That cat meow, in Liu Qibian's ears, was just a cat meow.

But in the ears of those tomb guards, it was completely different.

Zangshan Jun, who was almost obsessed, suddenly felt a thunderclap in his head.

A rumbling sound, with irresistible force, poured into his soul.

"Stupid stuff."

All the tomb guards were shocked at this time.

"Lord Tiandao."

For the first time, they felt the voice of Lord Tiandao.

"Tsk, can you make that cat shut up?"

Jiu Ming Buddha and Zi Tang were already approaching the vicinity of the Taiyin Divine Seal, but the closer they got, the fat cat in Zitang's hand kept barking.

That voice was like a cat calling Chun in spring.

Jiu Ming Buddha felt goosebumps all over his body.

"I think it sounds good."

Who knows, Zitang is not in a hurry or slow to say a word.

What does it mean?

Jiu Ming Buddha raised his eyebrows, and a fat cat grabbed it.

Who knew that the fat cat took the opportunity to make a leap, broke free from Zitang's hand, and slipped into the gray fog in front of him.


Jiu Ming Buddha secretly complained.

This cat belongs to Ye Lingyue. From her appearance, she seems to be quite precious.

"It's leading the way."

Who knew that Zitang said something lightly, and followed the direction where the fat cat Yunling disappeared.

Jiu Ming Buddha was suspicious, but there was no other way, so he chased after one person and one cat.

Liu Qi changed his eyes and watched,

To subdue those tomb guards.

But at this moment, a strange scene happened.

Multiple forces fluctuated and attacked the red moon at the same time.


Liu Qi became shocked.

More than a dozen tomb guards shot at almost the same time.

"Aren't you deceived?"

Liu Qi turned pale in shock.

His red moon bewitched, almost never missed.

Just now, these tomb guards have clearly been bewitched.

The pupils turned into a red moon, which was a symbol of being a believer, but the eyes of the tomb guards in front of them were clear at this time.

"Damn Red Moon Priest, we almost fell for it. Lord Tiandao is totally fine."

Cangshan Jun rushed in the first, and he was also the heaviest.

I don't know how Lord Tiandao knew that he was the first to be shaken. Just now, Lord Tiandao was furious and scolded him.

Really unlucky enough.

In order to restore the impression points, Mr. Cangshan, at this time, let alone how hard he worked.

The other tomb guards were also trembling, and one after another, they launched an attack towards the red moon.

They know very well that at this time, only by desperately fighting can they be spared the death penalty.

Although he didn't show up, Lord Tiandao must be watching them from somewhere.

Lord Tiandao is Lord Tiandao.

Anything that gets weak is bullshit.

"Damn it, it's heaven again."

Liu Qi became furious.

In a few months, he used the red moon one after another, which was also a great loss of vitality.

The red moon quickly turned into nothing like a mirrored moon.

Liu Qibian knew very well that the Tao of Heaven must be working in the dark.

But that guy is obviously still in Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff.

Tiandao thought that this would thwart its plan, hehe~ It really underestimated the power of the Queen of the Red Moon...

On the other side of the fissure.

"Little Rain, stop."

Ye Lingyue winked.

She heard the voice transmission of the fat cat Yun Ling.

"The red moon has disappeared. Hurry up, the secret passage of the Queen's Palace will appear soon. Stop the ink, and hurry up."

After Yun Ling, there was no sound.

Ye Lingyue was secretly surprised.

I can't see that the fat cat really has some tricks.

The situation ahead is unknown, and the secret passage of the Queen's Palace does not know what the situation is.

But listening to Yun Ling's meaning, it should be to get those tomb guards.

Almost Qiu Yu also felt that the touch of consciousness in his body seemed to disappear.

"The red moon has disappeared. It seems that Priest Liu is shriveled."

Qiu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and she gave Ye Lingyue an apologetic look.

Although she did it just now, it was just right.

"Master, Liu Qibian and the eldest grandson Xueying colluded."

Liu Qibian suddenly withdrew his consciousness, which shows that he must be in big trouble.

Qiu Yu took the opportunity to tell Ye Lingyue about the cooperation between Sun Xueying and Priest Liu.

"As expected. The eldest grandson Xueying still betrayed. I even suspect that the betrayal of the Destiny Clan was related to her."

Ye Lingyue muttered to herself.


Qiu Yu was puzzled.

"It's all grown-up things, but it's you, why don't you take this opportunity and leave the control of Pirates and Liu Qibian."

Ye Lingyue said.

Qiu Yu stayed beside Liu Qi, Ye Lingyue was really worried.

Although she is a strong-willed person.

But once found, she is likely to face a worse end than death.

"No, Master, I can't leave. Liu Qibian and others have a bigger conspiracy, and he found some idols."

Qiu Yu shook his head.

She is also worried about Liu Qi's transformation every day, but she must stay.

Because only in this way, she can get more news that is beneficial to Master.

Now, she has won the trust of Liu Qibian, and if she can leave the old Kunlun site smoothly, she will definitely be reused.

At this time, she will not give up.

"Are those statues at the bottom of the sea?"

Ye Lingyue also knew that because of the weakening of the power of heaven, the barrier on the seabed was unstable, and some idols on the seabed were indeed washed up on the coast.

"Those idols, Liu Qibian intends to revive them. Listening to what he means, the curse of the Red Moon Queen can be solved. He wants to find a way to solve it from Jiudang Ling Jueya, but last time, he failed. He hasn't given up yet, and plans to enter Jiudang Ling Jueya again. Master, you must be vigilant."

Qiu Yu reminded.

"Where are those gods now?"

Ye Lingyue asked back.

She is also looking for a way to break the curse of the red moon.

Although she didn't know how Liu Qibian planned to use those idols.

What will happen to those idols after they are resurrected?

Those statues are the ancient gods who were cursed by the Red Moon Queen. Once resurrected, it is unknown whether they are still alive.

If the ancient gods are resurrected, it is only fear that Heaven may not be able to stop them.

"Liu Qibian hid them, and the exact location is unknown."

Qiu Yu said regretfully.

For those idols, Liu Qi has become a treasure.

On the other side, the fat cat urged Ye Lingyue impatiently.

The tomb guards trapped Liu Qibian, but there seemed to be something wrong with the secret passage of the female palace.

The fat cat needs Ye Lingyue to help.

"Since you have made up your mind, I have nothing to say. Remember, your own safety is the most important thing. In addition, here are a few scriptures that you can stick to your heart. It's good."

Ye Lingyue gave Qiu Yu two hand-copied (size) Prajna Sutras. .

After that, she separated from Qiu Yu and rushed in the direction of the Yin Divine Seal.

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