Yun Sheng and Ji Rumo were both stunned.

They crossed the misty sea, but they did not know that there were statues in the sea.

"Maybe you're right, but these statues don't do anything to hurt people except that they will petrify people and leave from time to time. As for what they have to do with the idols on the seabed, it's not known for the time being."

Yun Sheng thought for a while and said.

"Maybe we can go to Misty Sea to see, maybe we can find some clues."

The little boy suggested.

"You think we can leave?"

Ji Rumo's tone was indifferent.

In the past three months, when there was no petrification, he and Yun Sheng were thinking about something, but there was no entrance or exit to this redundant hole.

"This redundant hole has no end and is boundless, just like the sky crack itself."

Yun Sheng smiled wryly.

In the past three months, no one has entered except her and Ji Rumo? "

The little boy pointed to the statues.

There are many statues.

After Yun Sheng and others were petrified, they did leave while playing mourning music.

They can't just disappear without a reason, they must have left somewhere.

They also came back from that place.

"What you said, we also thought about it, but unfortunately..."

Yun Sheng did not speak further.

They wake up at almost the same time as the statue.

When the statues wake up, they petrify.

There was no way for them to leave with the statue.

"I can follow them and maybe find the entrance. That way, I can bring someone to rescue you.

The people I know are amazing. "

The little boy raised his chest and patted his chest to assure.

"What if you also petrify?"

Yun Sheng shook her head, she didn't want this child to repeat their mistakes.

"I can close my eyes and follow them. You don't think I'm young, but my hearing and sense of smell are very sharp, so I can follow them without opening my eyes."

After confirming that the stone sculptures on the other side were not malicious, the little boy became much bolder.

He didn't want to be locked in Tiancha for three months or more.

He was going to find his father, trying to revive his mother.

Yun Sheng listened, but did not speak immediately.

She looked at Ji Rumo, who seemed to be thinking too.

After a while, Yun Sheng spoke earnestly.

"Son, we can't help you decide, but you have to remember that even if you are trapped here, you can't take risks."

The little boy nodded.

The three of them started a long wait, waiting for the mourning to come again...

On a new day, Ye Lingyue wiped the sweat from her forehead when the dim so-called dawn emerged from that hideous crack in the sky.

In front of her, there are a bunch of Buddha statues.

Not long after the Buddha statues were carved, she cooperated with Zitang, Cui Hong and Jiu Ming Buddha searched for stone materials. After a day and a night, they carved sixty-six Buddha statues.

These Buddha statues are of different sizes, but they are all about the size of a palm to half a human.

"So many Buddha statues should be enough."

Ye Lingyue looked around, but none of the resentful spirits dared to approach.

The power of these Buddha statues is not weaker than that in the Yangquan Temple.

"Everyone is ready, and put these Buddha statues all the way. About half a mile away, the target is the area that Zangshan Jun excavated."

Ye Lingyue spread the power map on the ground, and there was an area that was particularly eye-catching in the gray Queen's Valley.

"Where is the ground split?"

Cui Hong hesitated and glanced at the ground.

After those city owners entered, they never came out, and their life and death were unknown.

"They are people of heaven, so they can't even deal with some resentful spirits."

Ye Lingyue stared at the ground.

Immediately, Cui Hongzitang and others began to carry the Buddha statue.

Wherever the Buddha statues reach, the resentful spirits have scruples and avoid them.

"Have you noticed that after last night, the landslide also seems to be over."

Ye Lingyue noticed that the small-scale landslides that had occurred in the valley before also disappeared.

"It's quiet in the valley, something unusual."

Nine Lives Buddha is very vigilant.

"We went all the way, and the previous teachers were gone."

Cui Hong muttered.

Except for Zangshanjun and others who entered the ground fissure and their escorts, the teachers of other forces seemed to have evaporated from the world.

"Qianlan Buddha, Blood Princess, and the floating ice loose people are also gone."

Ye Lingyue pondered.

There is also the eldest grandson Xueying and that Li Fei.

Several of them should be the few people who have not entered the ground crack and have flying rune bones.

"The Buddha statue has been placed. This area is the area that Zangshan Jun excavated."

The four landed on an excavated open space one after another.

Surrounded by soil, rocks and trees, I think it is the result of the Tibetan Mountain Lord after moving the mountain.

"There are footsteps here."

Cui Hong found rows of footprints, and the footprints were new, which meant that someone had come to this area earlier.

"Zangshanwei was killed. Found this guy."

Zitang carried Steward Ji back.

"Still angry."

Ye Lingyue probed the breath of the steward.

Director Ji's eyelids trembled, and he opened his eyes with difficulty.

He was severely injured by Changsun Xueying, choked in his throat, and pretended to be dead, so that he could survive until now.

"The eldest grandson...the eldest grandson...the tomb..."

Ji Guanshi saw a vague figure in a hat and thought it was Lord Zangshan.

"Speak slowly, Changsun Xueying has been here? Where did she go?"

Ye Lingyue clasped Director Ji's wrist.

His injury is serious.

Ye Lingyue's pupil suffocated slightly, his injury was not an ordinary skin injury, but was left after the attack of mind power.

This injury is almost fatal.

"Before...before...the Queen's Palace..."

Director Ji pointed not far away.

Ye Lingyue and the others looked over together.

What I saw was just a pile of messy piles of rocks.


Director Ji's tongue has stiffened.

"The Queen's Palace?"

Ye Lingyue asked a question.

The latter's hand grabbed Ye Lingyue's hand, holding it tightly, without breath.

Ye Lingyue shook her head.

"Aren't they immortal? What?"

Nine Lives Buddha wondered.

These natives are supposed to be immortal.

"The only thing that doesn't die is the guardian deity level among the natives. These guards are not among the undead. Besides, the immortality of the guardian deity is only related to the way of heaven. If the way of heaven dies, they will all be finished. This guy is attacked by psychic power and can survive. So far, the willpower is amazing.”

The doubts of Jiu Ming Buddha are also doubts in Ye Lingyue's heart.

However, the fat cat Yun Ling meowed and answered her doubts.

Ye Lingyue knew it in her heart.

"Changsun Xueying and others went to the Queen's Palace."

Ye Lingyue got up and looked at the end of this area.

This area is actually very close to the Queen's Palace.

Just because the landslide completely buried the road, there is no way to figure out the specific passage of the Queen's Palace.

Looking at the road map again, the original road has disappeared, and some are just a gray and unknown area.

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