Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

The fourth thousand three hundred and seventy-sixth chapters meet on a narrow road

Ye Lingyue, Jiu Ming Buddha, Zi Tang and others stood facing the ground split.

The eyes of several people followed the ground split.

In the ground fissure, resentment continued to emerge.

Although there is a Buddha statue to protect the body, but after going down, what the situation is, the daring Buddha is like Jiu Ming, and his heart is straight.

"Are we really going down?"

Jiu Ming Buddha's glamorous face was a little unnatural.

Ye Lingyue kept saying that there might be a secret passage leading to the Queen's Palace in the ground crack, but when asked how she knew it, she couldn't say why.

Jiu Ming Buddha still muttered to Ye Lingyue in his heart, this ghost girl is very shrewd, don't try to plot against her.

"We can only go down, otherwise we will not be able to enter the Queen's Palace."

Although Yun Ling is usually very vicious, Ye Lingyue also knows that this guy will not deceive himself at this time.

Zitang didn't say anything, just jumped down.

"This kid, really desperate Saburo."

Jiu Ming Buddha muttered, and rowed down the mountain wall.

"Cui Hong, you stay on top and be a supporter. Don't leave those Buddha statues, you will not be in danger."

Ye Lingyue looked at Cui Hong next to her.

The resentment in the ground fissure was still too risky for Cui Hong.

Cui Hong nodded, she also knew that her cultivation was not enough, and going down would only drag Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue carried the fat cat and slid down.

With the last experience, this time, Ye Lingyue was very familiar with the ground fissure.

It didn't take long before she reached the bottom of the ground fissure.

Jiu Ming Buddha and Zi Tang have both stood firm, and they all looked around.

Not far away, from time to time there are resentments just around the corner.

several corpses,

Displayed not far away.

On the corpse, there is still a suffocating aura, which is obviously caused by the attack of the resentful spirit.

"The cemetery guard's guard."

After Jiu Ming Buddha stepped forward to check, he said solemnly.


A crisp sound.

The Buddha statue in Zitang's hands exploded.

"The grievances here are much stronger than above, and a Buddha statue can't last long."

Zitang found a new Buddha statue.

Ye Lingyue had already prepared for this, so before entering the ground fissure, she asked everyone to prepare ten Buddha statues.

However, the support time of the Buddha statue was so short, which Ye Lingyue did not expect.

"We have to pass this area quickly, otherwise the Buddha statues will be exhausted, and we will be surrounded by resentful spirits, which is not enough."

Nine Life Buddha looked at the misty ground fissure passage.

"Yun Ling, where is the secret passage of the Queen's Palace?"

Ye Lingyue asked Yun Ling.

Because of the fog, and there was no guide, the ground fissure now has no direction for Ye Lingyue.

She could only ask Yun Ling.

"I don't remember exactly where the deity is, but it should probably be near the seal."

The fat cat Yun Ling shook his tail leisurely.

Where is the sign of the lunar god?

Ye Lingyue understood.

Although resentful, she could still find the location of the Taiyin Divine Seal.

After all, it was drawn with Ye Su's blood. As Ye Su's successor, she was naturally sensitive to Ye Su's blood.

"Follow me."

Ye Lingyue made a gesture, and Zitang and Jiu Mingfo walked forward with Ye Lingyue.

Near the God of Yin.

Qiu Yu sneered.

"You are not a pirate at all, you are a Crimson Moon believer."

At this time, Lord Zangshan and many of the tomb guards all had a bleak face.

The hats of the tomb guards have long since shattered.

They were ordered by Lord Tiandao to come down to suppress these resentful spirits.

I thought that with the strength of their dozen or so people, there would be no pressure to suppress the resentful spirits.

Who knows, after these tomb guards came down, they found that they were too complacent.

The other party actually gathered the resentful spirits together and became an army of resentful spirits.

These armies of resentful spirits attacked together, and the power they exerted was several times higher than usual.

Not only that, in the ground fissure, their ancient immortal power was also greatly reduced.

Each of the tombkeeper's guard soldiers were almost strangled.

Most of the rest of the tomb guards were also injured.

This is something that the proud tomb keepers have never encountered before.

"You just found out now, is it too late. But you are stronger than I thought. Don't say I didn't give you a chance, if you are willing to forsake your beliefs and become my followers of the Queen of the Red Moon, I will You can stay alive."

Liu Qibian looked at the tomb guards in front of him through Qiu Yu's eyes.

The larger the team of Red Moon believers, the better.

Although these tomb guards are average in strength, they are stronger than his Red Moon believers.

Moreover, as long as they betray Tiandao, the power of Tiandao's belief will be further weakened, and he will have a greater chance to control the entire Kunlun site.

Zang Shanjun and the others were startled.

Betrayed Lord Tiandao and changed to believe in the Queen of the Red Moon?

"Dreaming, we will not betray Lord Tiandao and Queen Kunlun."

A tomb keeper scolded angrily.

"Tsk tsk, a dead duck has a tough mouth."

Just as the gravekeeper finished speaking, many resentful spirits swarmed up, and they frantically gnawed at the weak gravekeeper.

But in a moment, the tomb guard was gone.

After eating the bones of the gravekeeper, the resentment of those resentful spirits became stronger and stronger, and black resentment like silt rolled around them.

When Zang Shanjun and the others witnessed this scene, they were all trembling with fear.

"Master Cangshan, you are the oldest and the smartest among these people. You should know very well that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Your Heavenly Dao is already weak, and there is no way to protect you."

Liu Qi Bian followed suit.

Cangshan-jun hesitated.

Indeed, when they faced the attack of the army of resentful spirits, they all tried to call Lord Tiandao.

But the call was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no response at all.

Could it be that, as Liu Qibian said, Lord Tiandao has turned his back on them?

"Zangshan, those who know the current affairs are the heroes. The Queen of Kunlun has fallen, and only I, the Queen of the Red Moon, is immortal. Join us, you will gain a stronger body, how can you leave the cage of the former Kunlun site. "

Liu Qibian's words shook Zangshan Jun little by little.

The other tomb guards did not say anything.

Their eyes fell on Cangshan Jun.

Cangshan-jun hesitated.

"What you said is true? Can you really let me get a new body and leave Kunlun?"

When the words fell, Liu Qi changed his brows.

"Chou Yu."

He gave a low drink.

"Subordinates are here."

Qiu Yu said in a deep voice.

"Some nasty little mice broke in. You go and hold them back."

Liu Qibian smelled a few familiar breaths.

It was the woman Ye Lingyue again, and the guys from the Buddhist sect.

Unexpectedly, they will actually return to the ground crack.

He will soon be able to take down these grave guards.

As long as all the tomb keepers betrayed, the Dao of that day will be severely damaged, and the entire old Kunlun site will be plunged into chaos.

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