Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand three hundred and seventy-seven chapters battle between master and apprentice


Ye Lingyue has already sensed the location of the Yin Divine Seal.

In a few more steps, you can find the location of the Taiyin sound.

Ye Lingyue held Yun Ling and walked all the way with Jiu Ming Buddha and Zi Tang.

"Be careful."

Zitang flashed suddenly, blocking Ye Lingyue's body.

"When did your kid know how to be a flower guardian?"

Jiu Ming Buddha wondered and glanced at Zi Tang.

Although it is only a prospective daughter-in-law, Jiu Ming Buddha is still very wary of others showing hospitality to Ye Lingyue.

Especially that person is Zitang.

This kid, both in appearance and strength, is on par with his own son.

The son is not here, this mother-in-law has to keep an eye on him.

Jiu Ming Buddha said, and also stood in front of Ye Lingyue, obviously unwilling to let Zitang specialize in beauty.

Ye Lingyue could not laugh or cry.

But before the words were spoken, Ye Lingyue flashed away.

Because she saw a person walking out of the angry passage ahead.

"This way is dead."

Qiu Yu's eyes were deep, and he stared at the few people in front of him.

She also saw Ye Lingyue, but her expression did not change.

"It's the red moon."

Nine Lives Buddha whispered.

Not long after Qiu Yu appeared, behind her, a red light flickered.

A red moon, graceful and graceful, appeared in the ground fissure.

Liu Qibian controlled Qiu Yu's body, but when he found out that Ye Lingyue and others were approaching, he let Qiu Yu take action, and he turned into Hongyue,

Further control of those tomb guards.


Yun Ling narrowed his blue eyes.

Those stupid tomb guards were actually bewitched by the Crimson Moon Priest.

"let me go."

Yun Ling said depressedly.

Dare to steal people under its nose, this Liu Qibian is indeed too daring.

Ye Lingyue did not answer.

Her eyes fell on Qiu Yu.

"You two, she has some relationship with me, just give her to me."

Ye Lingyue said.

"Don't act rashly, otherwise, there will only be a dead end."

After Qiu Yu finished speaking, a bright red flashed out between his brows.

It was the blood of Taiyin, Ye Lingyue's eyes moved slightly.

The blood of Qiu Yu Taiyin.

The blood of Taiyin turned into thousands of needles, like a shower of rain.

Ye Lingyue moved slightly.

Zitang chanted a Buddha, and a Buddha seal had enveloped Ye Lingyue and the others.

The ox-hair needle hit the Buddha's seal, and the Buddha's seal shook for a while.

"Are you sure you can handle it alone?"

Jiu Ming Buddha mocked and glanced at Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue also frowned.

Qiu Yu's eyes were calm.

"I still say that, whoever dares to act rashly has only one dead end."

She couldn't let Ye Lingyue go there.

Although Liu Qibian left her alone to deal with the enemy, she also left a touch of consciousness on her body.

As long as she does something wrong, she will be discovered.

At this time, I can only feel sorry for the master.

"You apprentice, you are really better than blue."

Yun Ling looked at the show with a look on his face.

It had already learned from Ye Lingyue that the female pirate in front of her was once her apprentice.

It's really interesting that the master and the apprentice are at odds.

"You have absorbed the blood of folium."

Ye Lingyue said solemnly.

Qiu Yu did not deny it.

After using the grievances of the Taiyin Saint to forcibly open the Taiyin Divine Seal, Liu Qibian also collected some of the blood on the Taiyin Divine Seal.

Those blood were originally the blood of Ye Su, the mother of the earth.

The purity of Qiu Yu's Taiyin blood was slightly lower than that of Ye Lingyue, but it also reached about 60%.

But after obtaining this part of Ye Su's blood, her blood undoubtedly increased again.

She can turn blood into any form, so the lethality is greatly increased.

"Tsk, it seems that the deity has to come out."

Yun Ling's beard trembled.

"Yun Ling, are you sure you can deal with Liu Qibian?"

In Ye Lingyue's arms, Yun Ling wanted to break free from her embrace.

"Why should I deal with it, those stupid gravekeepers will do it themselves."

Yun Ling straightened his chest.

It naturally has a way to let those tomb guards know who is their real master.

"Forget it, I'll hold on to Xiaoyu, and you guys can try to bring Yunling into the vicinity of the Taiyin Divine Seal."

Ye Lingyue pondered.

Ye Lingyue glanced at Zitang,

Zitang glanced at her.

"It's about me and her."

Ye Lingyue also saw that Xiaoyu must have something to hide.

That being the case, she simply played with Xiaoyu in a play.

"Wait, I don't want him, I want that woman."

When Yun Ling heard this, he was not happy.

It hates this stinky man who looks tough.

In comparison, Jiu Ming Buddha is obviously more interested in it.

But Zitang couldn't help but pick up Yun Ling.

Yun Ling wanted to struggle, but Zitang threw a knife in the eye.

Yun Xing's fur felt numb for a while, and then he looked at Zitang.

"I have a bad temper."

Zitang said coldly.

The implication is that if Yun Ling does not cooperate, it is difficult for him to guarantee what he will do.

The Nine Life Buddha on the side was noncommittal. As soon as her figure changed, she swept in the direction of Qiu Yu.

Zitang also followed closely, and his figure changed.

Qiu Yu obviously did not expect that the other two would suddenly attack.

Her eyes sharpened, and the blood of Taiyin changed again.

But I saw that the blood of Taiyin turned into a blood net and descended from the sky.


But at this moment, Ye Lingyue snorted softly.

However, he saw a blood red, like a blood blade, straight to Qiu Yu's eyebrows.

Qiu Yu was shocked.

Both of them are from the Taiyin clan, and they are also masters and apprentices.

Ye Lingyue knows best where Qiu Yu's weakness is.

The mark on the brow and the heart is the fatal point of Qiu Yu.

Her heart skipped a beat.

I know that Master did this on purpose.

Only in this way, Liu Qibian will not suspect that he is deliberately showing weakness. Once the blood net is closed, Qiu Yu seems to be lost, a staggering, beside Jiu Ming Buddha and Zi Tang have passed by.

Near the Great Yin Divine Seal, Liu Qibian had already transformed into that red moon.

His spiritual sense was paying close attention to the changes on Qiu Yu's side.

"Tsk, Ye Lingyue is more tricky than I thought, and she actually killed her."

Liu Qibian saw that Ye Lingyue and Qiu Yu were fighting.

There are two breaths that are rushing towards this side quickly.

is a Buddhist.

However, even if they came at this time, it was too late.

Liu Qi changed his heart and sneered.

A red moon hangs high in the ground fissure.

That red light, like a blood-colored veil, enveloped everything in this area.

Those tomb guards stared blankly at the red moon.

It seems that in the red moon, there is something that is captivating.

In the eyes of the tomb guards, the pupils have turned into red moons.

Before long, these tomb guards of the Queen of Kunlun will become believers of the Queen of the Red Moon.

At that time, he will use their hands to exterminate those reading masters.


Just then, a cat meows.


Liu Qi became a little puzzled.

How can there be cats in this place?

But right now is his last moment to deceive people. Liu Qi has no time to find out where the strange cat meow came from.

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