"Is this true?" Ye Lingyue was a little surprised. The restriction in front of him is a secret treasure of the Taoist sect and should not be underestimated.

Yun Ling said earlier that they could only be trapped here.

"Don't you realize that this restriction is weakening?" Yun Ling shook his beard. Ye Lingyue nodded. She had discovered this long ago, but even if it was weakened, the prohibition was still astonishingly defensive.

"It's weakening, but the Chaos Orb can strengthen our attack power. With each other, we can go out." Yun Ling analyzed.

"However, neither you nor I can use the Chaos Orb." Ye Lingyue said solemnly.

"I can't, but you can. For the sake of the Chaos Pearl, this deity can temporarily move your soul and let your soul return to that body temporarily." Yun Ling snorted.

If it was not a last resort, it would be too lazy to help her.

"Transfer your soul?" Ye Lingyue was slightly startled. Her soul resides in the Bright Land

After "Ye Lingyue", she never left this body. She can feel that her soul and this body have been perfectly matched.

In this case, unless she died once, it was impossible for her soul to leave this body.

But once she died, she had no way of guaranteeing whether her soul would return to her original body.

But Yun Ling said that it has a way to do it.

"Yunling...you..." Ye Lingyue's eyes flashed.

"Don't look at this deity with grateful eyes, this deity is not for you. Besides, this soul-moving is not done once and for all. If you leave this female palace, you will have to go back to where your soul should go. Your own soul wants to You have to rely on your own willpower to return to your standard." Yun Ling was horrified by Ye Lingyue's eyes and muttered.

Its statement is similar to what the palace master of Yangquan told Ye Lingyue earlier. Only by becoming Tiannian Shi can Ye Lingyue completely return to his own body.

It's just that Ye Lingyue didn't think about what to do with Ye Lingyue's body in the Bright Territory. In this case, she simply put it aside.

Regarding Yun Ling, Ye Lingyue was not without guesses. After all, it was all too familiar with the Queen's Palace. Even, it knows the origin of the Chaos Bead.

It is not just as simple as a spirit body.

In Ye Lingyue's heart, she already had an answer, but she didn't say it.

Sometimes, acting stupid is also a kind of wisdom.

"The eldest grandson inside, Xueying, must have encountered something, so her restraint will be stronger and weaker. We will act immediately, lest the Chaos Orb is really taken away, and crying is useless." Yun Ling urged. .

"Then it's up to you." Ye Lingyue took a deep breath. She hadn't returned to that body for a long time.

Obviously it is his own body, but there is a sense of strangeness. Ye Lingyue touched her cheek, and the birthmark had almost disappeared.

Although the appearance is very different, Ye Lingyue actually has some feelings for this body. One person and one cat entered the Yangquan Temple.

"Did we enter the Kunlun Women's Palace?" As soon as he entered the temple, he heard the excited voice of the Yangquan Palace Master.

"Can you feel the aura of the Kunlun Women's Palace?" Ye Lingyue was a little surprised.

"I am a small temple god. When I go to this kind of place, of course I will feel that there is the Queen's breath here, which is too strong." The Yangquan Palace Master was very excited.

The Queen's Palace is the center of the entire Kunlun.

"If the Queen is alive, you are a small temple god, and you will faint if you approach this place. The power of faith here is enough to suffocate you." Yun Ling spurned.

"In any case, being here can give this old man a lot of edification. The old man just took this opportunity to absorb some power of faith. Although it is not much, it is enough for my dilapidated temple." The Palace Master of Yangquan was excited.

Only then did Ye Lingyue discover that the Yangquan Temple seemed to have been renovated a little more than before. The surrounding pillars and walls and the decorative palace lanterns around have become magnificent.

In the middle of the shrine, there is another god's case. On the god's case, a censer is smoking.

"These are all caused by the power of belief?" Ye Lingyue was surprised. Although the Yangquan Temple had been rebuilt earlier, this time the change was undoubtedly the biggest, and it was made spontaneously by the temple.

"That's natural, that's how powerful the power of faith is. This guy just took advantage of the Queen's incense." Yun Ling shook his beard with a bit of pride.

"It's useless to talk too much, the deity is going to start moving his soul." Yun Ling paced up.

"Ye Lingyue" is where the body is. Ye Lingyue followed Yun Ling's advice, and

"Flesh" lay side by side. The moment she closed her eyes, Ye Lingyue heard Yun Ling meow a few times. Then, it tapped the ground a few times with the soles of its feet.

On the ground of the temple, a totem appeared. In the totem, there are many ancient beasts flying or entrenched. Almost at the same time, the shadows of the ancient beasts penetrated into Ye Lingyue's eyebrows.

Ye Lingyue felt like her body was drowning, and her surroundings became cold. Consciousness gradually peeled off, and the whole person became light and airy.

The next moment, she felt her brow furrowed and suddenly opened her eyes. She sat up, looking beside her in disbelief.

bright collar

"Ye Lingyue" was lying on the side, eyes closed, motionless and breathless. She touched her cheek, and where she started, the skin was smooth and warm.

Her mind moved, and she quickly gathered consciousness. Hongmengtian... is still there. And the Chaos Orb in the body! Ye Lingyue spread her palm, and an emerald green bead appeared in her hand.

"It really is the Chaos Pearl." Yun Ling looked a little tired, it was weak, and it raised its head and meowed.

The cat slave in front of him still had a familiar aura. That face looked a lot more pleasing to the eye. Yun Ling nodded in satisfaction, but at the same time felt weak.

Its ancient immortal power has consumed a part. This time, I don't know how long it will take to recover, or it will never recover.

"This deity can't accompany you in, cat slave, if you lose that chaotic bead, this deity will scratch your face."

"Don't worry, I will definitely live up to my trust." Ye Lingyue took a deep look at the person beside him.

"Ye Lingyue." The Chaos Pearl in her hand turned into a green light, and in the blink of an eye, a mask was covering her cheeks.

She felt that within her body, the power of thought was like a tiger, gushing endlessly. This is? Ye Lingyue was overjoyed. Her mind power has increased a lot.

"Don't be too happy, this is the improvement of mind power brought by the mask. Right now, you have the strength of a Tian Nian Shi, but it's just a mirror. Once the soul transfer is over, you will be beaten back to your original shape." Yun Ling reminded road.

Ye Lingyue nodded.

"I felt a wave of power, it was the Chaos Bead." Because of the Chaos Bead, Ye Lingyue quickly felt the whereabouts of another Chaos Bead.

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