Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

The fourth thousand three hundred and ninety-seventh chapter escaped chaos beads

As if he had seen the scene where he became the queen's heir, the face of the eldest grandson Xueying was filled with ecstasy.

Step by step, she walked towards the second entrance of the Central Palace.

In the Queen's Royal Study Room, a bright yellow curtain hangs on the side.

There was silence all around.

The surrounding furnishings are not luxurious. Although she is the supreme existence of the Kunlun Tianmai, the Kunlun Queen is a person who does not like extravagance and waste.

A few thin bamboos that are growing just fine, a bottle of pale pink plum branches, and a stack of jade plates are displayed on the rows of bookshelves.

These jade plates are memorials presented by temples all over Kunlun, a pair of pen and inkstone, and the ink has long been dried up.

This is the decoration of the entire imperial study.

Changsun Xueying walked in.

She looked around, her eyes lingering on the jade plates for a moment.

The treasure was not far away, which made Changsun Xueying a little impatient.

She hesitated, took down a jade plate, and glanced at it.

On the jade plate, it was blank.

The eldest grandson Xueying was a little surprised.

I tried to read the content on the jade plate with my mind again, but it was still blank.

It seems that these jade plates can only be read by the Queen herself.

It's a pity, Ben wanted to see if I could get some useful clues.

The eldest grandson Xueying simply ignored these jade plates and walked towards the queen's bedroom.

If nothing else, the treasure is inside.

But just a few steps.

The eldest grandson Xueying took the next meal.

"Strange, why did the breath disappear?"

The eldest grandson Xueying said in surprise.


When she was in the East Palace, she could still feel a particularly strong breath, but when she got here, the breath of the treasure disappeared.

"How is it possible, was someone one step ahead?"

Changsun Xueying became nervous.

But when Zhu Nian thought about it, she was relieved.

Impossible, there are only three people who can enter the Central Palace.

Ye Lingyue, Princess Qingcang and herself.

Princess Qingcang never showed up at all, Ye Lingyue was still in the West Palace, and she was the only one who entered the Middle Palace.

Since it wasn't taken away, the breath of the treasure disappeared by itself?

Some heaven and earth spirit treasures will be transformed into monsters.

The treasure of the Queen's Palace is obviously the same.

Since it is the queen's treasure, it must also be able to reach the sky.

This also aroused the interest of the eldest grandson Xueying.

"Since you want to play hide and seek with me, then I will accompany you to the end."

The eldest grandson Xueying sneered.

She walked into the palace, but in the palace, apart from the bed, the screen, some washing items, and the dressing table, there was nothing else.

The eldest grandson Xueying could only pace back again.

Obviously, the treasure is still in the middle palace, because she set a ban on the first entry.

While blocking Ye Lingyue, if the treasure wanted to leave, it would definitely attract movement, and she would definitely find out.

Changsun Xueying walked quickly to the imperial study, but still found nothing.

"Strange, where did that thing go?"

The eldest grandson Xueying frowned.

She scanned the surroundings one by one with her mind power, without any fluctuations.

She swept her gaze and landed on the bookshelf.

There are a lot of jade plates stacked on the bookshelf.

Because of the invasion of the Queen of the Red Moon, in the last period of the Kunlun Tianmai, the Queen was already incapable of being cloned.

The jade plate here was not completed when the queen fell.

"Will it be hidden in these jade plates?"

Changsun Xueying's heart moved.

But there are four racks, and there are at least a thousand jade plates on them, so it is quite troublesome to find them one by one.

Not only that, but checking the jade plate also consumes mental energy.

The prohibition outside also requires her mind power to maintain.

Under double use, her mind power is likely to be unable to maintain.

But other than that, the eldest grandson Xueying had no other way.

She cursed in her heart, and she could only bite the bullet and pick up a jade plate again...

Outside the Central Palace, Ye Lingyue and Yun Ling were trapped in the ban.

"The deity of qi evil is really a tiger falling and Pingyang being bullied by a dog!"

Yun Ling was so angry that he attacked the gossip array again and again, but he was blocked.

"Yunling, it's obviously the cat who fell into Pingyang and was bullied by the dog."

Compared with Yun Ling's fried hair, Ye Lingyue seemed much calmer.

Although the ban blocked the way, it did not block the view.

She can still see some of the situation in the palace.

Inside the palace, it still looks very calm.

Changsun Xueying didn't appear. Thinking about it, she hadn't found the Chaos Orb.

"Cat slave, why are you still so calm?"

Yun Ling was dissatisfied.

The Chaos Pearl was about to be snatched away, and she was still in a hurry, which was really annoying.

"Although the Chaos Orb is very important, if there is only one, it will not play a big role."

Ye Lingyue pondered.

"How do you know that there is only one Chaos Orb?"

Yun Ling was alert.

"Unfortunately, I got one before. It can be transformed into a mask. After wearing the mask, the combat power is comparable to that of a real god.\

,"Ye Lingyue didn't hide it either.

"What a mess, how could there be only a demigod, you must be too naive. Wait, do you have a Chaos Orb?"

Yun Ling sniffed Ye Lingyue's body.

How could it never smell the scent of Chaos Beads.

"Not on me, on that flesh."

Ye Lingyue laughed dryly.

Yun Ling disappeared without saying a word.

Ye Lingyue knew that it must have gone to the Yangquan Temple to check.

After a while, it paced out, and immediately stared at Ye Lingyue with contempt.

"What a waste of time."

It has been confirmed that it is indeed a Chaos Orb.

That chaotic bead was swallowed up by the body of "Ye Lingyue" deity.

"That bead is the 'power of the queen.' If it is in the hands of the strong, it can exert astonishing power."

Yun Ling sighed.

Strictly speaking, Ye Lingyue's strength is not very weak.

But compared to the Queen of Kunlun, it is far behind.

If she was in the Kunlun period, she would be incomparable to even a tomb keeper, so even if she had the Chaos Orb at that time, she could never successfully exert the power of the Chaos Orb.

"What an amazing method? Could it be more powerful than Mother Earth?"

Ye Lingyue said with interest.

She also felt that she had not exerted the true power of that Chaos Orb.

However, the Chaos Pearl is too mysterious. Before Yunling, no one knew its true power.

A hundred years ago, she could only keep it.

A hundred years later, she lost her physical body again, so she has not been able to play its role.

"Let's put it this way, if it's in Ye Su's hands, she can show power comparable to the Queen's strength. Do you understand?"

Yun Ling said contemptuously.

Unfortunately, Ye Lingyue is not Ye Su.

If she wants to become a being like Ye Su, whether it is physical or mental, it is far from enough.

"However, with the Chaos Orb, the next thing is much easier. We can open this restriction."

After Yun Ling finished speaking, he glanced at the gossip array in front of him.

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