Daomen Bingxin and Xi Jiuye were tit for tat, but Chi Huang had an inexplicable look on his face.

"Are you the King of Mobei? Make it clear, who is he not Di Xin?"

Chi Huang looked at Xi Jiuye.

Xi Jiuye then withdrew his gaze, and the corner of his mouth raised.

"Daomen Bingxin, the founder of Taoism."

Daomen Bingxin?

Daomen... Chi Huang recalled.

During this time, the thirty-three days had indeed produced a Taoist sect.

However, compared to the behemoths like Daomen, this small Dao sect, the world did not care too much.

"Di Xin, what the hell is going on? When did you become Daomen Bingxin?"

The Emperor was depressed.

It's too much of a disadvantage to be a cheap dad.

"I said, I'm Bingxin."

Daomen Bingxin became more and more impatient.

"Don't look at me like that. Although I came in one step earlier than you, I didn't find anything."

Xi Jiuye spreads his hands.

He was also tricked in by the witch god.

"Where is the witch god?"

Daomen Bingxin is unrelenting.

With Xi Jiuye alone, it is impossible to break his ban.

Only that witch god has this ability.

"The Witch God asked me to tell you that when these pink and pink skeletons are full, things will naturally appear. However, he does not intend to give them to you."

Xi Jiuye's words are intact, the words of the witch god.

Daomen Bingxin raised his eyebrows, noncommittal.

"What witch god,

What are you two talking about? What the hell is going on here? How did those ladies become like that? "

The blazing emperor was anxious.

The Jade Phoenix Immortal Emperor on the side also stared at him with big eyes.

These two were immortal emperors who covered the sky with one hand in the thirty-three days, but they felt like sitting on pins and needles in this small cemetery.

They already had a hunch that Immortal Emperor Tian Rui might have...

But Xi Jiuye and Bing Xin, neither of them were talkative, and neither of them had any intention of opening their mouths.

"If you don't talk about it, don't even think about what I told you about Ye Lingyue's girl."

Chi Huang gritted his teeth, but in desperation, he had to resort to his trump card.

When he heard Ye Lingyue's name, Daomen Bingxin's eyes flashed.

Xi Jiuye on the side reacted even more.

"How is she?"

After Ye Lingyue entered the old Kunlun site, except for the witch god, she lost contact with the outside world.

Xi Jiuye cooperated with the witch god this time, and also inquired about Ye Lingyue.

The witch god is cunning, he just said that Xi Jiuye had done things well, and then told him.

Chi Huang looked at Xi Jiuye.

Not right.

What does King Mobei care about about Ye Lingyue?

That ugly girl has such great charm?

"Tell me first, what's going on here?"

Chi Huang looked at Xi Jiuye eagerly.

Di Xin's dead boy can't be counted on.

"How is Ye Lingyue in the old Kunlun site?"

However, Xi Jiuye did not retreat for half a minute, and asked.

He was worried about Ye Lingyue's safety.

"She's very good, at least better than us."

The blazing emperor gritted his teeth.

His own stupid son was still hanging around with Ye Lingyue.

When a big man actually listened to a woman, Chi Huang felt troubled when he thought about it.

"As the two of you can see, this is the Queen's Tomb. However, for some reason, there is no Queen's Immortal Body as rumored here, and there is no Queen's Secret Treasure. We were all deceived."

Xi Jiuye is also straightforward.

He entered the Queen's Tomb earlier, and he has thoroughly explored the place.

If it wasn't for the witch god's insistence to let him stay here and wait for that thing to appear, Xi Jiuye would have left long ago.

Xi Jiuye is not very clear why the pink and pink skeletons appear.

"It's polluted here."

At this moment, Daomen Bingxin said something without pain or itching.


Immortal Emperor Jade Phoenix and Emperor Chi were both dumbfounded.

"These ladies were originally painted by a teacher, as funeral objects."

Bing Xin didn't talk much, but she was also concise.

As one of the Queen's Tombs, if not the most important of the Queen's Tombs.

But here is still the Queen's Tomb.

After the Queen of Kunlun fell, perhaps because she knew that her immortal body was extremely important, so she was cunning and had left many tombs of the queen.

The earliest guess by the outside world was three, but it can be inferred from the Daomen Bingxin and the scene of the Queen's Tomb in front of me, I'm afraid there are more than three.

Different tombs of queens are in charge of different people.

Naturally, the size and contents of each Queen's Tomb are also different.

In this tomb of the Queen, it is the portraits of these ladies who are buried.

"The so-called pollution, is it... resentment?"

Chi Huang realized something.

Earlier, the Seventh Prince mentioned that there was grievances in the old Kunlun site, and those grievances killed many teachers.

"It's almost the same. The portraits of these ladies are not drawn in an ordinary way, so they can be kept for so long. But after being contaminated, they become a weapon for murder."

Daomen Bingxin also confirmed this based on what he had seen and heard earlier.

"They attack people, and why?"

Immortal Emperor Yuhuang looked surprised.

"For the sacrifice, there will be a sacrifice here soon."

Daomen Bingxin still didn't say much.

This technique is actually not unfamiliar to the Red Moon believers.

At the beginning, the Queen of the Red Moon was sealed by her fall.

Several high priests have also sacrificed.

They believe that only in this way can the soul of the Red Moon Queen be immortalized.

beep beep-

Just as Xi Jiuye and Daomen Bingxin were talking, there was a sound on the wall beside him.

Several people looked over together.

Seeing this, everyone's expressions changed.

On the walls, the colors of the ladies changed.

Red blood flowed from the portraits of ladies who were originally brightly colored.

Those blood made the faces of the ladies change rapidly.

The beautiful ladies turned hideous.

The portrait on the wall suddenly blurred and became a blood wall.

"It's almost time."

Xi Jiuye said.

This is what the witch god reminded him.

"Sure enough."

Daomen Bingxin narrowed his eyes, and his beautiful phoenix eyes were a little more clear.

"Bastard, can you stop playing dumb riddles?"

The Emperor was very anxious.

The situation in front of him is too unbelievable.

"The paint for these ladies should be human blood."

Earlier, Daomen Bingxin felt that something was wrong.

The masters use paints and thoughts to draw portraits of ladies. This place is closed and has not changed for thousands of years.

Why did it suddenly change into a pink and pink skeleton all of a sudden.

It was thought that someone had touched the paint of these ladies' portraits.

Drawn with human blood, colorfast and spiritual.

But if it is mixed with grievances, then the situation is different.

This blood... I'm afraid it was drawn after slaughtering living people, fused in paint.

"Close the five senses and six senses, and don't touch the blood."

After Daomen Bingxin said it, the other people did not dare to neglect and followed suit.

The entire Queen's Tomb fell into a dead silence.

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