"It makes no sense, what the hell is going on?"

Beside the Great Yin Divine Seal, Liu Qibian was angry and anxious after a sudden change.

These tomb guards were clearly bewitched by themselves, and suddenly turned against each other, which he did not expect.

In order to show their loyalty to the Tao of Heaven, the tomb guards scrambled for each other, and they were unstoppable for a while.

Not only Liu Qibian, but the melon-eating crowd Jiu Ming Buddha and Zi Tang were also full of stunned faces.

"Strange thing, these tomb guards have been beaten by chicken blood?"

Jiu Ming Buddha said in surprise.

Zitang's black eyes narrowed slightly, ignoring this scene.

He took out something in his arms and glanced at it.


Just when Zitang took out the thing in his arms, the fat cat Yunling, who was lying on the ground comfortably watching the tiger fighting across the mountain, narrowed his eyes, staring at the thing Zitang took out.

It flew up, and its agility was completely different from its fat body.

Zitang was already prepared, he flicked his sleeves, and the sleeves hit the fat cat.

The fat cat's figure froze in mid-air.

But it did not stop the castration, the front paws swish twice, and two sharp claws rose along with the trend, rushing towards Zitang's handsome face.

"Cloud Spirit."

When Ye Lingyue came, she happened to encounter this scene.

What happened to Yun Ling, he actually attacked his own people.

Ye Lingyue grabbed the pinch of fat on the fat cat's neck and pressed it into her arms.

As soon as Zuofeng approached Zitang, he saw a golden and copper-colored light flickering around Zitang, and Sanskrit characters floated on his skin, but it was the Vajra Prajna Sutra.

The Sanskrit language was scattered, and the defense of the Vajra Prajna Sutra was also defeated by a single claw.

Zitang and Jiu Ming Buddha couldn't help but look sideways.

Both of them are from the Buddhist sect, and they know the power of the Vajra Prajna Sutra. Ye Lingyue's fat cat looks full of fat and lazy, and its claws are really tight.

"Sorry, it's hungry."

Ye Lingyue smiled awkwardly.

"Cat slave, whoever is hungry, this deity is going to abolish that kid."

Yun Ling glared at Zi Tang angrily.

"Shut up, that guy has a bad temper, don't make trouble there. What about the secret passage of the Queen's Palace?"

Ye Lingyue scolded Yun Ling with a stern face.

She turned her eyes and looked around.

I didn't see any secret passages.

Instead, I saw a group of grave guards besieging something.

Before Qiu Yu arrived, Hongyue was broken, but Liu Qibian didn't show up.

This made Ye Lingyue a little surprised.

"He has..."

Yun Ling was about to speak to remind Ye Lingyue.

"Damn, Zangshan, you hit me."

"There's no reason, who kicked Lao Tzu."

More than a dozen tomb guards were killed when they heard each other scolding each other.

Zang Shanjun and the others stopped immediately, bounced away, and glared at each other angrily.

The hats of the tomb guards have long been beaten all over the floor, showing their true colors.

These ancient celestial people who have lived in the old Kunlun site for an unknown number of years have colors on their faces.

They looked at each other and found that they worked hard for a long time, but Liu Qibian didn't see it at all.

"What about people?"

Lord Zangshan looked at a tomb guard beside him.

"You ask me who I ask?"

The tomb guards looked at each other in dismay.


Ye Lingyue took another look at Zitang and Jiu Ming Buddha.

The two of them agreed and shook their heads.

The two were onlookers from beginning to end. After the red moon disappeared, they paid attention to their surroundings to make sure that no one could leave.

"He's still here."

Yun Ling temporarily let go of Zitang, its blue eyes swept around.

"Liu Qibian is still here, he has left the body and must be hiding in the dark."

Ye Lingyue said solemnly.

"Feng Yujun, why did you arrive, where did you go before?"

Cang Shanjun saw Ye Lingyue, and now only Ye Lingyue is wearing a hat.

Cangshan Jun just remembered that Ye Lingyue had never been seen along the way.

Everyone came to kill the Red Moon believers under the order of Lord Tiandao, and Feng Yujun came at this time, which is obviously passive disobedience.

"I went to find the clues of the Queen's Tomb. Unfortunately, the people from the Taoist Sect took the lead, and they entered the Queen's Palace."

Ye Lingyue's words changed, and when everyone heard the Queen's Palace, they couldn't help but change color.

"Queen's Palace? How is this possible, the way the Queen's Valley looks like now, the road to the Queen's Palace is long gone."

Lord Zangshan does not believe.

Although they were tomb guards, they were only ordinary people without status during the Kunlun Tianmai period, so they had no chance to enter the Queen's Palace.

Lord Tiandao also did not allow them to enter the Queen's Palace.

"Obviously, Daomen has taken a different path. Moreover, she still entered the Queen's Palace in the area you opened up."

Ye Lingyue said frankly.

Zang Shanjun's face changed.

"Zangshan, what do you mean? You are not colluding with Daomen and planning to betray Lord Tiandao, right?"

When the other tomb guards heard it, they all besieged Zangshanjun.

Cang Shanjun didn't defend himself. He tried to contact Manager Ji and the others, but he soon discovered that none of them could be contacted.

Knowing that things were not right, Lord Zangshan wanted to leave and find his own people.

But Jiu Ming Buddha has already stepped forward and stopped Cangshan Jun.

"What do you mean?"

Zangshan-Jun was full of anger.

"It's not interesting, no one is allowed to leave until Liu Qibian is destroyed."

The wording of Jiu Ming Buddha is very strong.


Ye Lingyue nodded.

She also suspected that Zangshan Jun and the eldest grandson Xueying had colluded, but at the moment, it was more important to find Liu Qibian and kill him.

With the increase in the number of Red Moon believers, Liu Qibian's power is also growing stronger.

Once he succeeds in his conspiracy and revives those seabed stone carvings, there will be endless troubles.

The best way is to kill it here.

As a result, not only will the Red Moon believers be leaderless and difficult to form a climate, but the eldest Sun Xueying will also lose her partner and struggle.

Just where is Liu Qibian hiding?

"It's unreasonable, you dare to stop me."

Cangshan Jun was extremely angry, his neck was thick and red, and he was about to attack.

But at this time, a voice rumbled in his mind.

"Zangshan, you must not leave this place."

That voice, it was Lord Tiandao.

Tibetan mountain scalp a numb.

The surrounding tomb guards were all looking as usual, but he was the only one who heard the words of Lord Tiandao.

Could it be that Lord Tiandao also doubted himself?

Lord Cangshan complained incessantly.

At this moment, he regretted that he had cooperated with the eldest grandson Xueying.

"I can stay, but none of us know where Liu Qibian is. Could it be that if we can't find him, we will be trapped in this ghost place for a day? This ghost place is smoky. To become full of evil."

Zangshan Jun snorted coldly.

His words came to the hearts of everyone.

In the ground fissure, there is still resentment.

Aside from the constantly forming new resentment spirits, these resentments will invisibly affect people's xinxing. Over time, people will become violent and murderous, which is not a good thing.

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