The eldest grandson Xueying took a step forward.

"Teacher on your behalf?"

Li Fei was a little worried, the eldest grandson Xueying looked too abnormal.

He took a step forward, and suddenly, a repulsive force rushed towards him.

"here we go again."

Li Fei secretly complained.

In other palaces, he also encountered similar situations.

That kind of power is different from thought power, and it is not divine power, but it is very powerful.

Even a senior reading teacher like Li Fei would be bruised by the repulsive force as soon as he got close.

Li Fei was severely thrown out.

But what surprised him was that this time, the eldest Sun Xueying moved forward smoothly and walked all the way to the gate of the palace.

A sound.

The ancient palace gate, which had been covered in dust for many years, actually made a sound.

The palace gate opened.

"Li Fei, you stay, this is not a place you can enter."

There was surprise in Changsun Xueying's voice.

In her eyes, a look bloomed.

East Palace.

The moment the palace gate opened.

She felt that the floodgates of her missing memories also seemed to be partially opened.

She blurted out.

East Palace.

Yes, this is the East Palace.

It is her residence in the Queen's Palace and a symbol of her identity and status.

As the little princess of the Destiny Clan, and the eldest grandson, Xueying, who is most likely to become the Queen's heir, lives here.

Not only that, the East Palace also has a corridor leading to the Kunlun Palace.

Here, she can go directly to the palace of the Queen today.

There, something was waiting for her.

Changsun Xueying strode into the East Palace.

Outside the West Palace, a shadow rushed over like a rush of lightning.

嘭——   The shadow was thrown out fiercely.  The fat cat Yunling fell down and ate shit.  It rounded its blue eyes.   "Damn, I'm the Tao of Heaven, how dare you stop me."    Yun Ling was furious and roared at the small and narrow palace gate in the West Palace.   But that palace gate still stands there, motionless. The weird ban above    does not mean to disappear at all.   "Yunling, you can't get in."    Ye Lingyue caught up.   She looked at the palace gate.

The West Palace is located on the west side of the Kunlun Palace.

At this time, it was dusk.

The setting sun illuminated the palace gate through the corner of the flying eaves.

The courtyard here is not large, because it is located on the west side of Kunlun, the vegetation is not as vigorous as the east side.

The scenery in front of him is not very familiar to Ye Lingyue.

She was stunned, and there was an indescribable emotion in her heart.

"The eldest princess of the Destiny Clan didn't live here at first. The one who lives here has always been the princess of Qingcang. The reason why the eldest princess of the Destiny clan lives here is because of the princess of Qingcang. She secretly took her own The good friend is hidden in the West Palace. The Queen couldn't bear to show her face, so she didn't say much."

The fat cat Yun Ling was beside him and said calmly.

Ye Lingyue smiled bitterly.

This is the truth.

Somewhere in memory was touched.

Speaking of the eldest princess of the Destiny Clan, in fact, the Destiny Clan has always only had one little princess.

That is the eldest grandson Xueying.

After the wolf girl Ayue was sent to the Tianming Clan by Ye Su, Ye Su went out to perform the queen's mission.

Ye Su would visit the wolf girl Ayue every few months.

With Ye Su's help, Ah Yue became an excellent teacher.

Not long after Ye Su left, the Destiny Clan conducted a selection to select the Queen's successor.

The criterion for selection is the strength of mind power.

In that selection, the eldest grandson Xueying and the wolf girl Ayue were outstanding.

But in the final selection, due to the strong opposition of the clan elders, the wolf girl Ayue lost to the eldest grandson Xueying.

For this reason, Changsun Gong still had a headache.

He knew A Yue's talent, but Xue Ying was his biological daughter after all.

But he also promised Ye Su that he would definitely train Ah Yue to become a talent.

He also knew that the most suitable place for Ah Yue to practice was the Queen's Palace.

After all, like Ye Su, he will soon start to go out on a mission to fight against the Red Moon Rebellion.

In his absence, Ah Yue's life will be even more difficult.

In the end, Changsun Gong came up with a solution.

He asked Ayue for an extra place from Queen Kunlun as a close servant.

On the side of the Queen's Palace, it was originally not agreed.

However, I don't know what method Changsun Gong finally used. Anyway, Queen Kunlun finally agreed.

As for Changsun Convert, he had a good talk with Ah Yue. Ah Yue did not want to stay in the Tianming Clan, and Changsun Converted told Ah Yue that if he was in the Queen's Palace, he would have the opportunity to see Ye Su often.

Not only that, Queen Kunlun is the most skilled person in the world, and when Ayue goes to the Queen's Palace, she can learn skills that she has never learned in the Destiny Clan.

As soon as Ayue heard this, she agreed.

However, the eldest grandson of foreign affairs still claimed that Ayue was also the inheritor, the eldest princess of the Tianming family.

Changsun Convert even warned her daughter, Changsun Xueying, to take good care of Ayue, and to pass on what she learned from the queen to Ayue.

It's a pity that what Changsun Gong didn't expect was that although his seemingly kind daughter agreed with her mouth, she had a different idea in her heart.

The two women went to the Queen's Palace together, and on the way, they rendezvoused with the other Queen's heirs.

Not long after leaving the Destiny Clan, Changsun Xueying changed his face.

She treats Ayue as a servant and messenger everywhere. If Ayue is a little unhappy, the eldest grandson Xueying warns her.

"I am the only person qualified to go to the Queen's Palace. If you are disobedient, leave immediately."

A Yue knew in her heart that the eldest grandson Xueying satirized herself like this on purpose, and if she got angry, she would never have the chance to go to the Queen's Palace again.

A Yue could only swallow her anger, and she did not care about the eldest grandson Xueying in front of others.

But the more this is the case, the more eldest grandson Xueying is, and even bully A Yue together with the heirs of other clans.

Once, she even set a trap and tried to kill Ye Lingyue, but at that time, Xin Lin ran into her.

It was also that time that Ye Lingyue met Xin Lin.

The two women also forged a deep relationship from that time.

After arriving at the Queen's Palace, Zhangsun Xueying and Xin Lin, as the two most distinguished and talented people, stayed in the East Palace and the West Palace without any surprise.

The eldest grandson Xueying was still in trouble for Ye Lingyue, Xin Lin was worried about the situation of her friend and hid Ye Lingyue in her palace.

Changsun Xueying took this opportunity to attack and sued the queen. It was also at that time that A Yue's talent and bloodline were discovered.

After that, at Xin Lin's request, the queen agreed to let Ye Lingyue live in the West Palace.   For a period of time after that, the two practiced together, and Xin Lin passed on what he had learned from the empress to Ah Yue, which led to the later battle between Ye Lingyue and the eldest Sun Xueying as the empress successor.  's thoughts were intermittent, and there was still a lot missing. Ye Lingyue looked at the palace gate and thoughtful.   "What, you can't do anything, you can't even get in the deity."    Fat cat Yun Ling sneered at Ye Lingyue's silence when he saw that he was silent.

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