The second palace of destiny?

Apparently, everyone had not reacted to Ye Lingyue's words.

But the fat cat Yun Ling was extremely shocked.

Because only it knows that there are indeed two Palaces of Destiny in the Queen's Palace.

It's just such a secret thing that only people in the Queen's Palace know.

As a foreign teacher, how did Ye Lingyue know?

However, right now, it is obviously not the time to pursue these.

"Just trust you for once."

Yun Ling snorted, and his beard trembled.

Everyone saw that the fat cat was extremely light and fell to the ground.

Immediately, it actually picked up a dead branch and drew it on the ground.

"This cat can actually draw?"

The tomb guards were dumbfounded.

"I've noticed that cat for a long time. It's not an ordinary cat. Look at its coat color and eyes. Maybe it's a patron saint."

Zangshanjun looked solemn, staring at the fat cat Yunling.

Earlier, when Ye Lingyue was holding the fat cat, Cangshan Jun paid attention.

There are really too few cats in the old Kunlun site.

Especially, a cat that knows how to draw.

"Look, what that guy is drawing seems to be the distribution map of the Queen's Palace."

The tomb guards were amazed.

Jiu Ming Buddha was also surprised.

Zitang's face was normal.

He looked around.

He had already walked back and forth in several nearby courtyards.

He did not find Purple Leaf Bodhi,

But your honor clearly said that the Purple Leaf Bodhi was planted in the Queen's Palace back then.

A quarter of an hour passed, and Ye Lingyue glanced at the distribution map drawn by the fat cat Yun Ling.

"So, the two palaces of destiny are located on the east and west sides of the Kunlun Palace?"

The so-called Kunlun Palace is the palace where the Queen of Kunlun lives.

It is also the place where the Queen lives every day. The two closest palaces of destiny to the Queen's Palace are also known as the East Palace and the West Palace. These two palaces were actually the first side halls of the Kunlun Palace.

The two side halls were vacated because the queen liked quietness and not many people.

Later, the queen chose the inheritors, and among these inheritors, the most favored by the queen lived in the east and west palaces.

"Yes, but there are two guests in the West Palace, not one. So even if you go, you won't be able to enter."

The fat cat Yun Ling meowed.

"Can't get in?"

Ye Lingyue was stunned.

Ye Lingyue didn't know the real purpose of the eldest grandson Xueying coming to the Queen's Palace.

But obviously, the woman must have a plan.

Each palace is the residence of the former heirs, and only the owner of the palace can enter.

But the West Palace has two masters.

"The other master, but Xin Lin?"

Ye Lingyue's heart moved, and she said suddenly.

She thought that she and Xin Lin were inseparable back then.

"What Xinlin? In the female palace, the inheritors of the wear do not address their names directly, they only have code names, like the little princess of the Tianming clan in the east palace, known as the Tianming clan, as for the two living in the west palace. , are the Qing Cang princess and the Tianming clan eldest princess."

Yun Ling recalled and said.

That is Xin Lin.

Ye Lingyue answered silently in her heart.

At that time, he actually lived in the same palace with Xin Lin.

"So even if you are the reincarnation of the eldest princess of the Destiny Clan, unless the Queen Qingcang is there, you will not be able to enter the West Palace, understand?"

The fat cat Yun Ling said in disapproval.

"But I still want to go to the West Palace. Otherwise, the eldest grandson, Xueying, will be in the Kunlun Middle Palace today. You don't think she has found the Queen's secret treasure, right?"

Ye Lingyue smiled bitterly.


The fat cat Yun Ling was taken aback.

"I feel that there is something in the Kunlun Palace. The eldest grandson Xueying enters the East Palace. The corridor there should not be blocked, which means that she can directly enter the Kunlun Palace."

Ye Lingyue pointed to a towering palace not far away.

That palace is also the one with the highest terrain among all the nearby palaces.

"She must be stopped!"

The fat cat Yunling was furious and swooped in the direction of Kunlun Palace.

Ye Lingyue also followed closely and chased after him.

Jiu Ming Buddha was about to let Zi Tang go with him, but when he turned around, Zi Tang disappeared again.

"This kid, why is he so elusive?"

The Nine Lives Buddha was speechless.

She thought about it for a while, and then walked quickly in the direction Ye Lingyue left.

The other tomb guards also looked at each other in dismay.

Ye Lingyue communicated with Yun Ling through divine sense communication. In the eyes of others, the fat cat meowed a few times, and then ran away.

Ye Lingyue's posture was more like chasing a cat.

"Follow up and have a look first, we won't be able to enter the palace anyway."

Lord Cangshan seems to have become the leader of these grave guards.

After thinking about it, he also went in the direction of Kunlun Palace.

The entire female palace is very large, and the east and west palaces on the distribution map are only two dots, but even Ye Lingyue's footsteps will take half an hour to reach the Kunlun Palace.

At this time, the eldest grandson Xueying and Li Fei, who had entered the Women's Palace earlier, were already standing in front of the East Palace.

Li Fei wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Headmaster, this is the twenty-first palace, will we?"

Li Fei still had some lingering fears in his eyes.

He felt that the eldest Sun Xueying was getting more and more wrong recently.

She first cooperated with the pirates, and then discovered the secret passage of the Queen's Palace and entered the Queen's Palace.

After entering the Queen's Palace, she often talked to herself and ignored herself.

She tried to break into several palaces, but they all failed.

This seemingly magnificent palace complex is actually locked.

The entire female palace was lifeless, with a cold air, Li Fei even had a feeling that this was a huge tomb.

He has an urge to escape from here.

But Changsun Xueying obviously didn't think so.

She ignored Li Fei's advice and was blocked outside the palace gate more than 20 times.

Several times, the eldest grandson Xueying tried to break in, and was even attacked.

At this time, her face was not very good-looking.

"There's no reason. I think this place is very familiar. I've lived here, but where do I live?"

The eldest grandson Xueying has complicated eyes.

She is the little princess of the Destiny Clan.

But she only has part of the memory of the little princess.

The scene in the Queen's Palace, she felt very familiar.

But specifically, where she lives and how the palaces are distributed here, the eldest grandson Xueying doesn't know.

She could feel that in the Queen's Palace, a powerful force was calling her.

But she had no way of determining the exact location of that power.

There was no way, she could only keep searching, hoping to find clues and find her original place of residence.

"It's here, there must be nothing wrong this time."

Changsun Xueying took a deep breath and looked at the elegant palace in front of her.

The palace is not big, but the location is perfect.

It is next to the largest palace.

Changsun Xueying had a hunch that she could find what she wanted here.

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