child in front of her was familiar to her at first sight.

Especially, when he unconsciously called his mother, she couldn't help thinking of her own children.

Yue'er and Ah Guang and Ah Ri.

More than a hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye.

She is a mother, but she has no way of seeing her children.

This made Yun Sheng very sad.

"I have to get out of here. Old man, it's dangerous."

The little boy thought of Candlelight.

Its spiritual power is very weak, it will disappear, and its soul will fly away.

"You can't get out, not just you, none of us, can't get out."

Behind the woman, the handsome, but slightly cold man said solemnly.

He protected the woman behind him.

"Tell me, which force do you belong to? What is the purpose of entering the Queen's Valley?"

"Hey, who do you think you are? If you ask me, I will answer? Then I have to ask, who are you?"

The little boy is naturally rebellious, except for a few people, he has always been rude to others.


The man's brows turned cold, and his whole body was filled with thought power fluctuations.

The little boy's eyelids twitched.

Good guy, this guy is not weak!

"Rumo, he's just a child, why should you care about him?"

Seeing that Ji Rumo, who has always been gentle, was actually angry with a child, Yun Sheng smiled.

The corners of her mouth showed two shallow pear eddies, making her more and more attractive and beautiful.

The little boy was startled.


He has never seen his mother, but a beautiful woman who has the feeling of a mother, probably looks like a woman with eyes, right?

"What are you shouting about?"

Ji Rumo didn't like it.

Yun Sheng smiled and joked.

"I see that you used to be very kind to Yue'er, thinking you like children, why are you so cold now?"

Ji Rumo in Yun Sheng's impression is a gentle person.

This point, even after he joined the Buddhist sect, did not change much.

Even in the old Kunlun site, he was very polite to non-Buddhist teachers.

"I don't like children, Yue'er is Yue'er."

Ji Rumo shook his head.

He hadn't dealt with children much. He loved Ye Lingyue on the one hand because Ye Lingyue's temperament made him like him, on the other hand, it was because he loved Wu Jiwu, who was Yun Sheng's daughter.

But the child in front of him was different. He appeared out of nowhere, and his identity was unknown.

His arrival also broke the rare opportunity for him and Yun Sheng to get along.

Yun Sheng is just too good-hearted to treat a child who has never lived in such a manner.

Yun Sheng also has no intention to argue with Ji Rumo again.

She turned around with a smile and touched the little boy's head.

"You're right. Before asking you, we should report our own family. This is polite. My name is Yun Sheng, his name is Ji Rumo, yes..."

Before Yun Sheng finished speaking, the little boy opened his mouth and blurted out.

"I know you, you are the two great masters of Buddhism! The top ten masters of the Jade List!"

Yun Sheng did not deny it either.

"You are also a teacher? Let me guess, you are from the Eudemons Heaven Domain?"

Yun Sheng asked back.

When examining the body of the little boy, Yun Sheng found that the child's physique was very special.

He was attracted by the sky crack. After entering the sky crack, he hit the stone statue. It stands to reason that he should have been smashed to pieces, but he only fractured a few places and broke the body of the phantom beast.

And he is still young, his physical body is so tyrannical, and he thinks that his physical body will be stronger in the future.

Such a body against the sky, even those ancient beasts in the old Kunlun site may not be comparable.

However, among the masters of the Eudemons Heaven Domain that Yun Sheng knew, there was no such young fellow.

"How do you know? I'm from the Eudemons Heaven Domain, but I'm not a teacher, I only know a little bit of fur."

The little boy tried to stand up.

He felt a pain in his legs and arms, and he grinned.

"Are you really Yun Sheng and Ji Rumo? Do you know Yang Fei'er?"

What did the little boy think of, look at them.

Yun Sheng shook his head.

"That's right, how can a big man like you know such a small character. Then do you know Zitang?"

Yun Sheng was about to shake his head, but Ji Rumo, who was beside him, said.

"I know him. He is a novice who has just arrived at the old Kunlun site."

"Our people? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Yun Sheng was a little surprised.

"You don't care much about Zongli's affairs. I also heard from the Qianlan Buddha. Recently, some novice teachers will be sent to support us. This one is called Zitang. He is the strongest among them. It's a Tiannian teacher.".

Ji Rumo said.

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