"Zhangsun Xueying and others went to the Queen's Palace, and we must rush over there too."

Ye Lingyue pondered.

"You believe him?"

Jiu Ming Buddha frowned.

She didn't trust the steward Ji or the people of Lord Cangshan.

In her opinion, Cangshan-Jun is not a good person.

"Stupid, why is the Queen's tomb in the Queen's Palace. Besides, the passage to the Queen's Palace has been sealed."

The fat cat Yun Ling meowed, full of contempt for Ye Lingyue.

The Queen's Palace has not been open for many years.

Even it has never been in.

No matter how powerful the eldest grandson Xueying is, it is impossible for her to enter the Queen's Palace at this time.

Moreover, it did not sense that someone forcibly attacked the ban near the Queen's Palace.

"Even cats despise you."

Nine Lives Buddha ridiculed.

She had already noticed that Ye Lingyue, the cat, had the same expressions as people.

"She knows the secret way."

Zitang said suddenly.

This time, he did not contradict Ye Lingyue.

"Secret passages?"

Jiu Ming Buddha glanced at Zi Tang.

"The secret way of the Destiny Clan, when she was in Jiudang Ling Jueya, she got a special rune bone, which should belong to the patriarch of the Destiny Clan."

Zitang said lightly.

The rune bone of the patriarch of destiny?

As soon as these words came out, the fat cat Yun Ling, Ye Lingyue and others were shocked.

Especially Ye Lingyue.

The rune bone of Changsun Convert?

"Ask that kid, how did he know?"

The fat cat Yunling became nervous.

As far as it knows, Jiudang Ling Jueshang does have the rune bone of the eldest grandson.

It is not very clear whether the rune bone is still there or not.

Because the rune bones of Changsun Converted are a bit special, and its recent ancient immortal power is much weaker.

Before Ye Lingyue spoke, Zitang said again.

"I didn't see it, but I know that there is a rune bone missing in that area. According to the text of the inscription, it belongs to the rune bone of the Tianming Patriarch."

In addition to the special function, the special rune bones have another characteristic.

When the rune bone is fused, there is a certain probability that the information recorded in the rune bone will be obtained.

Ye Lingyue and Jiu Ming Buddha naturally knew this.

Before the betrayal, the Destiny Clan was the ancient clan the Queen believed most. As the Patriarch, Changsun Converted, during the war, he did open up a special passage that allowed him to enter the Queen's Palace as quickly as possible, instead of going through the road in the Queen's Valley.

"We must enter the Queen's Palace, as soon as possible."

The fat cat Yun Ling anxiously urged Ye Lingyue.

"But that road, we don't know. The entrance to the Queen's Palace has also been sealed."

Ye Lingyue smiled bitterly.

Changsun Xueying knew about the secret passage, but she didn't.

The special rune bone she got was Ye Su's rune bone, not Changsun Gui's.

She doesn't know any secret way.

They have also searched nearby, but there is no road.

In addition, the surrounding area is covered with gray, and it looks similar in every direction.

"Go to the ground split."

After a while, the fat cat Yun Ling meowed.

"Earth fissure?"

Ye Lingyue was shocked.

"In that place, if there is no accident, there should also be a secret passage."

Yun Ling said reluctantly.

"Did you hide it on purpose?"

Ye Lingyue was dissatisfied.

"The premise is that you can find it and pass it. There are resentful spirits everywhere at the moment. Besides, you are not a rune bone that fused with Ye Su? Why didn't you get her memory."

Yun Ling hummed.

If it is not a last resort, it is not willing to reveal the secret passage in that area.

That secret passage was left by Ye Su, and it was almost impossible to remember.

Because of this secret way of Changsun Converted, it has some memories.

However, the exact location is not very clear.

And if there was no accident, Ye Su's woman was so cautious, something must have been moved at the entrance of the secret passage.

"It's not too late, we'll go to Earth Split immediately."

Ye Lingyue and the others immediately returned to the ground crack.

After the four of them left together, the strange stone still stood there alone.

There was a rustling sound, and the three of them came out.

The leader was the ice-cold-faced floating ice loose person, as well as the Qianlan Buddha and the Blood Princess.

"Flying Ice Loose People, are you sure that the entrance to the cemetery is in this area?"

Both the Blood Princess and the Qianlan Buddha put away the flying runes behind them.

Several of them were more or less injured.

Their flying runes are all related to Daomen, so it is very embarrassing to fall from the air after half flight.

Fortunately, the landslide was over, so they could reach this area smoothly.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong, those people have already left, and now the tomb of the Empress belongs to me."

Floating Ice Loose Man smiled proudly.

"It's us, whoever sees it will have a share. Without us, you wouldn't be able to get here all the way."

The blood princess snorted coldly.

The floating ice scattered people sneered.

"As agreed, cooperation is cooperation. If the queen's immortal body is found, it must be owned by me. As for the rest, you can choose a few. After all, you only rely on me to enter the queen's tomb."

"Enter the Queen's Tomb first."

The Qianlan Buddha was very disapproving.

She noticed that Ye Lingyue and others had just left.

Changsun Xueying's people had already arrived in this area, but they didn't find anything.

Just relying on the ice floes to disperse people, what can be found.

Qianlan Buddha also found that there was no sign of any tomb nearby, not even a tombstone.

She doesn't believe in the floating ice loose people.

"Then open your eyes and take a good look."

With that said, the floating ice loose person walked to the strange stone covered with moss.

That stone, the eldest grandson Xueying had not taken away earlier.

First, she couldn't take it with her, and secondly, she was confident that no one other than her would recognize this tombstone as the Queen's Tomb.

The floating ice scattered person studied the front of the stone face for a while, until he found the groove, and then his eyes lit up.

He fumbled from his arms and found a string of pearl necklaces.

It's a little weird for an old man to wear such a string of pearl necklaces.

But he saw that he counted in his mouth and took one from the pearl necklace.

That size is actually the same as the trace on the groove.

Bing Bing Loose Man's face turned red all of a sudden, he was very excited and put the pearl on it.


The Qianlan Buddha was confused.

The Blood Princess motioned her not to say more.

Just after the beads were inlaid, a thud was heard, and something was rising on the ground.

It was an odd iron gate.

It was already covered with all kinds of rust, but the position of the door handle was polished, as if someone wiped it every day.

The floating ice loose person stepped forward, very excited, and pushed the door open.

The door seemed to be sealed with dust for a long time, and there was a dull sound.

The door opened.

Ahead, a cold and damp breath rushed towards the face.

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