It's him!

All the hair on Yun Ling's body stood up.

Zitang stood in the front courtyard of the middle palace, looking at Yun Ling.

One person and one cat are facing each other like this.

"You are that cat."

Zitang touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"Meow, don't mess with the deity, you kid, be careful that the deity scratches your face."

Yun Ling said angrily, the cat meowing full of anger.

Unfortunately, Zitang didn't understand Yun Ling's words.

"Are you going to drill that dog hole?"

However, Zitang turned his eyes and looked at the corner not far away.

Under a wall of the Kunlun Middle Palace, there is a hole.

The hole is not big, so it can only accommodate small cats and dogs.

This hole is very inconspicuous, and naturally no one noticed, the forbidden breath on it is very weak.

Yunling cat's body shook, and the snow-white cat almost turned red.

This nasty teacher!

Shut up, shut up!

How can you drill a dog hole in your own dignified way!

This guy is looking for his own death.

Unable to bear it, Yun Ling flew up.

That fat body is agile and staggering.

The cat's claws turned into a few cold lights, even if it was a strong defense, it would be useless under this attack.

"Let's discuss, how about you help me find Ziye Bodhi, the beasts and grandchildren of the beasts I rescued you?"

Zitang didn't dodge, scoffed, and ate Yun Ling's paw firmly.

Yun Ling was startled, not knowing whether it was because of Zitang's words, or because he actually ate his own claw.

This guy, actually don't dodge?

Because he hated Zitang's handsome face, which was harmless to humans and animals, Yun Ling grabbed it towards Zitang's face.

Yun Ling was puzzled and looked at Zitang again.

Seeing that on his cheek, where his cat's claws had grabbed it, there was no flesh or blood, Zitang just touched his cheek, his lips hooked, but a rare smile appeared.


Yun Ling looked at him, still vigilant. Where    Zitang's fingers touched, the wound quickly recovered.  The body of this guy...  "I know you can understand my words. You can consider my suggestion. You should know that there is danger in Jiudang Ling Jueya."   Yun Ling was silent for a moment.   "They can't leave.


Yun Ling meowed again.

It didn't expect that Liu Qibian was much smarter than it thought, and actually discovered its identity.

Liu Qibian is trying to leave the Queen's Valley and head to Jiudangling Cliff.

Without Heavenly Dao, Jiudang Ling Jueya became an empty nest.

At this time, it was the best time to attack Jiudang Ling Jueya.

Only the ancient Qinglong is in charge, and the group of ancient beasts are not climatic.

Relying on them, there is indeed no way to defend against the attack of the Red Moon believers.

The reason why Yun Ling was not in a hurry was because it determined that it was impossible for Liu Qibian to leave the Queen's Valley.

Today's Queen's Valley is in an extraordinary state.

Can't get in or out.

Even if Liu Qibian has great ability, it is impossible to leave here.

"You're wrong, he doesn't need to leave here. Liu Qibian is extremely cunning. He may have left behind his back, for example, clone."

Zitang said slowly.

Doppelganger? !

The blue eyes of the fat cat Yun Ling suddenly widened.

"It will be dark soon. The moonlight tonight is not bad."

Zitang looked up and glanced at the slowly darkening sky.

After tonight, it will be fifteen.

The moon at this time is always unusually round.


The fat cat Yun Ling raised his head, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the moon.

I don't know if it is a psychological effect, how does it feel that the moon tonight is a little red, as red as blood.


Yun Ling called out again, and the words were still full of disbelief.

"I don't know why you are so wary of me, I just ask you to do me a favor, bring this branch into the soil of the inner court, and as a reward, I will save your ancient beasts. I thought, this way The exchange is very fair."

Zitang stretched out his hand and took out another dead branch from his body.

It is still the dead branches of the purple leaf bodhi.

Yun Ling widened his eyes.

and also!

Isn't this thing withered long ago?

Earlier, Zitang used the sapling of the purple-leaf bodhi tree to find out the secret way of the female palace. The branches and leaves lost their spirituality and turned into ashes. Who knows, this kid actually still has it on his body.

This also made Fat Cat even more suspicious of Zitang's identity.

Although Yun Ling did not agree, it was obviously loose.

It raised its front paws and drew a few words on the ground.

"By you?"

Zitang laughed dumbly.

Feeling this fat cat is doubting his own abilities.

But no wonder this guy doubts himself.

Like everyone, after entering the Queen's Valley, there is no way to leave at once.

Liu Qi has a clone, and it can still be explained.

But in front of Zitang, it is obviously impossible to have a clone.

Therefore, the fat cat Yunling was reluctant to cooperate with him.

"I don't have a clone, but it does."

As Zitang said, he gestured at the dead branch in his hand.

The branches of the purple leaf bodhi?

The fat cat Yunling didn't understand.

Zitang coughed twice.

"Before, I went to Jiudangling Jue Cliff, where I left a dead branch, it still has some function, it will form a secret passage, but I am not sure where it leads. But I can Guarantee, it must be in the old Kunlun site, those of your subordinates can successfully escape."

Every dead branch of Bodhi represents vitality.

It's just that this vitality will burst into different forms in different soils.

Yun Ling thought for a moment.

"None of them are missing."

Yun Ling wrote a few more words.

Although, those subordinates are stupid.  But they have been with them for so many years, and that's all it can do for them.   "A gentleman makes a promise, a word is settled, Your Excellency."    Zitang smiled, and at the end, he spit out the last four words.   Yunling glared at Zitang angrily.   This guy is really annoying.  It jumped up and took the dead branch in Zitang's hand in its mouth.   The next moment, it got into that dog hole.   Zitang was not in a hurry, he found a clean place and sat down.   looked up and looked at the sky again.   The sky was completely dark.   The night is dark and windy, and it is time to do bad things.   Ye Lingyue and Jiu Ming Buddha waited for a long time outside the West Palace until night fell.   Ye Lingyue has been holding that statue.   Nine Life Buddha looked at the statue suspiciously.   "It's already dark, your friend, hasn't arrived yet?"    Nine Lives Buddha muttered.   "His temper is even weirder than yours. Whether he will come or not is still unknown."    Ye Lingyue smiled bitterly.  The witch god is indeed a erratic character. Compared with seeing him, Ye Lingyue is more worried about whether he will let Xin Lin appear and help himself.

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