Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand three hundred and eighty-nine chapters devil combination

After Ye Lingyue finished speaking, Jiu Ming Buddha just laughed dryly.

"Then let me meet him."

After all, the Nine-Life Buddha actually snatched the statue from Ye Lingyue's hand.

"Hey, Senior Emperor."

Ye Lingyue was stunned.

This kind of childish behavior really doesn't look like the behavior of the Nine Lives Buddha.

"I want to see how capable a man who dares to compete with my son for a woman is."

Jiu Ming Buddha sneered and looked at the statue in his hand.

The statue in front of him was carved by Ye Lingyue according to the description of the witch god.

The witch god is an extremely picky master. Ye Lingyue had only seen his eyes earlier, but when carving, this guy could not wait to let Ye Lingyue carve a single hair of his own.

The statue in front of him, whether it is facial features, body shape or even proportions, is exactly the same as the witch god requires.

Although in terms of appearance, it is not as shocking as Zitang Di Xin and his like, but from Di Nishang's point of view, the other party is also a handsome man.

"It's already night, is this guy coming yet?"

Nine Lives Buddha said impatiently.

Ye Lingyue laughed dryly.

"Senior Emperor, he usually doesn't appear until midnight."

At least, Ye Lingyue's meeting with the witch god was around midnight.

The witch god said earlier that because of the weakening of the restrictions on the old Kunlun site, it is more convenient for him to enter the old Kunlun site than before.

But this time, Ye Lingyue didn't know whether he could invade the Queen's Valley.

"Midnight? It's not that the day lilies are cold, that eldest grandson Xueying has long called herself the empress."

Di Nishang was dissatisfied, and poked the small statue with his hand.

"So far, she has not succeeded.


Ye Lingyue glanced at the Kunlun Middle Palace.

The fat cat Yunling is gone forever, and he promised it that after nightfall, he will find a way to enter the middle palace.

At this time, Yun Ling should have entered the middle palace.

Although Yun Ling didn't say it clearly, Ye Lingyue subconsciously believed that Yun Ling had that ability.

"Tsk, why am I staring at the moon a little bit?"

Jiu Ming Buddha looked up and looked at the moon shadow in the sky.

The moon is very round, but with an unusual red light.

"You read it wrong."

Ye Lingyue frowned.

The moon was a faint bloody red.

In his hand, the statue moved.

Nine Lives Buddha's eyelids moved.


There was indescribable excitement in her voice.

My son's rival in love is here.

"Tsk, take it easy, where is the crazy woman."

The statue, which looked cool, raised his eyebrows at this time.

Ye Lingyue groaned in her heart.

What a strange thing, the statue actually moved.

Before, although the witch god would also talk to himself through the statue, every time, the statue was dead, and only the faint eyes that resembled the witch god would change.

But this time, the statue actually changed its expression.

"Wild man? It can be regarded as waiting for you."

Nine Lives Buddha rejoices.

"Ye Lingyue, you are so brave, who allowed you to hand over the deity's idol to outsiders?"

As soon as the witch god opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful face.

This face made him inexplicably feel a little unpleasant.

By the way, this face is somewhat similar to that kid Bing Xin.

The relationship between the witch god and Daomen Bingxin is somewhat delicate.

One is an exorcist who defends Dao, and the other is the evil demon in the other's mouth. The woman in front of her is obviously not Daomen Bingxin, but her eyes, nose, mouth, and nose must be inseparable from Daomen Bingxin.

"Who are you calling an outsider?"

The Nine Lives Buddha is dissatisfied with the Tao.

How could her prospective daughter-in-law become someone else's wife?

"Senior, don't raise the bar, serious business matters."

Ye Lingyue held her forehead.

Although she is also very curious, when did she become the "own person" of the witch god.

"Witch God, I want to meet Xin Lin."

Ye Lingyue looked eagerly at the statuette.

The statue frowned and laughed dryly.

"no way."

It's neat and tidy, it really is a witch god.

During the conversation, the body of the small statue faintly exuded a strong resentment.

Even the Nine Lives Buddha felt it.

"This guy has a grudge against you?"

Nine Lives Buddha wondered.

Ye Lingyue said cautiously.

"How is Xiaolin doing recently?"

"she's fine."

The figurine pursed its lips and uttered three words.

Ye Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief, she was worried about Xiaolin's accident.

For his own sake, Xin Lin got involved with the witch god, and has been imprisoned in Jiuyou Hell.

Ye Lingyue has been thinking of ways to save her, but the witch god is a scumbag. Unless Ye Lingyue fulfills his wish and finds what he wants in Wuwangxinhai, he will not let Xin go back. Lin's.

"But I'm not good."

The figurine walks icyly.

That damn girl is just going to piss him off!

The group of evil spirits in Jiuyou Hell is even more abhorrent. They actually rebelled in the nest. Together with Xin Lin, they wanted to rebel and escape from Jiuyou Hell.

In a fit of rage, he beat up the group of evil spirits to the point that they lost their arms and legs. In the short term, those guys would not dare to do it again.

But Xin Lin was the culprit, but he had no way.


The other party's mouth is more numb than him.

let's hit?

That guy's soul is very strong, he recovered after a nap, but his hands hurt from beating.

No beating, no scolding, but every day, the witch god hates him so much.

"Xin Lin must be in a bad mood. She used to be a very obedient and good child."

Ye Lingyue sighed.

Xin Lin's actions now are like a willful child.

Ye Lingyue is very clear about the reason why she is so noisy.

She wanted to force the witch god to step back and let her back.


The witch god sneered.

"You let her out, I tell her, she always listens to me."

Ye Lingyue was bitter.


The witch god did not dare to put Xin Lin and Ye Lingyue together.

The two of them are very troublesome, and together, they are definitely the devil of the world.

"What do you do with so much nonsense with him, you can't pull it down. Let's go to the West Palace by ourselves."

Jiu Ming Buddha was not happy when he saw that the statue was small and the shelf was very large.


As soon as the statuette looked up, he realized that the palace in front of him made his blue eyes flicker.

"Tsk, it's actually the Kunlun Middle Palace."

In the eyes of the witch god, a calculation flashed.

Ye Lingyue had a bad premonition.

"You were able to break in."

The witch god was a little surprised.

This palace should have disappeared long ago, but I didn't expect to see it here.

"That smell is very strong. It seems that 'it' is about to wake up."

The statuette laughed solemnly.

Jiu Ming Buddha was a little puzzled and looked at Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue pursed her lips.

It seemed that the witch god also felt that power.

"I can ask Xin Lin to come over, but it can only take a quarter of an hour, her soul is not complete, she will be injured when she encounters too strong immortal power."

The witch god just thought for a moment and then changed his mind.

Without Xin Lin, that thing would be snatched away by those with a heart.

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